
Vol 2 Chapter 2211: The Great Peacock Emperor

Inside this ancient ruin, there is no big day above, only the turbulent vortex that covers the entire sky slowly rotates like a giant wheel of time and space. The endless desert is like the boundless sea, which is swept by the wind, The sky was blowing up.

The dozen or so beams of light that have risen before the sky have left only a few traces. Under each beam of light there are hidden ancient ruins. If the beam of light disappears, it means that the ancient ruins below have disappeared.

Or it should be said that these unexpected ancient ruins did not disappear, but merged with each other.

Others may not know it, but the Emperor of the Floating Life knows better than anyone. Not only are these unexpected ancient ruins fused together, but also many ancient ruins appearing in the ancient black holes are fused with each other.

He was just in the ruins, he couldn't see, he couldn't sense it.

At this moment.

He stood in the air, gazing at the colorful lotus on the opposite side.

The holy and pure colorful lotus is still blooming, but Guanghua is no longer strong, and Qing Qing still sits on the lotus with her knees closed, her eyes closed, free from outside influence.

Every time the colorful lotus blooms, there are infinite changes. With each change, Qingqing also changes. Gradually, the colorful lotus no longer looks like colorful lotus, and Qingqing no longer looks like Qingqing. It is fused together without distinguishing each other.

Emperor Wu Fusheng looked at it like this, did nothing, and said nothing.

next to.

People from Changsheng Pavilion, such as Mr. Kai Kaishan and Centrifugal Fairy, gathered and waited, also worried.

The emergence of Emperor Wu Fusheng helped them through the difficulties, not only to keep the colorful lotus but also the Qing Qing, but also to scare away all those who peeped at the colorful lotus.

This made the people in Changshengge very happy and very happy. At the same time, they were all worried about the safety of Qing Qing. I wonder what the situation of Qing Qing is now.

众 Everyone in the audience did not know what a colorful lotus is, but they all saw it. The purity and purity of the colorful lotus must be no small matter. In other words, the existence of the colorful lotus may exceed imagination.

It is for this reason that they are worried about Qing Qing's safety.

They all know that the more powerful the baby, the harder it is to merge, the harder it is to control. Once the integration fails, it may become a baby's sacrifice, and it is not impossible to die.

"Cough! Cough!"

A cough sounded, and everyone looked around, only to find that the water mirror mother had recovered.

I have to say that the floating emperor really deserves it. The water mirror lady was seriously injured by the three-eyed demon, and her own spiritual power has been exhausted. Later, the floating emperor just arranged a matrix method, and there was not much time before and after. Although Jingang Niang's injury has not recovered, her complexion looks much better, at least not as weak as before.


Emperor Wu Fusheng came and said, "You should rest assured."

Wushui Jingniang's injuries are not minor, and what she needs most now is to rest assured. Even if Emperor Fusheng takes the shot, she also needs a long time to heal.

Emperor Wufusheng has great magical powers, but after all, he is not an omnipotent god. No matter how great his skill is, there is no way to restore his master as before in a short time.

"Worry for the teacher ... worry about the safety of Qing Qing."

Under the help of the centrifugal fairy, the water mirror mother slowly stood up, looked at the Qing Qing who was indifferent to the colorful lotus, and asked softly, "What are you, Qing Qing ..."

"It doesn't matter."

What did the Water Mirror Mother want to say, the Emperor Fusheng interrupted him and said, "Master, if you believe me, you will temporarily enter the mysterious cloud of the apprentice to heal. You can rest assured that with me, Qing Qing will not have anything."

"This ... okay!"

"Centrifuge, elders, let's go in together, this wild ancient black hole is about to change soon."

The centrifugal fairy and the grandfather Kaishan nodded in agreement. They knew that their cultivation in the ancient black hole would not help, but would become a burden. Now, they can only follow the arrangements of the Emperor Fusheng.

"You, you ... you have to be careful."

"Do not worry."

After saying that when the Emperor Fusheng waved his hand and Guanghua flickered, all the people in Changsheng Pavilion, including the Lady of the Water Mirror, the centrifugal fairy, and the father of Kaishan, disappeared as if they had never appeared.


The floating emperor came to the side of the colorful lotus again. When he slightly raised his hand, the palms bloomed with black and white interlaced brilliance. The black and white interlaced brilliance was like the sun and the moon, like the intersection of yin and yang, and the intersection of light and darkness. There is yin in yang, which is particularly magical and mysterious.

He waved gently, the black and white interlaced Guanghua slowly shrouded the colorful lotus flower, and then formed a mysterious and mysterious Tai Chi pattern.

抬 He raised his hand to draw a circle in the void. Suddenly, Taiji Zunyuan disappeared, and the colorful lotus, including Qing Qing, disappeared without a trace.

"Wonderful! What awesome!"

When the admiration came from the air, it was a person who responded.

I am a teenager.

The young man looked fourteen or five years old, dressed in a blue robe, with a faint smile on his handsome and immaculate face. He looked at the Emperor Fusheng with a smile, clapping and applauding: High, supernatural, admire it! "

He did not feel any surprise about the emergence of the juvenile. He knew the juvenile, the Peacock Emperor, a mysterious and very low-key existence, and an existence he could not detect by sacrificing consciousness.

"The peacock emperor must not be elevated."

The floating emperor stood up in the air, and once in white, Junyi emerged from the dust ~ ~ looks particularly elegant, while the peacock emperor is not adolescent, but he is born with a precious appearance, like a dragon and a phoenix in humankind, as if born naturally. Have a noble temperament.

"Lift? Brother Fusheng is always so humble."

The emperor peacock shook his head slightly, smiling slightly.

He did not lift the floating emperor, but admired the means just now.

The colorful lotus is holy and pure, and it contains infinite change. The most important thing is that it is merging with Qing Qing.

In this case, once affected by the outside world, it will not only taint the sacred and pure breath of the colorful lotus, but also disrupt the change of the colorful lotus. At that time, Qing Qing will also wipe out the ashes, and even the holy and pure colorful lotus may be destroyed. Once, the consequences can be unimaginable.

This is also the fundamental reason why the mother of the water mirror desperately guards the colorful lotus, because she dare not touch the colorful lotus at all, lest it affect the colorful lotus, thereby harming Qing Qing.


The Peacock Emperor just saw it clearly. When the floating emperor shot the colorful lotus flower with the Taiji pattern, not only did he not defile the holiness and purity of the colorful lotus flower, nor did he affect the colorful lotus flower in any way, so he took away the colorful lotus flower.

手段 These methods are not so clever. The clever peacock emperor is amazed.

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