
Vol 2 Chapter 2189: Retreat 2 Difficulties

Others may not know it, but the Zidu Ghost Emperor is clear that the dust in the hands of the Shuiyue Bodhisattva is a magic weapon on the avenue.

Almost all avenue magic weapons can be called magic weapon, because each avenue magic weapon is refined with the essence of the avenue, and the mystery contained in the power contained is terrible beyond imagination.

The Lingyin Gong on the court neither inherited his destiny, nor had any strong fortune, but he was called Zhuge Yun, the great emperor of Dongyue, and he did not dare to underestimate. It was not the status of Elder Loulan Fudi, nor was he a party. The domain master of the domain is the heavenly magic weapon in his hand-the sky shuttle.


The poisonous ghost emperor knew that the dust of the Shuiyue Bodhisattva was more powerful than the avenue magic weapon in the hands of Lingyin Gong.

the reason is simple.

Shuiyue Bodhisattva's whisk is made by the legendary Lantern ancient Buddha, named Daqing Dajing Kongmen Fu.

In the rumors, the Daqing Dajing empty door flicks, a Buddha will be quiet, and the thousands of evil thoughts in your heart will instantly turn to ashes.

As soon as she dusted down, all the messy thoughts in her heart would disappear, and the knowledge of the sea and the sky would be almost equal to the four majors. If the will is unsteady and the Tao is unstable, the six roots will be quiet and desperate, and immediately enter the empty door.

Even if the will is firm, the Tao heart is solid, and when it is dusted by it, the consciousness will be blurred, and the knowledge of the sea will be chaotic, like a fool lingering there.


No exaggeration at all.

at least.

The Purple Poison Emperor knew that it was not an exaggeration, because she had played against the Shuiyue Bodhisattva in ancient times. Not only that, she also drank the Shuiyue Bodhisattva.

To this day, he still clearly remembers that when the Shuiyue Bodhisattva swept away, the purple poisonous ghost felt like an epiphany, like seeing through the red dust, like being enshrined by the Lord of Buddha, and like being enlightened. There is only one thought in his mind. That is to go into the air and atone for the crimes you have committed.

Fortunately, the Lantern Ghost Emperor shot him in time to save him. Otherwise, there would be no poisonous ghost emperor today.

After a lapse of many years, I met Shuiyue Bodhisattva again.

to be frank.

The colorful lotus was found here this time, and the purple poison ghost emperor did not plan to immediately shoot it, because when he came, he saw the Shuiyue Bodhisattva at the same time, as well as the Emperor Dongyue, Lingyin Gong, and Jingyi Bodhisattva. These are all The great masters of the Wilderness, coupled with the unknown situation, do not know who is vying for colorful lotus flowers.


Seeing the three-eyed Demon King's shot, the purple poison ghost emperor did not think too much, lest the colorful lotus fell into the hands of others, so he also shot. Originally, the only person who thought that the colorful lotus was guarding the colorful lotus was Changsheng Pavilion. The Shuiyue Bodhisattva, who he was particularly jealous of, was also guarding the colorful lotus.

This one made him a little dilemma. He started to tremble with fear, and did not dare to let go of the fight, for fear of annoying the Shuiyue Bodhisattva, and if he blows the dust again, the fruit will be unthinkable.

Although so many years have passed, whether it is cultivation or influence, nor will or Taoism, the Zidu Ghost Emperor has improved a lot, but he is still not sure whether he can withstand the dust of Shuiyue Bodhisattva.

Most importantly, he found that Dongyue Emperor, Lingyin Gong, Jingyi Bodhisattva and others stood there indifferently, which made Zidu ghost emperor have a bad feeling in his heart, especially when he saw the distant monk in the distance. When there is Gu Qingfeng, it makes him regret it.

Daxing epilepsy called the living Buddha, and even the existence of the blue lantern ghost emperor, the black mountain old demon, the blood river demon emperor, and the big sun king emperor jeopardized Daxing epic monk by three points, let alone the purple poison ghost emperor.

The Zidu Ghost Emperor does not know Gu Qingfeng, and has never seen it. Seeing that Gu Qingfeng has no practice on his body, he can't detect the sense of consciousness. After thinking for a moment, the four words Jiuyou Emperor appear in his mind.

After he guessed the identity of Gu Qingfeng, the heart of Zidu Ghost became even more flustered, and he finally understood why the Dongyue Emperor and Jingyi Bodhisattva didn't take any action. The emperor is also here, and the purple poison ghost emperor will never act blindly.

But it's too late now.

He has already started.

This made Zidu Guidi very upset inside.

How to do?

Stop now?


The poisonous ghost emperor thought, but the Shuiyue Bodhisattva may not make him wish.

Cultivate them to such a state, once the two sides fight against each other, they ca n’t retreat if they want to retreat, because their strengths are equal, and fighting is not a one-on-one way to win or lose. The level of cultivation is not a change of supernatural powers. If there is a one-stroke match, there will be only one result in the end, which is to lose both.

Therefore, less than a last resort, no one will fight so hard.

They fight as if they were chess, focusing on the layout, laying out with various magical powers, and suppressing with various forces.

While observing the opponent's weaknesses, waiting for the opportunity, as soon as the time comes, one blow will kill!

Therefore, Zidu Ghost Emperor did not dare to give up easily. If it were to be withdrawn now, Shuiyue Bodhisattva would surely suppress it completely. At that time, Zidu Ghost Emperor would fall into a passive state and gain more than it paid.

However, if you do n’t stop and force the attack, let ’s not talk about Daqing Dajing's empty door in the hands of Shuiyue Bodhisattva. Even if you grab a colorful lotus, I ’m afraid it will be a wedding dress for others. The Great Emperor, the Lingyin Gong, and the Pure Clothes Bodhisattva are not fuel-saving lamps, not to mention the Daxing lunatics and ancient breeze that the Zidu ghost emperor is extremely jealous of.

It's not a shot, it's not a shot.

Is it so stumbling?

This is harmless for the poisonous ghost emperor. If it is consumed, it will consume his cultivation. The longer the delay, the greater the consumption, and the greater the harm to him.

The more I think about the Purple Poison Emperor, the more I regret it, and I regret that I should not act blindly. This is all right ~ ~ It is completely trapped, and it is difficult to get out.

No way, until now, the poisonous ghost emperor can only consume it with one's daring scrutiny, and find the opportunity to withdraw first.


It wasn't just the poisonous ghost emperor who got trapped. The three ghost kings who came with him, one ghost king, two old ghosts, including the green ghost ghost king, and the blood toad demon king also got trapped.

The purple poison ghost emperor is okay, at least he can cope with the Shuiyue Bodhisattva, and the existence of the Qingying Ghost King is not as good as him. At this moment, the Qingying Ghost King is almost collapsed by the five monsters in Montenegro. A All of them screamed and screamed like madness, growling, and angry.

Either the crickets screamed by the fire, or the choking choked by the flood.

Either buried in the ground or hacked by lightning, or flying across the wind.


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