
Vol 2 Chapter 2069: Burial in the Antiquity

For the so-called blood of original sin and primitive blood, what is the blood of light and darkness, including the blood of sacredness and blood of evil, etc. Some mysterious and unknown existence in the legend, Gu Qingfeng has always been silly. Not sure.

He is not because he has a bad memory, but these bloodlines are all legendary stuff, most of them are extinct. No one has ever heard of them, even if they have heard of them.

Gu Qingfeng has heard of it, and it is because of it that he is so confused.

Because he heard a variety of versions, everything.

Some people say that the blood of original sin, blood of light, blood of darkness, and any blood of sacred and evil are primitive blood.

He later heard that all blood between heaven and earth originated from the blood of primitive sin and the blood of original sin.

But the blood of primitive sin and blood of original sin both gave birth to many different blood vessels.

For example, the blood of the primitive gave birth to the blood of the sacred and the light, and the blood of the original sin gave birth to the blood of the evil and the blood of the darkness.

Afterwards, the sacred blood and the light of blood gave birth to other bloodlines. Legend has it that the dragons, white tigers, basalts, and suzakus that have guarded the heavens and the earth are born of sacred blood and light.

And the legendary four evil beasts of the world, 荒, Chaos, Poor Qi and 梼 杌 are born of the blood of evil and darkness.

of course.

He heard these legends, where they heard them, and who said them. Gu Qingfeng also forgot. Because there are too many versions, he still cannot distinguish between original sin, originality, light, darkness, and sacredness. What is going on with these bloodlines of evil.

He lived up to now, except for the blood of original sin, no other blood of light and darkness, blood of sacred evil, he has never seen one.

Dark blood and evil blood are okay. Although I have n’t seen it, I have heard of it. In ancient times, ancient times, including the ancient times, these two kinds of blood existed, and many legends have been left.

He is the blood of light and sacred blood, as if it really disappeared, never appeared.

In this regard, Gu Qingfeng also heard about it, and it was still learned in the memory of Lin Chi's ancestors.

He said it was the blood of light and the blood of sacredness to restrain the blood of the original sin, and Three Thousand Avenues also tried to kill the blood of the original sin with the blood of sacred light.

As a result, the news did not know how to spread. Those who were the blood of the original sin began to slaughter the blood of the sacred light frantically. It can be said that one kills one. Although the blood of the sacred light is not killed, the two This kind of blood is afraid to show up.

In the memory of Lin Chi's ancestors, the thirty-six hole days and the seventy-two blessed land not only secretly cultivated the blood of original sin, but also secretly cultivated the blood of sacred and light, even more so on nine days, but who He did not dare to speak up, and he was afraid to be caught by the strong blood of the original sin, thus killing him.

Whether the blood of sacred and light is restraining the blood of the original sin, the ancient Qingfeng is also unclear, and there is no exact information in the memory of the ancestors of Linchi. He only knows that the concept of the sacred light restraining the original sin passed down from the ancient times Yes, it seems that in the ancient times, the blood of the original sin and the sacred light also appeared to have a terrible killing.


Lin Chi's ancestors don't remember much about the ancient times, and most of them were heard from Dan Dinggu's predecessors. Is it true? Lin Chi's ancestors didn't know it. I don't know.

Just sighing that there are too many secrets buried in the ancient times, giving him the feeling that everything is buried with the end of the ancient times. Otherwise, the historical documents of the wild wilderness will not only be from the ancient times. Just started recording.

It seems that no matter whether it is the original sin or the era of innocence, we must know the ancient times.

He drank a glass of wine and glanced at the honest black pig demon king on the opposite side. Gu Qingfeng asked again, "What then?"

This question is really called the Black Pig Demon King, a little puzzled, and asked, "What then?"

"What else happened about the ruins that lived in the wilderness?"

"No, I knew so much when I was young, really!"

The ancient breeze didn't talk anymore, just lying on that old chair with Erlang's legs tilted, eyes closed slightly, as if thinking.


The Black Pig Demon King looked rather pathetic. He was seriously injured. He was covered with **** wounds. His spiritual strength was almost exhausted. The whole person was weak. He stood so honestly and didn't dare to talk much. Did not dare to move.

After a while, Gu Qingfeng opened his eyes, changed his posture, tilted his body, slightly tilted his head, and asked, "Yes, there is something else, Ye wants to ask you."

"I don't know what Uncle Gu wants to ask?"

"When you were outside just now, was the power of original sin your last resort to the Jedi Counter Sacrifice?"

When I heard Gu Qingfeng mentioned the original sin, the black pig demon king suddenly sank, and the whole person was nervous.

In the legend, in the book of destiny, when the original sin finds God, the avenue will fall, the ancient times will end, the heavens and earth will be born again, and the era of the Tao will open ...

In other words, only the original sin God can open the era of infidelity.

这个 Since the news spread, the heavens and the earth have begun a battle for original sin in the dark.

的 If there is no original sin, rob it.

He who has original sin wants to deepen it.

The deep original sin wants to be deeper.

After all, everyone wants to be the original sin in the book of destiny.

Even if in the end he cannot become God of the Original Sin, at least he will not miss the Age of Injustice because he is not the original Sin.

The Black Pig Demon King is a good example ~ ~ He is not a man of congenital original sin, all of his original sins have been snatched, including at this moment his physical body is also from a congenital The original sinner took it away.

So, he knows better than anyone how cruel the robbery between the original sinners.

He heard that Gu Qingfeng mentioned the original sin, and he instinctively cautiously thought that Gu Qingfeng was going to rob him of his original sin, but he thought again and relaxed his vigilance. When he wanted to come, Gu Qingfeng was unlikely to rob his original sin.

The reason is very simple.

He knows clearly that Gu Qingfeng is a veritable congenital original sin, and he is also one of the original sins between heaven and earth.

If the original sin really is a kind of blood, Gu Qingfeng is an orthodox pure blood, and his stolen acquired original sin, like fake and inferior, belongs to the foreign blood, although it is also the original sin, but compared with the orthodox congenital original sin, there is a gap. It's not that simple.

If Gu Qingfeng robbed him of the original sin of impurities, the orthodox purity of the original sin may still be polluted.

The most important thing is that the orthodox original sin of Gu Qingfeng is particularly profound, and it is not worse than the original sin of the black pig demon king.

I want to come to the black pig demon king, I said that robbing is to give his original sin to Gu Qingfeng, he may not want it.

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