
Vol 2 Chapter 2160: Traveling too far

What the **** is that?

I don't know.

The Daxing epilepsy was completely stunned by what was happening.

In the middle, the Great Sword is like a chaotic sword that penetrates the heavens and the earth. It blooms endless brilliance, contains endless sword meaning, and rushes towards the endless flying swords in the air as if summoned. Sky giant sword spins up.

The man in white, the ancient breeze is still standing on the Great Sword at this moment, standing with his hands in his hands, closing his eyes, only the long hair like ink is dancing wildly, and only the white clothes of Shengxue are flying wantonly .

This scene is not crazy.

The flying Feijian revolved like the turbulent vortex in the ancient black hole.

All kinds of sword lights flickered.

All kinds of swords are boiling.

The swords roared.


Only the sword.

There is no other but sword.

Can't tolerate others.

I don't know how long after that, the Daxing epilepsy felt that the endless flying sword that revolved around the Great Sword began to blur, twist, and then disappeared.

As the speed of rotation is getting faster and faster, Feijian disappears more and more.

Not only that, but the glory of the Great Sword in the middle of the center is also getting dim, and both the sword and the sword are becoming more and more blurred.


The flying sword in the sky disappeared, and the Great Sword in the center also disappeared.

Everything is gone, as if it had never existed, but the ancient breeze still stands in the air.


Deadly quiet.

The Daxing monk looked around in amazement, and found no flying sword. He stared again, looking at the ancient Qingfeng in the air, and opened his mouth, but he could not say a word.

What about the sword?

Where did it go?

Why does the lifeless flying sword suddenly recover, and why does it suddenly disappear after recovery?

What the **** is going on?

The Daxing epilepsy is full of surprises. He knows that if anyone can answer his inner doubts, then this person must be Gu Qingfeng.

But now he didn't know what the situation was, and he didn't dare to step forward to ask easily.

"The Tao has one life, two life, two life three, and three life."

Gu Qingfeng opened his eyes, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and whispered, "Too many swords, nine to nine return to one, heavy sword meaning, infinite change."

"Heart is too empty, the world is infinite!"

"There is a sword in my heart, and every thought is a sword."

"One thought melts ten thousand swords, ten thousand swords all return to the school!"

"Wonderful! What awesome!"

Seeing Gu Qingfeng slowly falling to the ground, Daxing Leng Monk could not help but rushed forward and asked: "Guzi, you **** ... what happened? How did those flying swords look good? Sudden recovery, why did they suddenly disappear, where are the flying swords? Where are they? There are nine sword peaks? What about the Great Sky Sword? "

Daxing epilepsy asked all the doubts in his heart at once, and then waited for Gu Qingfeng to solve his doubts.

And the ancient Qingfeng didn't seem to be in a hurry, so he just sat on the ground casually, first took out an altar of wine, drank two sips, and continued, "It's really heaven outside, there are people outside, ah, I have lived for so many years, I have not admired Who, this is too fictitious Swordmaster, it's so powerful, it can be so amazing and persuasive to play the sword! It's persuasive! "

Gulugulu drank a few more drinks, and sighed: "Compared to others, Grandpa can only be regarded as a playhouse at best, and cannot be compared."

Dahang's monks rushed around and yelled, "Gude! You talk about it! What the **** is going on?"

"What's going on?"

"Just now! What the **** did your mother realize, you said it!"

"Oh, I didn't realize anything, just played a little trick."

"A little trick? It's just that? I said, Gu Gu, are you **** good now? Right, a big-tail wolf, right? I don't know how old you are, right?"


Gu Qingfeng patted the monk on the shoulder of Paihang Xing, motioned him to sit down, and said, "Actually, I didn't really realize anything, but I just wandered a little too far and realized a little Kendo."

"What? Are you too far away?"

The Daxing monk was shocked. Although he didn't know exactly what happened, he knew more or less about the two words that were too false.

Too vain, that is, the avenue.

Nor can it be said to be a avenue, but a world of avenues.

It is a very mysterious and mysterious saying to travel too far. It is said that the chance has been created. If you have an epiphany, you can travel too far and enter a world of mysterious and mysterious avenues. At this time, you are not only close to the avenue, but It's in the middle of the road.

If the chance is good enough, if the good fortune is deep enough, it is not impossible to get a trick.


After all, being too virtual is a legendary existence. Not to mention that ordinary people, such as old people who have lived for many years, haven't had too much virtual life.

At this moment, I heard that Gu Qingfeng was just wandering too far, and the Daxing epilepsy was really envious and envious.

Gu Qingfeng is also the first time that a big girl has been on a sedan. He has also heard that the so-called wandering is too virtual, but she has never encountered it before.

In this relic, I accidentally saw the mystery of the nine sword peaks ~ ~ and tried to think about it, but I didn't expect that I accidentally hit it.

That feeling was simply indescribable.

At the moment when he wandered too far, he felt that his soul had fallen into a strange place, and he could not understand the words or the words, but he felt nothing but was in it.

No wonder some people used to say that it was too imaginary, but it was dreamy.

"When you wandered too far, you realized a little Kendo?"

Gu Qingfeng nodded and said, "Yes, that's the case."

"What kind of kendo?"

"Too bad swordsman."

"That is to say, Taixu Sword Master left Taixu Nine Swords your boy ... also realized?"

"Almost so."

"His grandma! Your kid's chances are great too!" Dahang's monk took a spit of saliva, not to mention how envious he was, and he felt envious at the same time. Rising to this ancient ruins, he can see the mystery of the nine sword peaks on the basis of the ancient breeze, why he can wander too far, and why he didn't catch anything like a fool.

Both carry a head on both shoulders, so why is his ancient breeze better than himself?

People are more mad than people!

Daxing Monk's heart was extremely depressed. Fortunately, he was in a good mood, but he didn't care too much about it, and asked, "What about the swords just now? Why did they disappear?"

"Disappeared? When did it disappear? Shouldn't your old bald don't be blind?"

"Fart! Just now the world-wide Feijian, now there is no hair, you **** ..."

The Daxing monk was talking, but he couldn't stop talking, but when he said that, when Gu Qingfeng shook his hand, Guanghua flickered, and the flying sword fluttered in the air.

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