
Vol 2 Chapter 2168: Canyang Valley

Daxing episcopals don't know how powerful Gu Qingfeng's strength is, but they can't even imagine it.

He also knew that if Gu Qingfeng took the shot, the neatly dressed Bodhisattva Bodhisattva was definitely not an opponent, and his father and mother who would be beaten by Gu Qingfeng would definitely not know it.


If Gu Qingfeng wanted to kill the Buddha in the clothes, it might not be easy for Daxing episcopals.

Because he knows that the cultivation of the bodhisattva is almost an immortal existence. Even if he can kill his physical body, he cannot kill his soul, and he cannot kill his spirit, and he cannot kill his spirit. Obliteration got the mind.

As long as there is a hint of God in mind, the Bodhisattva will not die or perish.

Not only the Bodhisattva, but those destiny emperors are also similar, including some golden body Luohan, and some destiny thrones, etc., it is difficult to absolutely kill them.

What's more, whether it is a bodhisattva or a destiny emperor, which one is not a powerful creation? Which one has no magic weapon? Which guy didn't save his life?

I want to obliterate them, I have to say, it is really difficult.

At least, with the ability of the Daxing episcopal, he had no absolute confidence nor absolute confidence to obliterate any bodhisattva or destiny.

Then again, if these beings were really so killing, not many people would have been beaten into the market since ancient times.

Because they could not be completely wiped out, they had to break into Guihui.

in fact.

Gu Qingfeng does not understand these words.

He naturally knew that the higher the cultivation, the harder it was to erase.

He can be said to have a deep understanding of this point. The deepest impression was that he slaughtered with Emperor Changfeng that year, from nine days to Jiuyou. I do n’t know how long it took, and in the end, his mother collapsed and failed to kill Chang. Emperor Feng, you can imagine how difficult it is to obliterate a destiny emperor.

Although Gu Qingfeng's strength is not even known to him today, but then again, because he didn't know, he always wanted to find someone to try.

Originally, the Daxing Leng Monk was definitely a good opponent to learn from. However, this old bald donkey always liked to hide and hold it, and it was impossible to fight with him.

Now it's hard to run into a bodhisattva. Gu Qingfeng really feels itchy. Looking at the ancient ruins like the setting sun, think about it or forget it.

Not only is there some evil place in this place, but the more he looks at the familiar feeling, this makes him very confused.

Gu Qingfeng can be said to be very sensitive to the feeling of being inexplicable.

In his impression, every occurrence of seeming acquaintance is often related to his own cause and effect.

This is true for both people and things.

Is this place related to its own cause and effect?

Shook his head.

Gu Qingfeng didn't think of it for a while.

"Guzi! There seems to be someone!"

The voice of the Daxing epic came, Gu Qingfeng looked for the sound, and sure enough, he seemed to be standing alone on a mountain in the distance.

That may be alone.

The man was rigorously covered with white cloth all over his body, revealing only a pair of dark eyes.

When he saw this man, Gu Qingfeng was surprised for a moment, and said in wonder: "Why is she here?"

The Daxing monk asked in wonder: "Do you know?"


Gu Qingfeng leaped up and shouted Baiqing's name instantly.

When Bai Chou saw Gu Qingfeng, there seemed to be a little suspicion in his eyes, but he was relieved soon, saying, "You ... are here too."

This is an intriguing phrase.

Gu Qingfeng asked, "Do you know I will come?"

"Anyone who comes should come, like you, like me ..."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you think this place is familiar?"

"Do you also feel this way?" Gu Qingfeng couldn't bear it, and asked, "What the **** is this place?"

"You've been here."

"Am I here?"

Gu Qingfeng thought about it for a while, and really couldn't remember when he had come to this place, and thought it was impossible again. This is his mother's ancient ruins, and he has never been to any ancient ruins before.

"Oh, your forgetfulness is so big that you don't even remember where you merged the blood of the original sin."

Upon hearing this, Gu Qingfeng was even more confused.

What is the place where I merged the blood of the original sin?

Gu Qingfeng remembers that the place where he merged the blood of the original sin was in the secular world, and it was in the northwest of the secular world.

Is this place the northwest of the secular world?


How could the Great Northwest in the secular world appear in the ancient ruins?

"Zanyang is like the world, stumped ... Can't you remember?"

Bai Chou's words came again, and Gu Qingfeng heard the words "Zanyang", and moved suddenly in his heart, looking at the turbulent vortex of golden red light in the air, and looked at the ancient ruins like the setting sun.

The word yangyang murmured in his mouth. Finally, he remembered it and said in amazement: "This is ... this sorrow is the yangyang valley?"

"You finally remembered."

"Good guy!"

Gu Qingfeng couldn't help taking a sip of air-conditioning ~ ~ Yes.

He finally remembered.

He finally realized why it felt so familiar from the moment he entered.

The original ancient ruins of his mother is Canyang Valley.

The Sun Valley is a mysterious place.

It looks like it is located in the northwestern part of the secular world, but it just looks like it. The true Canyang Valley neither belongs to the northwestern part nor the secular world. As for where it belongs, the ancient Qingfeng does not know.

If it was somewhere else, it wouldn't be so bad for Gu Qingfeng.

In fact, this place in Canyang Valley contains too many secrets, and these secrets are related to the ancient Qingfeng. It can even be said that his life, including the blood of the original sin in his body, and even his causal fate, etc., are all related to Canyang Valley related.


Do not!

No exaggeration at all.

Gu Qingfeng was born in the northwest of the secular world.

And from the day of his birth he is the one who has sin.

Later he learned that his birth was related to that drop of blood of original sin.

Later, he came to the valley of Canyang to find the blood of the original sin, and merged with it. It was not that he wanted to merge, nor was he forced to merge, but that blood of the original sin was calling him as if it belonged to him.

Until now he did not understand what the relationship between himself and the blood of the original sin was.

The only thing that I knew was that the blood of the original sin was a woman named Wuyou Niangni.

Previously, he heard people say that Wuyou Niangniang used the blood of the original sin to conceive the original sin, and he was one of them.

Later, he had seen the Wuyou Niangniang once. Wuyou Niangniang said that she was not using the blood of the original sin to conceive the original sin, but that a drop of the blood of the original sin was conceiving herself.

What's the truth of the matter, Gu Qingfeng hasn't figured it out till now.

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