
Vol 2 Chapter 2204: Master tricks

The old bone-devil disappeared, not only killing the three-eyed demon prince, but also taking away Jiuyou.

Everyone who was present at such an ending was unexpected, and perhaps even those unpredictable existences dormant in the dark did not expect.

With the departure of the old bone demon, this scramble for colorful lotuses also means the end.

Gu Qingfeng had enough to watch the excitement. After drinking the wine in the glass, he yawned, stretched his waist fiercely, and shook his head. Without saying a word, he turned and left.

If the disappearance of the three-eyed demon prince and the departure of the white-bone old demon let the Dongyue emperor and others still have a hint of fantasy, then the departure of Gu Qingfeng completely eliminated their last hope.

They look at me, I look at you, no one speaks, and no one thinks about it, all of them look a little ashamed.


I didn't say I didn't grab the colorful lotus flower. If I could take this opportunity to cause the floating emperor and the blood river ancestors to fight each other, it would not be in vain.

As a result, the Bone Demon under the Blood River ancestor immediately killed the three-eyed demon.

I thought it would be okay to call Fusheng Emperor to fight with Gu Qingfeng, but unfortunately, Gu Qingfeng didn't seem to have much interest in colorful lotuses, and naturally he would not fight with Fusheng Emperor.

This made the Emperor Dongyue and other people feel very unpleasant, and also extremely fierce. I feel that this is a busy work, and I haven't said anything. I almost missed the Daxing monk's Tao. Fortunately, here are ancient ruins, not too many people, if they are in the wild, then they will inevitably be ashamed.

"How about boy, I didn't expect people to play such a trick?"

Daxing epilepsy smiled and walked over to say hello to Emperor Fusheng.

The floating emperor Jun Junya is extraordinary, and it seems to be light and light. He nodded, and said softly, "Thank you Daxing senior."

"Thank me? The old man didn't help anything. You really should thank the old devil in bones. To be precise, you should thank the Blood River ancestor. If it wasn't for others to take a step back, your kid might not Better. "

Others on the court may feel inexplicable about what just happened, but Daxing Leng Monk has the same heart as Ming Jing.

He knows clearly that what is happening today is a dilemma for the floating emperor, and it is also a dilemma.

If the three-eyed Demon King is killed, it will inevitably anger the Blood River ancestors. At that time, whether his masters can leave the ancient black hole alive is an unknown number, and the Changsheng Pavilion will certainly be subject to the Blood River old afterwards. Patriarch's revenge.

But if you don't kill the Three-Eyed Demon King, then he and even the reputation of Changsheng Pavilion will be greatly affected by this matter.

Emperor Fusheng may not care about his reputation, but he has to care about the reputation of Changsheng Pavilion.

The Dahang epic has long seen through the minds of Dongyue Emperor, knowing that if the floating emperor today does not obliterate the three-eyed demon king, the Dongyue emperor and others will certainly take this opportunity to attack the floating emperor and the Changsheng Pavilion. Once spread in the wilderness, the consequences are unthinkable, both for the Emperor Fusheng and the Changsheng Pavilion.

After all, the Three-eyed Demon King is evil and kills hundreds of millions of souls. If someone will use this incident to attack, the Emperor Fusheng will be ruined, and it is not impossible for Changsheng Pavilion to fall.

Therefore, the Daxing lunatics stepped forward to stand on the moral high ground and kidnapped the people of Dongyue and the Emperor Fusheng.

His purpose is very simple. If you want to offend the Blood River ancestors, everyone offends together. If you don't want to offend the Blood River ancestors, then Changsheng Pavilion, Zixia Wonderland, Loulan Fudi came to memorize this infamy. You Dongyue Emperor, Jingyi Bodhisattva, as well as the Emperor Sundial Emperor and Emperor Xitian Buddha behind you can not get rid of ties.


The Daxing epic did not expect that the old bone demon would take the initiative to stand and kill the three-eyed demon.

At the beginning, he was really a little embarrassed. I don't know which one the bone bone old demon played. Later, I thought about it and realized the mystery.

Thinking about the old bone bone demon, he should not want to make the matter bigger, let alone push the blood river ancestor to the tip of the wind because of a three-eyed demon.

In Daxing, the monk wanted to see that the three-eyed demon is not only a dilemma for the floating emperor, but also a dilemma for the old bone demon.

If the old bone-devil is ignored, the three-eyed demon lord will die here, which will damage the blood river ancestor's reputation and lose face, even if the blood river ancestor does not want to seek revenge from the Changsheng Pavilion.

But if you come to save the Three-Eyed Demon King, you will inevitably fight with the Emperor of the Floating Life. Once this fights, the consequences will be unthinkable.

The floating emperor avoids the blood ancestors, and the blood ancestors also avoid the three points of the floating emperor. If the two fight, there is only one result, which is to lose both, and then only cheap others.

This is the result no one wants to see.

No one can avoid it. Only by letting the old bone demon come forward and obliterate the three-eyed demon, this will not only avoid a direct conflict with the floating emperor, but also will not damage the reputation, and there is also an excuse to get back the Jiuyou. However, the Emperor of the Floating Life did not want to fight with the Blood River ancestors. Since the Blood River ancestors have made concessions, he naturally will not say much.

As for what the Bone Devil said that the Three-eyed Demon King could not be educated, he was expelled from the blood ancestors long ago, and these words were unbelievable at all. He also said that the Three-eyed Devil stole the Nine Youshen. Dahang epilepsy is even nonsense. Who does n’t know that Jiuyou is the treasure of the Blood River ancestors, and he said that stealing is just an upright grab. No one in this world has the ability ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ There is no doubt that the Blood River ancestor passed Jiu You to the Three-eyed Demon King, and the Three-eyed Demon King is definitely a disciple of the Blood River ancestor.

To say whether the old bone bone demon shot just now killed the three-eyed demon.

In the eyes of the Daxing episcopal, killing and not killing are the same. Even if the old bone demon really killed the three-eyed demon, it is not difficult to bring the three-eyed devil back to life with the ancestors of the blood river. child.

The Old Bone Demon is just doing a pose, but Gao Ming is there. Even if other people know that the Old Bone Demon is doing it, no one dares to stand up and say anything.

The Daxing epic wanted to have a good chat with the Emperor Fusheng. Turning his head and seeing that Gu Qingfeng has drifted away, he cursed: "Fuck, when the kid was let out before, the kid didn't leave. Now it's better. If you do n’t, you just slip. "

"Yeah! Floating, old man is one step ahead. Let's talk when we have a chance."

Having said that, the Daxing monk rushed to catch up.

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