
Vol 2 Chapter 2107: Devour

at last.

Gu Qingfeng came to Crimson Blood Ding, and he jumped forward and stood on top of Dingkou.

The scarlet blood tripod is nine meters in size, and the tripod is carved with a mysterious and evil rune. The rune is looming and mysterious. The scarlet blood tripod is like a brutal wild animal under the background of blood mist.

Gu Qingfeng stood on his head as if standing by the mouth of the wild ancient beast, as if swallowed up at any time.

Dingkou looks like an abyss, and it is a **** abyss.

When the scarlet blood tripod appeared, Gu Qingfeng felt that something in the tripod was calling himself, and standing on top of the tripod at the moment, this feeling was even stronger.

"You emperor! This tripod looks very evil, I advise you to think twice!"

The Emperor Changfeng could not help but persuade.

Although he clearly knew that persuading the Emperor in front of so many people in his own identity was not suitable, after all, he was the emperor of Jiutian Xiandao, and Gu Qingfeng burned for nine days that year, it can be said that he was the enemy of nine days. The reputation of Emperor Feng will certainly be affected, and some people will be put on a hat of collusion with demons.


The Emperor Changfeng didn't care about it. He thought of Gu Qingfeng as a kind of close friend. Now he is looking at his friends and risking their lives. The Emperor Changfeng feels it necessary to persuade him.

Gu Qingfeng looked up at Emperor Changfeng, smiled, and nodded, indicating that he had something in mind.

"It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse. It will eventually come, and it will happen after all. It was the first day, but it was not fifteen."

Gu Qingfeng said something that no one understood.

He has never believed in destiny, but after entering this ancient black hole, he has to believe or not, because the development of things has completely exceeded his understanding. Now the only thing he can do is take a gamble and see his own. Life is hard enough!

He just stood on the top of the tripod, didn't go down, and didn't shoot.


The feeling of calling became stronger and stronger.

And as the feeling became more and more intense, Gu Qingfeng also developed a bad feeling in his heart.

This feeling told him that either he jumped in or was swallowed by the crimson blood tripod, anyway, today he can't escape anyway.

as expected.

As soon as he had a bad idea, the scarlet blood tripod suddenly changed, and the tripod's original looming runes bloomed as if it were alive. At the same time, the blood in the tripod turned into a vortex and swirled wildly. stand up.

Suddenly, a strong suction came, and Gu Qingfeng was sucked down instantly. Fortunately, he had been mentally prepared and responded fast enough. The first time he stabilized his flesh, he offered to resist the scarlet blood tripod with absolute strength. Of suction.

His absolute power is indestructible when attacking, and indestructible on time. It is a true absolute power.

When the suction of the scarlet blood tripod came, the ancient Qingfeng immediately sacrifice the absolute suction with the scarlet blood tripod's suction, which was not completely involved.

Of course.

It was only temporarily not involved.

Although it seems that the absolute power can hold the powerful suction of the scarlet blood tripod, how long can it carry it, Gu Qingfeng has no inner heart.

He was not so anxious.

In this way, the suction of the scarlet blood tripod is carried by the absolute force. With the flashing of the strange rune of the tripod, the suction of the scarlet blood tripod has become stronger and stronger, and it is necessary to swallow the ancient breeze.


Gu Qingfeng has already realized the avenue of life, which can be called endless vitality. As long as the vitality continues, his absolute power will continue.

He can afford it.

You can afford it even in your next life.

However, Scarlet Blood Ding didn't seem to intend to consume it with him. The strange rune of Ding's body constantly changed and flashed, and a loud bang followed, followed by an extremely ferocious roar from Ding.

The roar is really like a wild ancient beast. When it came, Zhen Guqingfeng had a headache and was full of pain. It was like being burned by fire. There was no ancient ancient beast in the tripod. Gu Qingfeng did not know at this moment. I don't want to know, because just when the roar came, his feet were entangled in the blood swirl of Ding.

Is it just that?

Do not!

The situation is much more dangerous, more terrible, and more weird than imagined!

When Gu Qingfeng's feet were entangled by the blood vortex of Ding Nei, the blood in his body rolled up uncontrollably, bouncing back and forth in the body, and the situation was very chaotic. It felt like the blood was suddenly going crazy He rushed out of his body.

嗷 ——

The ferocious roar came again.

In a flash, Gu Qingfeng's body had been drawn into the blood swirl.

And the violent qi and blood in his body was swarming from his whole body, and Gu Qingfeng became a blood man for a while.

Say it later and then faster.

Gu Qingfeng immediately closed the whole body and closed all the meridians in the body.

The blood of the riot had nowhere to flow, and he was frantic running around in his body like a mad man. Gu Qingfeng held his breath, and filled the whole body with a quiet avenue, which was considered to stabilize the chaos.

Not too late to breathe a sigh of relief.

A loud roar came again.

I don't know what the **** is roaring.

The roar was real.

Every time a roar comes ~ ~ Gu Qingfeng not only feels a headache, but also feels the pain of being shocked. The closed acupoints and meridians are shaken slightly, and the physical body is always shaken The powder is broken.

Since the fire of the original sin karma was ignited in Wudaoshan that year, after waking up for thousands of years, Gu Qingfeng has been very unhappy with his physical body, and feels that his physical body is completely decayed. It is a good thing that others cannot shake it. The key is that he cannot shake himself , Just like this flesh is not his own.

right now.

Facing the brutal and weird scarlet blood tripod, Gu Qingfeng was very fortunate to have such an immortal body.


Even if it is not swallowed today, it will be swept away by the flesh.

While resisting the suction of the scarlet blood tripod with absolute strength, he perfused the whole body with the power of silence, which was barely carried for the time being. At least, the flesh did not continue to fall, and the blood was not continuously drawn away.

In the face of this situation, although Gu Qingfeng was a little surprised, he didn't panic. He knew that Scarlet Blood Tripod was not a thing, so he was mentally prepared.

Since he decided to bet his life was not hard enough, naturally he would not easily accept his fate.

Even if it was a fate arrangement today, he was destined to be swallowed by the scarlet blood tripod, and Gu Qingfeng had to knock off his teeth!

He is not in a hurry.

Don't worry at all.

Even if half of his body had been drawn in by the scarlet blood vortex, he was not in a hurry.

He can afford it.

Affordable with the scarlet blood tripod, with the old guys crouching in the black hole in the desert, and with all the existence in the sky and the earth, and with fate.

He is not afraid, and no one is afraid.

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