
Vol 2 Chapter 2072: Avenue Congenital Body

When mentioning Tian Kui in the Purple Xia Wonderland, the Black Pig Demon King is very angry. At the same time, his heart is filled with helplessness and contempt, and there is a kind of envy and jealousy that hates injustice.

"The treasure body of Tian Kuina ’s little cub is also incredible. It is stronger than the original bloodline body of my descendants. I do n’t know what treasure body it is. It ca n’t be seen at a fast speed. It ’s hard to capture my consciousness. . "

"is it?"

Laogu Qingfeng lay on his back, rubbing his chin and groaning.

There are many kinds of treasures on the road between heaven and earth.

This thing is also divided into acquired and innate.

The so-called acquired treasure body is also a treasure body forcibly hardened with various resources. There are many acquired treasure bodies in the heavens and the world, and most of them are innumerable, especially in the ancient times, when all things are recovered, the resources are rich, and they are tempered. After the release of Tianbao body is not difficult.

of course.

It is not difficult for the thirty-six hole heaven and the seventy-two blessed land to include some great wild giants. After all, they are inherited from ancient times, and have great power and many masters. The most important thing is that they dominate many world secrets. Extensive practice resources.

I just.

那些 For those third-class wonderland, it is much more difficult to temper the acquired treasure.

I want to know that after the tempering, the Tianbao body is like a bottomless pit. It does not mean that the hardening of the treasure body is complete. This thing is the same as magic weapon and good fortune.

Regardless of whether it is a magic weapon or a good fortune, and whether it is an innate or acquired, it needs to be nurtured.

Lu Baotai is no exception.

Even if you have enough resources to train the Houtianbao body, you will need your own spiritual power for years to train.

If you are from a big family and have the support of giant resources behind you, after tempering, Tianbao body can double your strength.

If you are of ordinary origin and do not have the support of giant resources, the tempered acquired treasure body is simply a burden.

After all, the acquired treasure body is tempered by the day after tomorrow, and does not fit well with itself. In addition, most of the acquired treasure bodies are unstable. If you are unlucky, the acquired body is not only a burden, Will kill you again.

In contrast, the innate treasure body is especially suitable for itself because of its innate nature. It can be said that there is no distinction between each other. The most important thing is that the innate treasure body is not as unstable as the acquired treasure body, but this is not It means that it is easier to raise a congenital treasure than it is to acquire a congenital treasure. On the other hand, it is much more difficult to cultivate a congenital treasure than it is a acquired treasure.

Throughout the ages, most people who have congenital treasures did not live long.

Either the treasure body cannot be awakened.

After he awakened, he was consumed unconsciously because he could not carry his own innate treasure.

Unless you are a reincarnation, there may be a master who can guide you, otherwise, having an innate treasure is not necessarily a good thing.

When the ancient breeze was in the mundane world, I once met a person with a congenital treasure, and was still a young girl. Since the girl was born, she is weak, even walking is a problem, let alone practicing.

The girl's congenital treasure did not awaken. When she met the girl, Gu Qingfeng originally wanted to help the girl awaken the congenital treasure, but later gave it up after thinking about it.

The reason why the young girl was weak from an early age was precisely because she could not carry the innate treasure body, and her own energy and energy were absorbed by the innate treasure body.

In this case, if the girl is forcibly awakened by the treasure, the girl will lose her soul on the spot.

If the girl was guided by a master when she was young, her future potential would be inestimable.

I'm a pity.

When the ancient breeze met the young girl, the soul of the young girl had already been hollowed out by the innate treasure.

After all, no matter whether it is the acquired treasure body or the congenital treasure body, once it grows up, it is definitely a powerful mess, especially the congenital treasure body. The strength is not what ordinary people can imagine.

What an extreme treasure body, what an absolute treasure body, a treasure body, a sacred treasure body, etc., the legendary innate treasure body is stronger than one. It was so horrible.

Maybe it is because there are more people who have congenital treasures, and even fewer are growing up. Gu Qingfeng has been in the wilderness for so many years, and he has never seen a true congenital treasure.

Not only has he not seen it, even the Black Pig Demon King who has been cultivated since ancient times, and if not, he will not know what kind of body he was badly wounded into.

The two of them have heard a lot of rumors about the innate treasure.

The holy holy body, known as the holy body, has the existence of such a treasure in legend, such as the sun, the heavens, and the coming of God.

The hegemony of the hegemony is known as the hegemony. It is said that the existence of this kind of treasure body is absolutely overbearing and invincible.

The extinct treasure body, known as extinct body, has the existence of this treasure body in the legend, and the world is unique and unique.

The gigantic treasure body, known as the polar body, has the existence of such treasure body in the legend.

"Uncle Gu, have you ever seen an extremely precious body?"

The voice of the black pig demon king came, Gu Qingfeng shook his head, and said, "I haven't seen it, what's wrong, do you suspect that the Emperor Laozi is the legendary polar body?"

"Small thoughts probably should be, otherwise, his speed wouldn't be so fast at all, really too fast. When Xiao hits him, no one can see them, and he hasn't reacted yet. The younger was injured. "

"If it really is as you said, maybe Kui is really a polar body that day, maybe it is the legendary extremely precious body that can go to the sky and do everything. ~ Good guy!"

The black pig demon king took a deep breath and said, "If Tian Kui's little rabbit is really a treasure, then he must be the disciple of Zixia Wonderland, the son of the original sin who has been secretly cultivated by Zixia Wonderland. "

"What do you mean that Kui is as original sinner as you?"

The black pig demon king nodded heavily, then shook his head, and said, "The small one is the acquired original sin, but he is the true congenital original sin."

"Oh? Really? Have you cultivated the original sin?"

"This is not very clear. I'm not his opponent at all. Tiankui's bunny made me like this in just a few strokes. I didn't see it clearly. I didn't know what it was. I don't know if he has cultivated the original sin. "

When the words turned sharp, the black pig demon king scratched his head and said, "If Tian Kui is really a disciple disciple cultivated secretly by Zixia Wonderland, then he should cultivate the body of original sin, no! It should not be, but it must be."

The ancient breeze was puzzled and asked, "What do you say?"

"Gu uncle, thirty-six holes, seventy-two blessed land, and those great wasteland giants have long been secretly training the sons of original sin, should you know this?"

"Some have heard of it."

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