
Vol 2 Chapter 2087: Terrible speculation

Emperor Changfeng Feng talked with Lier while walking, talking and laughing, but also talking about the most dangerous existence of Emperor Jiuyou in the heavens and the world.

About it.

The King of Chiba Fairy was so depressed that she began to have some doubts about her husband's lack of brains and said displeasedly: "I advise you to dispel the idea of ​​seeing the Emperor. I won't agree with you of."


Emperor Changfeng Feng was very helpless and sighed, this sigh is the feeling of forming a fairy ancestor with the Chiba fairy king over the years.

The Emperor Chiba is okay, except that the Emperor Changfeng can't stand it.

That is the Chiba Fairy King is too sloppy, and it is too wide. It is almost everything, big and small. I used to go where I wanted to, and do whatever I wanted. I have become a fairy lover with Chiba Fairy King. After that, the Emperor Changfeng couldn't go anywhere and could not do anything.

"Yeer, don't worry about it blindly. The things between our men are incomprehensible to you as a woman. I don't understand it with you either. In a word, I promise you not to do anything with You Emperor. You Just put your heart in your belly. "

"You ... it's ... an elm 疙瘩!"

王 King of the Emperor Chiba, pointing at the Emperor Changfeng, there is as much silence as there is in the glamorous face, and he yells, "Do you think I'm worried that you are doing something with the Emperor?"

Looking at some angry Emperor Chiba, the Emperor Changfeng is no longer as energetic as before, and asks carefully: "Is it stumped?"

"You! It's really helpless."

The king of thousands of immortals was furious, and he severely tapped the forehead of Emperor Changfeng with his fingers, and said, "You Emperor appeared in the ancient ruins, did you think of other things?

"Other things?"

Emperor Changfeng scratched his head and frowned.

His EQ is really not good. He doesn't say anything in his mind, and sometimes it ’s not very brilliant. But this does not prevent Changfeng Emperor from having a unique understanding. It is necessary to say that he can understand a mysterious mystery or something. For It is not difficult for the Emperor Changfeng to think about the minds of others, but the Emperor Changfeng can't even think about breaking his head.

"Yeer, you also know that my brain is not very bright. If you have any words, you can just say it, and you will walk around."

"You're really mad at me, stupid! Now the Emperor is the target of public criticism, what do you think would happen if he also passed on the ancient ruins?"

Hearing what King Chiba said, the Emperor Changfeng suddenly sank, and he finally understood what King Chiba wanted to say.

Emperor Xun You ignited the fire of the original sin and awakened the original sin in Wudao Mountain, and it was even rumored that he was the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny.

It is precisely because of this, that all beings in the sky and the ground have always looked down upon Youdi, and all beings are watching the original sin on Youdi.

When the previous ancient ruins were in the Great Wilderness, all the giants of the Wilderness, the heavens and earth, and the nine strong powers all swarmed in. No one knows how many strong powers came in.

The Emperor Changfeng only knew that there were many strong men coming to the various immortal palaces in nine days alone. The unpredictable ancestors would not say. There are as many as seven or eight emperors with famous surnames. In addition, those immortal kings There are at least 20 or 30 people.

It's just nine big fairy palaces.

There are a lot of monster emperor, ghost emperor and demon emperor who are afraid of Jiuyou.

As for the great barrens, the heavens and the earth, there are only a lot more than Jiutian and Jiuyou.

If the Emperor You also passed on the ancient ruins, the consequences would be ... unthinkable.

"In the previous days in Miluo Tianyu, the great barbaric giants and Dongtianfudi had missed an opportunity to kill the Emperor, and I think they will never miss it again this time."

Chiba Fairy King's beautiful face was very serious, saying: "Not only will the great barren giants and the cave heaven blessing land not be missed, we may not miss it again over the nine days, and even the holy land forbidden land and the return to ruins will not miss Now. "

"Even if I didn't say it, you should know that when Jiu Tianyu did n’t make a shot, it seemed that Tianji Niangniang had an unknown name to interfere. In fact, we all know that there was only one reason why Jiu Tian did n’t make a shot. It's just too late. "

"I think this is also the reason for the strong men in the forbidden land of the Holy Land and the ruins of the Guixu Ruins, including the great waste giants and the cave heaven blessings. They test the depths of the Emperor in Miluo Tianyu in order to wait for the opportunity to come."

"This time has now come, not others, it is the remains of this ancient black hole."

的 Every word spoken by Emperor Chiba made the look of Emperor Changfeng even more dignified. Even if he did not want to, he had to admit that what Emperor Chiba had said was true.

If it is said that Tianji Niangniang confessed to heaven and earth that the original sin was not a sin, it was the chaos of the original sin.

The appearance of this ancient black hole this time may be to unravel the mystery of original sin.

"Yeer, you are right, the ancient ruins are indeed a time to kill Youyou, but ..."

Emperor Changfeng closed his eyes and groaned, saying, "I don't think they may be able to kill You Emperor here."


"This is not a big wasteland, but a wild and black hole in the sky. The trial of the avenue cannot come here, and the laws of the avenue cannot be extended here. If you do not rely on the power of the avenue, only those so-called ancestors."

Shaking his head ~ ~ The Emperor Changfeng disdain: "I am afraid that there is nothing to do with the Emperor, not to mention that although there are many strong men from the great barrens, there are definitely not many."

"The greats of the Great Wild Giants, including those from Dongtianfudi, may not be the Emperor, but the nine-day strong? One floating emperor, one Xuanyang emperor, two double great emperors, the existence of four of them is one An incredible, how do you know that they are not rivals of Youdi? "

I do.

Whether it is the Emperor Fusheng, the Emperor Xuanyang, or the Emperor Sundial, they can be described as the unparalleled power of nine days. The creation on their body is also a terrible one. Either they hold the innate magic weapon of the road, or they have the will of the ancestor of the road, or the primitive blood. Either the Supreme Treasure Body, the Taboo Avenue, or the Real Spirit incarnation.

究竟 How powerful their cultivation is, Changfeng Emperor is not clear. Although they are both Emperors of Jiutian Immortal Palace, Changfeng Emperor and Fusheng Emperor do not have much intersection, at best they can only be regarded as nodding.

The only thing I know is that the fortunes of these three emperors are not inferior to that of the emperor Youbi Wushenshura and Shangqianbi falling into Huangquan.

"And ... in addition to the three of them, there is a more terrible King."

Hearing about the four words of Emperor Sundial, the look of Emperor Changfeng changed slightly, and Shen said, "Here is the emperor? Is he here?"

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