
Vol 2 Chapter 2195: 0 Jun 1 round

A group of elders in the Changsheng Pavilion and the Zixia Wonderland were immediately on the spot. Like the lost soul, the greed in the heart was full of infatuation. At the moment, all the thoughts in the sea disappeared, the mind was blank, and the consciousness disappeared. .

Not only are they like this, the purple poison ghost emperor, Dongyue Emperor, Jingyi Bodhisattva, and Lingyin Gong who originally appeared next to the colorful lotus, also dangled in the air like statues.

Their thoughts in the sea disappeared at this moment, and their minds were also blank. Although their consciousness had not disappeared, they were numb and their eyes were especially empty. Looking at the colorful lotus in front of them, there was no greed anymore.

They all know that it must have been Shuiyue Bodhisattva's shot, and the Qing Dynasty Dajing empty door whisked.

Especially the poisonous ghost emperor, who had previously dealt with Shuiyue Bodhisattva and was shrouded in the Daqing Dajing empty door. This is the feeling of being numb and indifferent. All thoughts disappeared, as if falling into an empty door.

This is indeed the case.

While the Shuiyue Bodhisattva was fighting with the Three-eyed Demon King, he sacrificed the Daqing Dajing Kongmen to stop the purple poison ghost emperor and others, but she has been using the offering of the Daqing Dajing Kongmen to restrain the Three-eyed Demon Jun, just a moment ago, although you temporarily stopped Zidu Guidi and others, but only temporarily, she was very clear that she could wake up quickly with the practice of Zidu Guidi and others.


After a while, the blank minds of Zidu Guidi, Emperor Dongyue, and others began to come up with ideas, and their consciousness sobered.

"Five seniors! Annoying you to stop them!"

The Shuiyue Bodhisattler shouted, but the five monsters in the distance in Montenegro were still doing their own thing as if they had not heard.

The five monsters in Montenegro are not only weird, they are also strange in temperament. They all act according to their own preferences and their brains seem to be lacking in strength. Previously, the Shuiyue Bodhisattva let them deal with other people. The demon king and others are so anxious to play, their spirits collapse, their bodies are kicked and kicked like a ball by their play, and their souls are blown and blown like smoke by their play. Even the destiny of the avenue is regarded as a reward Scramble up.

At the end of the game, the Qingling Ghost King and other beings were killed by them and they did not say, they also fought themselves, and they could not engage in friendship. The reason was simple. Not only were the Qingying Ghost King or the Blood Toad King killed by them. , And another ghost king, plus two ghost kings, after playing these avenues of fate, the Montenegro monsters have been discussing how to divide the loot.

Huotuotuo said he had the most credit, so he felt that he deserved a heart of destiny.

Lei Gong's mother thinks that his merits are not small, and they should each get a heart of the destiny of the road.

This downwind Si Niang is unhappy, because there are only three hearts of the Avenue Destiny Throne, and the remaining two are the hearts of the Avenue Destiny King. Everyone knows that the Avenue Destiny Throne is one step higher than the Avenue Destiny King. She naturally also wanted a heart of destiny.

In this way, the five monsters in Montenegro have been arguing, no one wants, and everyone wants a heart of the destiny of the avenue, and finally hesitated. When Huotuotuo's temper came up, he lifted his hands with the two hammers. Persuasion by the head of the land government did not help either.

Shuiyue Bodhisattva didn't respond for several times in a row, and finally gave up. Seeing the time passing by, the Emperor Dongyue and the poisonous ghost Emperor had sober signs. Shuiyue Bodhisattva was extremely anxious, but she I have been using the Daqing Dajing empty door to frustrate the three-eyed Demon King, and I can't get out of it at all.

To say that the Daqing Dajing empty door whisk in the hands of Shuiyue Bodhisattva is really good. It is indeed a magic weapon for the burning of the ancient Buddha. It is really tight. When she sacrifices the Daqing empty door in Daqing, the three-eyed demon Jun is completely restrained, and he hangs in the air like a demon statue.

The idea of ​​knowing the sea disappeared, my mind was blank, and my consciousness was paralyzed.


The Three-eyed Demon King was not completely restrained by the Daqing Dajing Kongmen. His will seemed extremely firm, and his consciousness was very tenacious. Soon the thoughts in the sea came into being, and his mind began to recover. Gradually sober, the physical body can move.

Seeing this, the Shuiyue Bodhisattva chanted the scriptures, the three-eyed demon king was restrained again, and the thoughts derived from the knowledge of the sea collapsed again.

Under the strong thoughts of the Three-eyed Demon King, Shihai once again gave birth to various thoughts, but soon, the thoughts were purified and dispersed.

In this way, the three-eyed demon's knowledge of the sea continued to evolve various thoughts, and was cleansed and scattered by the Daqing Dajing empty door in the hand of Shuiyue Bodhisattva. The two clashed against each other, and the flesh of the three-eyed demon trembled in the air. Tremble.

Although Buddha is the nemesis of all monsters.

But there is another old saying: the road is one foot tall and the magic one foot tall.

Although the Daqing Dajing empty door in the hands of the Shuiyue Bodhisattva is powerful, it is impossible to reduce the evil heart of the three-eyed demon.

"Oh! I want to be uncle ... it's ... delusional!"

The three-eyed demon's heart of the demon became more and more firm, more and more intense, and the idea of ​​knowing the sea became more and more crazy. Endless.

The face of Shuiyue Bodhisattva was as dead as she was, and she gradually realized that she could not purify the three-eyed demon without any effort, and she even found that the heart of the demon of the three-eyed demon was cleared by the clear air of the door. More and more evil, in a sense, the Shuiyue Bodhisattva not only failed to restrain the three-eyed demon, but also helped him to abuse, making the three-eyed demon's heavenly demon heart more evil and powerful.

far away.

Daxing epilepsy looked at this scene ~ ~ shook his head and sighed, sighing, "Sister sister, sister sister, why don't you understand so far, Buddha is also a demon, demon is also a Buddha, and three-eyed demon is this The cub is a demon, and it is a demon, and it is a very pure demon. "

"It has no human nature and no morals at all. Some are born with demonism. He doesn't know good and evil, he doesn't understand life and death, and he doesn't have all emotions and desires. He acts completely freely. It knows the thoughts that come out of the sea. For you, It is evil, but for it, it is pure and holy, even sacred, because that is its nature. "

"For you, it is the magic, for it, you are the magic."

"It is such a holy and pure demon by nature, how can you save it?"

The reason why the sky demon is terrible is that the sky demon is an innate demon, the demon is also the nature, and it is the innate demon.

However, after entering the world, many demons have changed for various reasons, such as sacrificial magic, creation, destiny, etc. Once they infect them, they will gradually become less pure.

(End of this chapter)

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