
Vol 2 Chapter 2179: Misty

"Dahang! Do you have a feeling?"

Gu Qingfeng drank a sip of fine wine and stared at the turbulent vortex that covered the entire sky. He asked, "It feels like everything is fake."

"How?" The Daxing epic asked, "Do you feel that way now?"

"Almost so."

"That's right."

Hearing the words of Daxing epilepsy, Gu Qingfeng smiled suddenly and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Now wherever you go, you start to feel all false." The Daxing episcopal looked at the perplexed monk and said, "Tell you, boy, in the future, as your state of mind becomes higher and higher, The deeper you become, the more you feel false. This world is, all beings are, everything is all. "

Gu Qingfeng swaggered and said, "Is it?"

"Of course." Daxing epistemic explained: "In the words of our Buddhism, this is called seeing through the red dust. When you become detached in the future, you will understand after all four are empty. There is something to say."

Dahang epilepsy took off the broken hat, and touched his bare head, and said, "Look at mountains is mountains, look at who water is, look at mountains not mountains, look at water not water, look at mountains and mountains, look at water. water……"

"Ha ha."

Gu Qingfeng laughed without saying a word. After a while, he sighed, "Everything is false."

"Theoretically speaking, your kid's mood should not be affected by emotions. Besides, you are not ignorant of the wreckage of reincarnation causality. How did you see the side of Wuyou Niang, and your mood became like this bird?"

"I just feel a little bit sorry."

"What's so emotional, why, stumped your kid feel that he was fooled? Or cheated? It's nothing more than meeting a person who lives in Sansei III. It's not the first time you've met, how emotional you are."

"Your old bald donkey looks very experienced."


Daxing epilepsy shook his eyes and said: "Lao Xun has tens of millions of incarnations, and travels all over the world. He said that the third and third generations, the ninth and the ninth generations, the oldest and the ninth, often see them. Wicked, do you think it's just talking? There are not thousands of children, like those of the destiny of the avenue, and those who should be robbed, which one is not reincarnation after countless reincarnation, one life, one life, one life, and one difficult life. Blessings from this life and this life. "

"I don't remember your old bald donkey or the existence of a living Buddha."

Speaking of which, Gu Qingfeng seemed to remember something, and glanced at the awesome monk, saying, "In the legend, you ’re an old bald donkey incarnation of ten million, traveling around the world, punishing and eliminating evil, hanging pots to save the world, and living beings Is this thing real or fake? "

"What is real? Can this thing be fake?"

"If you say that your brother, the white-browed holy monk Purdue, is more or less convinced, but you are an old bald donkey ... it doesn't look like the master of Purdue."

"Love believes or not." Daxing epilepsy looked too lazy.

"But then again, why are you an old bald donkey so ingenious that you must incarnate tens of thousands and go to all sentient beings?"

"This is the duty of the old lady, OK?"

"Duties? What duties?"

"Forget it, don't understand to your boy."

"Do n’t understand, or you do n’t want to say?" Gu Qingfeng smiled slightly: "Dahang, we are all smart people. Even if you do n’t say something, I know a little, not just cause and effect." Well, there is nothing to hide. "

"Guzi, if you know, why bother asking again, do you have fun with the old man?"

Gu Qingfeng did know a little.

Although he didn't believe that the Daxing Acolytes would incarnate thousands of lives in all heavens and worlds, in fact, he still believed.

The focus is on how to measure all sentient beings.

Purdue sentient beings are not simply punishment and punishment for evil, nor is it a simple hangover.

It is a degree to make a man a Buddha, a degree to a man, and a good result is a good result, and a good result is a bad result.

As he said, the good people of IX and the wicked people of IX have survived countless rounds of reincarnation, one life, one life, one life, one difficulty.

In the ancient Qingfeng want to come, Daxing epilepsy incarnates thousands of people, travels the heavens and the world, to save sentient beings, to live through the cause and effect of sentient beings.

Since ancient times, the destiny of the avenue is absolutely related to this old bald donkey, even if it was not done by a monk.

Moreover, Gu Qingfeng believes that not only the destiny of the avenue, but also many people who have touched the original sin, are also related to this old bald donkey.

He may not be able to guess what the Daxing Monk is playing, but one thing he is clear is that there must be causality behind Daxing Monk, and it is absolutely related to causality.

[31Fiction Net Update Fast] With this in mind, he asked, "Daxing, ask you something."

"what's up?"

"Have you spent your time with me?"

Maybe I didn't expect Gu Qingfeng to suddenly ask such a strange question ~ ~ Daxing epic asked indifferently: "What do you think?"

"Should I spend it?"

"Of course I spent it! But your boy didn't know how to spend it. When your boy kidnapped my buddha, the Buddha incarnation, the old man passed through you. When your boy was going to fight the three thousand avenues for the young Jiner, the old man Spend you too, back then ... "

The Daxing epic talked about a lot of those broken things that he hadn't finished, but Gu Qingfeng had no interest in listening to it, interrupted it, and asked, "These things you said are all obvious. Yes, I asked if you had spent your time secretly? "

"Secretly?" Dahang epic shook his head and replied without hesitation: "No!"

"Really do not have?"

"Crap! Of course not!"

"Isn't it possible? You have thousands of incarnations of an old bald donkey, and Grandpa doesn't believe that in the secular world in the northwest, you won't have your incarnation."

"Your mundane world is too special. To be precise, there are too many masters. When Jun Xuanyun and Wuyou Niangniang have all kinds of horrible existences, even if the old man has that heart, there is no courage to go to that mundane world. . "

"It's true, why isn't he a little disbelieving?"

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and pondered for a while, and said, "My grandfather and I have met many mysterious people in my life. These mysterious people have more or less affected the grandfather, and some of them can find the Lord. Several of these mysterious people are still missing, as if they had never appeared, disappeared without a trace. "

"One of them was Taohua Lao Dao, which made Grandpa's memory most profound. That old man not only saved my little life, but also more than once, and later helped me to integrate the blood of the original sin."

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