
Vol 2 Chapter 2187: War 1 is on the horizon

Although the Three-Eyed Demon King is only the Star King who inherits the destiny of the Avenue, it is an innate demon. It is not only physical, but powerful, especially the third eye on his forehead. It contains terrible fire. When the red eyes are opened, the terrible fire can burn everything, which is very scary.

In addition, the three-eyed demon is still a thug with original sin. The original sin is not a common original sin, and he has a deep involvement. I heard that it has been reported as the original sin.

Almost everyone who knows the original sin knows that the original sin is also divided into innate and innate.

Most of the original sinners in the world of the Great Wilderness are the acquired original sins. These acquired original sins may be terrible to ordinary people, but they are completely negligible to the people of Dongyue the Great, Lingyin Gong, and Jingyi Bodhisattva. Excluding.


Compared with the acquired sin, the acquired sin is far more terrible.

Fortunately, there are not many congenital original sins, and very few have made original incarnations.

And deeper than the incarnation of the original sin is the report of the original sin.

The incarnation of the original sin, as the name suggests, is the incarnation of the original sin. Once the incarnation of the original sin is like a madman, although it has self-consciousness and consciousness, it acts completely out of control and does what it wants in the heart. It does not consider anything. as a result of.

The person who reports the original sin is also equal to the report of the original sin.

What kind of cause you will get when you incarnate the original sin.

This is good for good and evil for bad.

If the self-awareness of the original sin incarnation is still sober, then the self-consciousness of the original sin's incarnation is completely dominated by the words of the original sin. To be exact, the original sin's incarnation has no self-awareness, which is exactly the evil report of the original sin.

As for what the three-eyed demon's original sin report looks like, no one knows. The only thing I know is that it must be terrible. You must know that this guy has slaughtered billions of souls in more than forty worlds. Such a deep sin It is impossible to imagine what kind of original retribution he would get.

"Oh! Good baby! What a good baby!"

The three-eyed devil looks more and more like it, and laughs constantly: "It seems my luck is really good! Hahaha!"


Another voice came.

"Sorry, this colorful lotus seat is fancy."

The response was a group of seven people, exactly not people, but ghosts. Everyone took a closer look and couldn't help taking a sip of air. Good guy, out of these seven ghosts, there were enough three ghost kings, one ghost king. The headed person is the famous Purple Poison Emperor.

The purple poison ghost emperor, he is one of the eight emperors of Ba Du under the blue lantern ghost throne. It is a powerful existence in the ghost road, in the nine you, and in this world.

Seeing the purple poisonous ghost emperor and others, the green ghost ghost king on the field was very surprised, because he and the purple poisonous ghost emperor belonged to the blue lantern ghost throne, and the two were in a good relationship. At first I thought there was no hope for the colorful lotus. Purple The emergence of the poisonous ghost emperor suddenly made the confidence of the Qingling ghost king soar.

"Well, even your little ghost is vainly trying to compete with Lao Tzu? Really impatient!"

There was a loud laughter from the three-eyed Demon King. Apparently, he did not put the purple poison ghost emperor in his eyes. Not only that, he also did not seem to have everyone in the field, such as the water mirror lady, the water moon bodhisattva, and the net clothes bodhisattva Put it in your eyes.

The Three-eyed Demon King came at the fastest speed, and he didn't even bother to look at these people in the field.

Everyone knows that the three-eyed demon lord is lawless and unscrupulous, but no one has thought that this idiot would just do it.

Time and time later, the three-eyed demon prince blinked and rushed directly to the colorful lotus blooming in the air. The water mirror maiden rushed out and stopped the three-eyed demon lord.

As soon as the three-eyed Demon King started, the distant Purple Poison Emperor and others rushed over, and the Shuiyue Bodhisattva and the Five Monsters of Heishan faced off.

Immediately afterwards, the Green King Ghost King and the Snow Clam Demon King also shot.

The war was about to start.

boom! Bang!

The powerful forces made a decisive sound in the air, and the horrible waves spread like stormy waves, not only the smoky desert wolves, but also the tremors of the earthquake.

The people in the field are either ghost emperor or ghost king, immortal emperor or bodhisattva, plus an imperious three-eyed demon king. These people are just fighting face to face, and the original calm ancient ruins immediately become chaotic. Looking at the past, it feels like the end of the world, which is terrible.

On the court.

Zixia Wonderland and a group of old mysterious gods in Loulan Blessed Land, as well as a group of Buddhas of the Pure Land Sect, some perform magical tricks and some sacrifice magic weapons to guard their own bodies.

Because the power fluctuations that erupted when the Three-eyed Demon King and the Water Mirror Niang Niang and other people fought are too strong, if they don't sacrifice magic weapons to resist them, their physical bodies will not be able to carry them. Lao Xuanxian still couldn't stop backing, it felt like they were under siege.

Watching the battle also comes at a price.

Especially if you look at the fight between the strong ~ ~ the closer you are, the more dangerous it is. If you are not careful, you will be seriously injured if you are shocked by the wave, and it will not be impossible if you are seriously injured.


The three people, Jingyi Bodhisattva, Emperor Dongyue, and Lingyin Gong still stood on the scene, never moving from start to finish, even without blinking their eyes.

The Jingyi Buddha looks like a gentle-faced jade-faced man, looking at the scuffle in the air with no expression on his face, with one hand behind him and one hand in front of him, with a faint golden brilliance around him. Flowers bloom like layers.

Not far away, Emperor Dongyue held his hands behind him, his face was full, and his body was surrounded by purple gas, like a purple dragon circling, like a purple sun rising.

The Lingyin Gong of Xianfeng Road also stood in the air, and his strong power made him look like an unshakable mountain.

The three looked calm on the surface. In fact, they were a little flustered. Both eyes and consciousness stared at the fight on the court, and they dared not leave for a moment, lest the colorful lotus be taken away.

There is no doubt that all three want colorful lotus flowers.

I did n’t do it before because the time was not up.

With the appearance of the Three-eyed Demon King and the Poisonous Ghost Emperor, it can be said that the time has come. This time, the shot is just right, and it is most promising to grab the colorful lotus. If it is not shot at this time, the colorful lotus is likely to fall into the third eye. In the hands of the devil or the purple poison ghost emperor.

It's not that the three of them don't understand such a simple truth. However, Gu Qingfeng, who is standing in the distance, told them not to take a shot, not to take a shot, and to be extremely tangled.

They are not afraid of the Sisters of Water Mirror, the Bodhisattva of the Water Moon, the Ghost Emperor of the Purple Poison, nor the Three-eyed Demon King.

Only fear of ancient Qingfeng.

They were all afraid that even if they finally grab the colorful lotus flower, they would not be able to pass the Gu Qingfeng level.

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