
Vol 2 Chapter 2150: See cause and effect in previous lives

Although no one can really say clearly about the cause and effect of destiny, but more or less can feel the existence of the two, and some powers have reincarnation many times in an attempt to cut off the cause and effect, although in the end all are lost in the sea of ​​suffering At least, it can be proved that cause and effect are real.

Of course.

The original sin is different.

What kind of existence is the original sin? It is not clear that ordinary people, even those who seek the original sin, are not clear. Even Gu Qingfeng, who is considered by many to be destined for the existence of the original sin, is not clear about the original sin. What the **** is his mother.


This is not exaggerated at all.

Mo Kan Gu Qingfeng went farther and farther along the road of original sin, and it seemed to get deeper and deeper, but at the same time, he became more and more confused about original sin, and every time he felt, he became more confused, feeling like Just like falling into an endless whirlpool of mysteries, there are ten tens of millions of mysteries waiting outside of a mystery.


The original sin was not the most confusing to him, but the word vain was the most confusing to him.

What is vain.

At first Gu Qingfeng believed that the so-called falsehood meant falsehood.

Later, I gradually realized that vainness was not false but nothingness.

Later, he realized that vainness was not emptiness, and he didn't know exactly what it was.

It's about saying that everything is false.

Based on the understanding of the ancient Qingfeng, pondering all things that have phases, in fact, are not the true phases. The impermanence of the Buddha's teachings are all changing. Even the thoughts are one after another, and there will be countless moments. Thoughts are changing. Looking at the nature of things is the reality. The reality is empty, but it is not nothing. The empty is gestating, so it is called a vacuum.

The old monk who lived in the silenced bone jade once said that it is true to look at the invisible things, listen to the inaudible sounds, and know the things that do not know.

The so-called truth may be a kind of detachment.

Transcendence also seeks truth.

Before you surpassed, everything you saw, heard, and knew was all false.

What confuses Gu Qingfeng is that whether it is cause or effect or fate, plus the original sin, how can this **** word be associated with vainness.

Or before the transcendence, cause and effect are causality, fate is destiny, original sin is original sin, after transcendence, the so-called vain will no longer exist, so-called cause and effect will no longer be cause and effect, and fate will no longer be destiny, and original sin will not Original sin.

Is that right?

The ancient breeze is unknown.


Gu Qingfeng looked at the vast and mysterious wild ancient black hole and said, "How do I feel more and more that all of this is related to your Buddhism?"

Upon hearing this, Daxing's face changed slightly, and Shen said, "I said, old boy, can you **** don't buckle the urinal."

"Is this messy? As far as I know, the Buddhists talk about causality? Is causality related to your Buddhist family? And in all likelihood, it ’s the stuff that your Buddhist family has drummed up. The Buddhists also talk about good and evil? Is n’t the original sin the original sin? This seems to have been troubled by your Buddhism? In addition, there are two words of falsehood. Everything is false, which is the famous saying of your Buddhist family. Can you dare to say no? "


The Daxing monk was speechless, opened his mouth and stopped talking, and wanted to refute, but he could not find any reason.

Even if he didn't want to, he had to admit that Gu Qingfeng was telling the truth.

"Okay, your kid is right. Causality and fate, as well as falsehood of original sin, seem to be related to our Buddhism. Actually ... don't hide your kid, I have been feeling this way for a long time, and I have been in these years. Looking, but unfortunately found nothing. "

Speaking of this, Daxing epilepsy sighed and said, "All of the ancestors of Sanqian Avenue stopped eating in the ancient times. Our Buddhists are no exception. It ’s not clear to anyone who asks. I can only find my brother as soon as possible, he may know something. "

"I'm wondering, isn't your brother Baimei Shengsheng always in the ancient black hole, have you been together before? I seem to remember that when I tried to kill me in the worldly fairyland, I also met your brother. You didn't ask? "

"How do you say something, your kid doesn't know." Dahang epilepsy opened an altar of wine, drank two heads up, and said, "I did often see my brother before, but the problem is, the memory of my brother's previous life at that time As much as I am ambiguous. "

"So the memory of your brother's past life is now awakened?"

"Yes, my brother came to this wild ancient black hole, a guardian of our Zen relics, and the second is to awaken the memories of previous lives."

"Why don't you awaken memories of past lives?"

The Dahang epilepsy blew Gu Qingfeng's eyes, looking at Gu Qingfeng's eyes very disgustingly, just like watching an idiot, saying, "Do you think the memories of previous lives say that you wake up?"

"if not?"

"This thing depends on fate, is there an opportunity, is there a good fortune, and ... Once the memory of the previous life is awakened, it may not be a good thing. Even after awakening, I am no longer myself, and I lose my self ... "

"What do you say?"

"There is a word you kid should have heard."

"What is it?"

"Ancient and horrifying worlds are born, endless reincarnation, and past and present, cause and effect, see who lives and who needs to see the sky."

Gu Qingfeng nodded, he did hear this sentence, and more than once, several causal people met in this life almost all said to him, Jun Xuanyun said, Yun Nishang also said.

"What do you mean by this? I believe you do n’t need to say it. Your boy also knows that cause and effect are disordered, and why cause and effect are disordered. Original sin is naturally the culprit. Oneself, one past life and one in this life, can only have one self. In other words, either your self is swallowed up by the previous self, or the previous self is swallowed up by your self ~ ~ Ca n’t we merge with each other? "

"It's hard, it's almost impossible. If you step back 10,000 steps and talk about each other, you can only have one ego in the end. How much consciousness can you have in this ego?"

"That's true."

"That's why I said that awakening the memory of the previous life is not necessarily a good thing. Of course, then again, if the previous life's self appears, it will inevitably face one of two alternatives, and no one can escape."

Gu Qingfeng asked curiously, "Have you ever seen your past life?"

"not yet."

Gu Qingfeng said aloud, and asked, "Dahang, ask you one thing. Does everyone have a previous life?"

"Everyone has a previous life in common sense, but your boy is an exception and it doesn't fall into the scope of common sense."

(End of this chapter)

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