
Vol 2 Chapter 2112: Raise your head 3 feet with blue sky

Fortunately, the Emperor Changfeng did not get a reputation.

He has neither the background of celestial blessings, nor the family history of any great barrens, nor the presence of a holy place in the forbidden land. Even the imminent affairs of Xiandao rarely participate, but he can stand in the place of Jiutian. What does it rely on? Relying on a skill that is absolutely hard enough.

With a roar, there was a fierce battle with this incarnation.

It was only a short while after he started working on it that there was another Divine Incarnation who did not know where it came from, and, like the first Incarnation, came directly to the ancient Qingfeng who was trapped in the blood-dipped tripod. Want to obliterate it.

The Emperor Changfeng did not know when he had a sword in his hand.

The knife is a long knife.

The handle is like a dragon's body, and the blade is like a dragon's head.

I saw him holding a blue dragon yueyue knife suddenly waved, whispered, as Canglong groaned, extremely overbearing.

The power of this knife is not too powerful, and it actually stopped the second incarnation of God.

The two avatars of the gods of consciousness were very shocked to see the blue sword in the hand of Emperor Changfeng. The shock was only an instant. The two avatars of the consciousness did not hesitate to continue to obliterate the ancient Qingfeng.

far away.

The demon woman who has been watching this scene is quite shocked to see the long blue knife in the hand of Emperor Changfeng, and is surprised: "This is ... is it the Grand Duke of Qingtian?"

It seems that if you ca n’t believe it, the demon woman carefully identified it and said, “Yes, yes, that ’s right! This is the Grand Duke of Qingtian. I never imagined that this knife had already been born, and it was still in the hands of an immortal Taoist Emperor!”

Blue Sky Grand Dagger.

Is the inborn magic of the road.

Moreover, it is an extremely famous innate magic weapon in the ancient times. It is rumored that it is based on the innate essence of the highway, and is made from dragon scales on the 981 piece of Qinglong, and then infused with the blood of Qinglong. , Every sword offering is as angry as a green dragon.

However, this is not the most terrible place of the Grand Duke of Heaven.

The real scary part of this knife is its name, the word blue sky.

In the legend.

This celestial sword is made by the ancestors of celestial beings. It represents celestial beings. It can cut down the immortal Buddha, and it can cut down the demons.

Therefore, the Grand Duke of Qingtian has another name, which is Qingtian Judgment.

As the so-called raise one's head, there is blue sky. People can deceive, but heaven cannot deceive.

This sentence can also perfectly interpret the two words.

When she first met the Emperor Changfeng, the demon woman had already seen the extraordinaryness of the Emperor Changfeng, but she never expected that the Emperor Changfeng would have an incredible magic weapon on the avenue.

Moreover, she could see that the Emperor Changfeng seemed to be integrated with the Grand Duke of Qingtian. What does this mean?

This shows that he has been acknowledged by the Grand Duke of Heaven.

Congenital magic tools such as the Grand Duke of Qingtian possess independent consciousness. To truly own the Grand Duke of Qingtian, they must be acknowledged by Qingtian.

"Since he has been recognized by the Grand Duke of Qingtian, that is to say he is also likely to be recognized by his ancestor?"

"Wait! It's rumored that Qingtian's ancestor was already dead, and he died in the era of infidelity. If Qingtian's ancestor is still alive, then ..."

The demon woman seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but take a breath.

What is Qingtian?

The answer was one of nine days.

It was just that Qingtian collapsed with the fall of Qingtian's ancestors in the Taoist era. With the fall of Qingtian, there was no justice at all in Tiandi Avenue.

Qingtian's ancestors are the famous ancestors of the main road and the masters of Qingtian, but unfortunately, they fell in the era of the Tao ...

This ancient age is an extremely complex era, even related to the cause and effect of fate, and even the past and future.

When the demon woman wants to come, no one will miss this era, including the blue sky ancestors who fell in the era of infidelity.

Because ancient times may be the only opportunity to return the already broken blue sky to nine days, and it is also the only opportunity to return the fairness of heaven and earth.

If the ancestor of Qingtian is still alive, he will definitely recover.

If his old man really died in the era of infidelity, he would definitely choose a person to inherit.

right now.

The Grand Duke of Qingtian who judged on behalf of Qingtian is in the hands of Emperor Changfeng. Is he the one who inherited the choice of Qingtian's ancestor?

Not sure.

The demon woman is not sure.

One thing she knew was that if Emperor Changfeng really was the inheritor of Qingtian's ancestors, then he must have more than just the Grand Duke of Qingtian.

On the court.

The Great Emperor Changfeng was holding the Grand Duke of Qingtian, wearing thousands of blue lights, as mighty as the War God returned from the ancient times, and although the two gods incarnate were so powerful and amazing, they were killed by Changfeng the Great Card He can't pass this level.

The two godly incarnations also seem to recognize the Grand Duke of Heaven in the hands of Emperor Changfeng. They were very careful when they shot, and even did not dare to carry the power of the Grand Duke of Heaven.



Three other consciousnesses came, and one was stronger than the other. The five consciousnesses were unpredictable, like clouds and mists, like immortals and Buddhas, like demons and demons, like ghosts and gods.

"Young man ~ ~ Where did this knife come from?"

An avenue **** made an audible inquiry, his voice was extremely loud, as if from Skyrim.

"You don't need to know."

The Great Emperor Changfeng stood on the top of Blood Ding with the Grand Duke of Qingtian, staring closely at the five gods that surrounded him, and shouted, "Gu no matter who you are, whoever dares to move the quiet emperor today, let him pass first. It's my level! "

The Five Gods incarnation glanced at the Grand Duke of Qingtian in his hands, as if hesitating, but when they looked at the ancient Qingfeng, who was trapped and dying of blood, his eyes became firm again.

Immediately afterwards, the five consciousness incarnations were shot at almost the same time, and the sacrifices were all extremely terrifying killing moves. It seemed that they wanted to join hands to wipe out the Emperor Changfeng at once.

The Great Emperor Changfeng may be able to stop one **** incarnation, two or even three, with the Grand Duke of Heaven in his hand. If five gods incarnate, he knows that he is not an opponent at all. Take a deep breath now, roar, and look around The cyan brilliance was burning like a raging flame.

嗷 ——

A dragon murmured.

This Dragon Yin is comparable to Tianwei, and the entire ancient and ancient ruins of Zhen are trembling violently.

With a long Yin, Changfeng Emperor's cyan glory rose into the sky and turned into a behemoth.

This is really a behemoth, and when it appeared it almost covered the whole space.

The behemoth is blue, with a head like a camel, horns like a deer, eyes like a rabbit, ears like a cow, items like a snake, belly like a tadpole, scales like a carp, claws like an eagle, palms like a tiger, sounds like a copper plate, and a beard near the mouth. Alas, there are pearls under the crotch, inverse scales under the throat, eighty-one scales on the back, and ninety-nine yang numbers.


It's a train!

A blue dragon driving the clouds to cover the sky.

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