
Vol 2 Chapter 2227: 1 Enchanting for Cangyan

When he saw the Cangyan deity, the Daxing monk was both shocked and angry, both happy and afraid.

Jing was that when he started, he had been guessing the identity of the other person, thinking about the powerful woman he knew almost in his mind, but still couldn't guess the identity of the other person, and he never thought that he would be the master of Langya. Cangyan.

to be frank.

Xun Daxing's epilepsy is not without guessing Cangyan. On the contrary, he deliberately thought about it several times and even doubted it.

Because of the women he knows, the existence of Cangyan is one of the powerful.

Coupled with the fact that Cang Yan had teased him, the Daxing epic once suspected that the mysterious woman might be Cang Yan.

He was ultimately denied by him.

Because he has played with Cangyan more than once, he ca n’t say that he has a deep understanding of Cangyan ’s cultivation, but he also knows one or two. He thinks that if it is really Cangyan, unless he does n’t do it, he only needs to do it, even if he hides it. No matter how deep he is, he has the confidence to detect it.

Until now, the Daxing epilepsy realized that she had underestimated Cangyan's ability. The girl did not reveal any horse feet from beginning to end, and when she started, whether it was the magical mystery or the creation of sacrifices, It's unheard of, and it's obvious that it was prepared to play tricks on the monks.

This is also the place where Daxing lunatics are angry.

Because he was teased once by Cang Yan that year, and that was also Cang Yan's way, and he had to shout Aunt Grandma three times. I didn't expect to meet again after many years, but he was teased by this girl again. Once.

The roots of the teeth that Daxing epilepsy hates are itchy. If you change to someone else, you dare to tease him twice. Daxing epishes have to strip the other's skin to relieve the hatred.

I can face Cangyan.

Daxing epilepsy can only choose to swallow his patience, dare to be angry but not to speak.

At first, he had no way to get Cangyan. He fought several times, and it was him who lost the most in the end. Even if he tried his best to make use of his ability to squeeze the box, the Daxing monk thought it might not be able to deal with Cangyan.

Others don't say, just that Cangyan has the two imperial destinies of immortal and magic, which is enough to cause headaches for Daxing epilepsy.

In addition, Cangyan is the master of Langya Cave, and certainly inherits the power of Langya, which is even more terrible than the destiny of the two imperial powers of immortals.

In addition, there are several treasures on Cangyan, such as the 'Zhu Tianqin' that shocked the world in the ancient times, and a 'Void 绫'. It is no exaggeration to say that the several treasures on Cangyan's hands, each The pieces are comparable to the big mercy fan in the hands of the Daxing episcopal monk.

Is that just the case?

Do not.

Far more than that.

At least, Daxing epilepsy knew that there were three terrible creations in Cangyan, each of which was a avenue creation, and he was all jealous of three points. When they just met, Cangyan sacrificed the creation, Daxing epic. Thinking about the cultivation of Cang Yan today, he is afraid that it is completely beyond his imagination.

Speaking again.

Xun Mo said that Daxing epilepsy did not have the confidence to defeat Cang Yan. Even with this confidence, he may not dare to move Cang Yan.

After all, Su Shi was a little girl trained by Cang Yan, and Su Shi is now a maiden, and she is a life-threatening existence. Daxing monks dare not provoke it.

In addition to Su Shi, Cang Yan also has a confidant sister, who is the nameless goddess who makes Daxing's monks most afraid of.

圣 A maiden maiden, a goddess maiden, these two are the existence of the Daxing lunatics who do not want and dare not provoke.

Can't stand it.

Wu Daxing's epilepsy knew that if he really moved Cangyan, the first person to find his own account would not be the maiden of maiden or the mother of heaven, but the ancestor of Blood River.


He is the ancestor of the Demon Emperor Blood River who is famous for his magic.

Not only will he find the Daxing epilepsy to settle accounts, but he may even obliterate the Daxing epilepsy. Although the Daxing epilepsy and the Blood River ancestors also have a little friendship, the friendship between him and the Blood River ancestors is far inferior The friendship between Blood River ancestors and Cangyan.

Others may not know that Cangyan and Blood River ancestors know each other well, and they are also a pair of crazy men and women.

It is well known that the ancestors of Blood River fell into the demon's mind and blood flowed into the river.


Everyone knows that the ancestor of Blood River is for a woman, and this woman is the master of Langyadong, Cangyan.

To this day, the Daxing epilepsy still remembers that the ancestors of Blood River said that if anyone dared to touch Cangyan with a slight hair, he would surely slaughter him. This is what he said and he did, otherwise, the wild Wanjie will not shed blood.

That year.

Archaic times.

The destiny of the avenue came, and it was the destiny that belonged to the ancient times, the imperial power of the avenue.

Therefore, many destined people are very lucky to get their own destiny.

For example, the famous Emperor Dairi, the Emperor Lantern, and so on are all the kings of the avenue that were sought out in the ancient times. Although there were not many kings of the avenue that came in that year, they were not small, and they were available on all avenues. At most, there are nine emperors of the avenue.

The blood ancestors of Cangxuehe and Cangyan are just one of the nine emperors.

At that time, the ancestors of Blood River and Cangyan were recognized as a pair of immortal ancestors by the Great Wilderness, and the two could say that Langcai was a beautiful girl ~

Blood River ancestors have unparalleled qualifications, they became famous in their youth, and they are also a Yuxu Cave, one of the thirty-six holes. They are handsome, easy-going, and famous, and even the emperor of the day can not compare with him. He can Asking the queen of immortals on the avenue is not only expected but also expected.

Compared with the Blood River ancestors, Cangyan is not bad at all. It is also unparalleled in qualifications. It is a young person who is famous and is also a man of destiny. He is also born in 36 holes. The only difference is that the blood river ancestors were from Yuxu Cave. , And Cangyan came from Langya Cave.

It is because of their different ancestry that they have become immortals and have never been favored.

Although both Langya Cave Sky and Yuxu Cave Sky are thirty-six cave holes, in the Archaic era, the difference between the two was one in heaven and one in the earth.

The reason is very simple, it is the ancient times.

At the end of the wilderness era, not only did many ancestors of the avenue fall, the masters in the sky and underground were also killed and wounded, 36 holes and 72 blessings were also severely injured, and some even annihilated the entire army.

Although Langya Dongtian was not overwhelmed by the army, most of its masters, such as ancestors and elders, died in the ancient times. Only a group of disciples who have not yet grown up are left. However, some disciples have fallen because of the elders. I felt that I didn't have much hope of staying in Langya, so I left.

The Langya Cave days of that year can be said to have almost disappeared, and only a few disciples such as Cangyan have been struggling to support them.

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