
Vol 2 Chapter 2202: Old Bone Demon

Gu Qingfeng previously heard the Daxing epilepsy mentioned the Blood River ancestor, saying that this Blood River ancestor was a legendary overlord of the demon. It seems that he was a disciple of a certain cave before he was not a demon, not only that, but it was still nine days. The emperor, who later fell into the magical path for a woman, once caused a **** storm in the great wasteland, killing the darkness, and the blood of all heavens and rivers flowed into the river.

This is the legend that the famous thought became magic and blood flowed into the river.

Gu Qingfeng has not heard of this legend before, and I do not know that Jiuyou has the No. 1 emperor like Blood River ancestor.

After hearing the legend of Blood River ancestors from the Daxing episcopal, don't say that he is quite interested in Blood River ancestors, and would like to make friends if he has the opportunity, because he also did similar things for a woman. Although things are not enchanted, they are almost the same, pondering that the Blood River ancestor should be a temperament person like himself.

next to.

The Daxing monk looked up and looked around, and whispered, "Gu Gu, you know? Old man thinks that even if he floats out and wants to kill the three-eyed demon, he may not have this ability."

"What do you say?"

"I didn't tell you before, the ancestor of Blood River also came to the ancient black hole."

Watching the Daxing episcopal poking his lips around, Gu Qingfeng understood, and said, "You mean the ancestor of the Blood River is here?"

"The ancestor of Blood River is not here, the old man does not know, but it must be in the black hole in the desert, and the old man is sure that someone will come forward to intercede for the three-eyed demon. Even if it is not the blood river ancestor, it must be the blood river ancestor Master. "

As soon as Daxing's words were finished, a voice came from the air.

"The Floating Emperor deserves to be a natural existence. It is really an eye-opener for people to admire and admire! The old is admired!"

The voice was very old and quite hoarse, and everyone looked for it, and found that an old man was coming from the sky.

The old man was gray-haired, wearing a gray-white long-distance run, and looked skinny and skinny like a skinny head. He carried a white bone scepter, walked slowly, his feet contracted into a foot, and blinked.

"Fuck! Why is this old thing coming!"

Seeing this old man with a scepter in his bones, the monk yelled, as if surprised.

"Do you know this old man?"

"This is an old demon head of Jiuyou, known as the old demon of bones. This old thing is very tight."

"Bone Devil?"

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and pondered. He felt that the name "Bone Devil" was familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember where he heard it for a while.

On the court.

After the Bone Demon appeared, he did not look at the three-eyed demon who was paralyzed on the ground, and ignored the floating emperor. To everyone's surprise, he walked over and leaned over to Gu Qingfeng. A gift.

"Old Baifeng meets Jiuyou Emperor."

No one would have thought that the old bone demon would suddenly salute the ancient Qing, and the Emperor Dongyue and others did not expect it, nor did the Daxing episcopal monk even the ancient Qingfeng himself.

Gu Qingfeng still leaned leaning on the big rock. He squinted his eyes and looked up and down, and asked, "Let's know?"

"Aging and emperor never know each other."

"Neither acquaintance, why are you ..."

"The old deceased is the demon of Jiuyou, and deserves to meet Emperor Jiuyou."

After hearing the words, Gu Qingfeng felt dumb and said, "I'm no longer Jiuyou Emperor."

"At least it used to be, and the old believe that the emperor will also be ..."

The old bone demon said something a little strange, and the meaning of this sentence is not so simple.

Gu Qingfeng didn't believe in this old bone demon, just because he was the demon of Jiuyou, and because he had won the Emperor Jiuyou before, so he met himself in the audience, and he did n’t worship Gu Qingfeng. What I see is more like worship to others.

Just the meaning behind it, Gu Qingfeng suddenly didn't understand.

"Bone Bone Demon." At this time, Daxing epic smiled and said, "Do you remember the old grandma?"

"The living Buddha is so good, how can old people not remember it?"

"Oh, good memory, after so many years, you still can't remember Lao."

The Daxing epic jumped off the big rock, holding a big compassion fan in his hand, and laughed, "What's the matter, what's the meaning of your sudden emergence?" Where did you come from?

"From where it should be."

"For the three-eyed monster, this bunny?"


"I said the old bone demon, if you are here to save the three-eyed demon, the old man advised you to go back and forth. The three-eyed cub is overwhelmed and has no choice but to grab the colorful lotus of his disciples. , And even shot and injured the water mirror mother, who is the water mirror mother, that is the floating master, do you think that the floating emperor will let him go? "

After waiting for the old bone bone demon to reply, the Daxing epic once again yelled: "Furthermore ~ ​​ ~ Even if the kid who is floating is willing to put three eyes on the monarch and one horse, the Emperor Dongyue has a net Elder Buddha, Zixia Wonderland, Loulan Fudi are also unwilling. "

"Ten thousand steps back, even if these people are willing, the old man is definitely not willing to do so. The three-eyed cub is evil in this ancient age. The old man has long wanted to kill this little bastard."

"Truth tell you the old bone bone demon, today I am saying that it is you, even if the blood river ancestor came in person, the old uncle will not give face."

"Three-eyed rabbits have slaughtered more than forty billions of souls in the ancient times. Everyone in the heavens and all walks of life wins. If anyone let go of the three-eyes today, he would be contaminated with demons. ! "

By the way, Daxing epilepsy also deliberately looked at the Emperor Dongyue and others, and asked, "Masters, are you saying that Lao Ye is right? I believe you all agree with Lao Ye's words, and you will not let go of the three-eyed demon. Right? "

Whether it was the Emperor Dongyue, the Bodhisattva Jingyin, or the Lingyin Gong, all of them were gloomy. No one responded, and they didn't know how to respond to this question.

Originally with the emergence of the Emperor of the Floating Emperor, even if they did not want to, they had to give up competing for the colorful lotus flower, and they knew that they were not the opponent of the Emperor of the Floating Emperor at all.

Thinking that if you can use the hand of the floating emperor to kill the three-eyed demon, it is not a trip.

It ’s not that they want to kill the people, but they all know that since the Blood River ancestors passed Jiu You to the Three-eyed Demon King, then the Three-eyed Demon King is already a disciple of the Blood River ancestor, and if Ruofusheng Emperor killed it The words of the Three-eyed Demon King will inevitably anger the Blood River ancestors. It will be a rare good thing for them if the floating emperor and the Blood River ancestors go to war, especially in the ancient ancient black hole. In places, if the Emperor Fusheng and the Blood River ancestors both lost, they would lose two competitors.

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