
Vol 2 Chapter 2141: The relationship between original sin and variables

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"I have never destroyed Three Thousand Avenues. Bookmark this station"

"Although your kid hasn't killed Sanqian Avenue," Dahang epilepsy shook Gu Qingfeng and said: "But these years have really given Sanqian Avenue a lot of trouble, and there is a point your kid can't deny. That is, the appearance of your kid not only carried the butcher knife of Sanqian Avenue, but also broke the situation where Sanqian Avenue eradicated the original sin from the time of the ancient times. "

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and listened to the Daxing epic for a long time. He hasn't heard a word until now, and said impatiently, "What on earth do you want to say?"

"Don't worry, you kid, listen to me slowly."

The Daxing epic asked seriously: "I'll ask you a question first, do you know what is the original sin?"

"If my mother-in-law knew what the original sin was, she would squat here to listen to your old bald donkey?"

"Blame me and blame me! I shouldn't ask that," Daxing epic said apologetically, "I don't know if your kid has heard of the origin of the original sin?"

"The origin of original sin?" Gu Qingfeng thought about it, he had never heard of it.

"Let's say that, does your boy know how the original sin appeared? Lao Tzu will elaborate a bit more. Does your boy know the relationship between the original sin and the variables?"

"Is the original sin related to variables?"

"Crap, of course!"

"what relationship?"

"You said your boy ... I really do n’t know what to say to Lao Tzu. Your boy is both a person of original sin and a variable person. It is both the deepest original sin and the biggest variable. But your mother does n’t know the original sin and the variable. The relationship is really ridiculous! "

After hearing this from the Daxing monk, Gu Qingfeng shook his head and smiled silently.

Don't say that Daxing epilepsy is ironic, and sometimes Gu Qingfeng himself is very ironic.

"How do you talk about original sin and variables?"

"Your boy is no longer returning to the original sin, what should the variable always know? How does the variable appear?"

"It's a little heard, and I don't remember anyone who mentioned it, saying that the variables are formed by the wrong cause and effect."

"That's right!" Daxing epic nodded and said: "Since ancient times, the variables that have appeared between heaven and earth have been formed by a series of wrong causations. How many variables and how many wrong causations are there? Can make it clear. "

After a moment of pause, the Daxing epic continued to ask, "Your boy knows why you are the biggest variable?"

Upon hearing this, Gu Qingfeng suddenly came to a spirit, let alone, he always wanted to know about this issue.

The Daxing epic began to doodle on the ground again, but this time instead of drawing a chess game, a horizontal line said, "For example, this horizontal line represents a wrong cause and effect."

Talking, he drew a lot of horizontal lines. These lines were intertwined and irregular.

The Daxing epic pointed to one of the most intertwined points and said, "This point where many errors cause and effect are intertwined is the biggest variable. Of course, I am not saying that this point is your kid. At this time, your kid may not have been born yet. I just say that this point is the source of the largest variable. "

"Once this root is formed, it will gradually grow larger, like a black hole vortex, involving all causes and effects. The more causes and effects are involved, the more chaotic the cause and effect will be."

"This thing is scary. You must know that each cause and effect involves ancient and modern, and each cause and effect involves other causes and effects. As long as they are involved in one cause and effect, they will be contagious like a plague ..."

Gu Qingfeng looked at the causal map painted by Daxing episcopal on the ground and groaned for a moment, and said, "How does this stuff look so much like the legendary causal black hole."


The Dahang monk sang suddenly and said, "Your boy is right, this is a causal black hole!"

Having said that, Daxing epilepsy looked into his head, and said solemnly and with a very serious expression, "The reason why your kid is the biggest variable is because your mother-in-law was born in this causal black hole!"

"As you said, even if I was born in this causal black hole, wouldn't it be just me who was born in this thing?"

"It's not just you, there should be a lot, there are several according to Lao Tzu's knowledge. The problem is ..." Speaking of this, the Daxing monk drew on the ground again, drawing ten around the intertwined point just now. The interlocking circles explained.

"If there are ten layers of causal black holes, some of their big variables are born on the tenth layer, some are on the ninth, eighth, maybe fifth, fourth, etc., only you kid ..."

The Daxing monk pointed to the intertwined point just now and said, "Even if your boy was not born at the root of this black hole, it is almost the same."

Gu Qingfeng looked at it for a while, and thought what Daxing's monk said was quite reasonable. He asked, "What you said just now that the variable is still related to the original sin, what's the matter?"

Dahang epilepsy did not rush to answer this question, but took a few sips of fine wine ~ ~ took a short break, and then continued to say: "Variables are formed by the wrong cause and effect, as long as there is a wrong Cause and effect, there will be the second, the third ... and then more and more, but your child knows how the first wrong cause and effect appear? Good cause and effect cannot be wrong? "

After hearing this, Gu Qingfeng almost understood the meaning of Daxing Leng Monk, saying: "Do you mean that the source of the wrong cause and effect is original sin?"

"Original sin, original sin! As the name implies, it refers to the most primitive sin, and all the sins in this world, from ancient times to modern times, are formed by the first wrong cause and effect in the beginning."

"That is to say, the original sin is the root cause of the wrong cause and effect. As long as the root cause of the wrong cause and effect is found, the original sin is found."

"That's the reason."

Dahang epilepsed with emotion: "Three thousand avenues from ancient to modern times have been killing the original sin, including the world and the unknown girl who has shot the original sin into the ruins of the ruins. Do you really think their idle eggs hurt? Of course not They are also powerless. The original sin is like a tumor and a plague. If it is not suppressed, the cause and effect involved will only become more and more chaotic. Sooner or later, all the cause and effect will be chaotic, and then it will be completely finished! "


The Daxing monk stopped talking, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Many of the original sins appeared in the ancient times, most of them were uncountable. I suspect that the catastrophe in the ancient times may be because of ... Everyone is involved in a causal black hole, and everyone's cause and effect is chaotic ... "

"Otherwise, those Avenue ancestors would not have all fallen down ... What means must they have used to obliterate the original sin, extinguish themselves, and end the ancient times ... In order to suppress the causal black hole to prevent the harm to future generations."

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