
Vol 2 Chapter 2232: Stuck all existing puzzles

There is no sky in the ancient black hole, and there is no earth underneath. As if there is no time, only endless turbulence is engulfing and merging with each other.

A gazebo looks out of place.

It seems as if He doesn't belong to this wild ancient black hole, and he can't shake the slightest.

Desolate Pavilion.

Nalan Qianqiu, who had been silent, looked at the direction in which Dahang's demon left, and frowned slightly, as if there was something I didn't understand. After a while, I asked, "Sister, do you really believe Dahang Will the people leave from the ancient black hole? "

Beside him, Cang Yan looked at the vast black ancient hole, and looked at it with a dim look, a little blank.

When Nalan Qianqiu's voice came, she didn't think about it. She shook her head slightly and responded softly, "No."


Xu Xu didn't expect Cang Yan to answer this. Nalan Qianqiu was surprised and asked, "Why?"

"He still has a lot of things to do, and there are a lot of things waiting to be done in this arrogant black hole, not to mention he has already bet everything on himself and his future in this arrogant black hole, how can he leave? . "

"Sister, did you already know that Daxing Acolytes will not leave the black hole of the ancients?"


既然 "Since you already knew, why did you let him go?"

"What else? Do you really send him to reincarnation?" A helpless smile emerged from the corner of Cang Yan's mouth, and said, "Daxing epilepsy is not as simple as you think. He just makes you feel simple. With his ability, even if I try hard, I might not be able to send him to reincarnation. "

"Is the Daxing Monk really so powerful?"

相信 "Believe me, Daxing Acolyte is far more powerful than you think, or should say ... far more powerful than he himself thinks."

"Sister, do you mean that the power of Daxing Leng Monk is not even clear to you?"


Hearing here, Nalan Qianqiu's brow deepened and her heart was more puzzled, and she asked, "But sister, you know that Daxing monk will not leave the ancient black hole, and you say you can't send him to reincarnation at all, So what are you doing, just to scare him? "

"Do not."

"I saw him on this trip, not to threaten or scare him, but to make him understand one thing," said Cang Yan.

"whats the matter?"

"Do what he wants to do."

"Do what he wants to do? What do Daxing episcopals want to do and what to do? Sister, how can I get more confused?"

She Cangyan didn't answer this question directly, but asked, "Qianqiu, what can you see in this wild ancient black hole?"

Nalan Qianqiu asked this question somehow, and she didn't know why her elder sister suddenly asked such a strange question.

She looked up at the vast and vast black ancient hole, and looked at the endless turbulence, shook her head, and said, "I can't see anything."

"It's right to see, not only you can't see, I can't see it. Nine days and nine loneliness, the heavenly blessed place, the ruins of Guixu ruins, the sanctuary forbidden area ... all existence in this heaven and underground is invisible. Many people gradually lost their way, began to doubt, began to hesitate, became dazed, and started to hesitate ... "

"This is the case of Daxing epic, he bet everything on him, but after he came here, the chaotic situation disoriented him and even forgot what he always wanted to do."

"He is so, you are no exception."


Confused Nalan Qianqiu couldn't figure out why Daxing Leng Monk suddenly dragged himself.

"Qianqiu, I also want you to do what you want to do."

Nalan Qianqiu smiled bitterly: "Sister, I don't know what I want to do, let alone what I should do."


Ji Cangyan turned around, stared at her, and asked, "Don't you really know?"


When I touched Cangyan's dark eyes, Nalan Qianqiu felt like a guilty conscience. She didn't dare to look directly, lowered her head, and chose silence.

She doesn't know what she wants to do or what she should do.

she knows.

I always knew.

She is the emperor of the avenue who inherited his destiny. She has the responsibility and responsibility to protect the avenue. This is what she should do and what she wants to do.

She doesn't want the avenue to fall, and she doesn't want to be born again.

此 Before that, she always thought that the original sin was the enemy of the avenue, and the original sin was the culprit of all things.

Later, she realized that it was not original sin but fate that really wanted to slaughter the avenue.

She thought that as long as the original sin was wiped out, the avenue would not fall, and the world would not be born again.

Later, she realized that if she killed her original sin, she would go against the sky and rebel against fate.

and so.

Nalan Qianqiu was confused and stunned.

As Cang Yan said, she lost her way and began to doubt, wondering whether she should continue to guard the avenue.

"Sister, can you tell me if I continue to guard the avenue, right?"

"You shouldn't ask me this question."

"Who do I ask? Do you ask the heavenly lady?"

"It doesn't help to ask her. She can't answer your question. You should ask yourself."

"Sister." Nalan Qianqiu cried without tears, and said, "I wouldn't ask you if I knew."

"I said, do what you want to do, and do it whenever you want. It doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong."

"But ... but ..."

Nalan Qianqiu really didn't know what to say ~ ~ Depressed: "Sister, can you tell me a few questions accurately!"

"The first question is whether the things recorded in the book of destiny will definitely happen or cannot be changed."

"The second question is whether fate wants to destroy the avenue or original sin wants to destroy the avenue. If fate wants the original sin to destroy the avenue, then what is the meaning of the destiny of our avenues? Fate will never let the original sin destroy the avenue. Let us guard these avenues with our destiny? Isn't this contradictory? "

"Third question, is destiny one of the three thousand avenues? If so, the avenues have been slaughtered, then will destiny also fall?"

"Fourth question, what is the meaning of the original sin? Is it for obliterating the avenue or for destiny!"

In a single breath, Qian Nalan asked all her doubts, which was the answer she always wanted to know.

But when she asked these questions, Cang Yan closed her eyes and shook her head slightly. There was a kind of sadness in her expression. After a long time, she smiled inexplicably, and smiled strangely.

"Sister, what are you laughing at?"

"Qian Qiu, do you know? When you asked me these questions, I also seriously asked Wu Guming."

"How did the heavenly mother-in-law answer?"

"She said to me very seriously, if she could, she would like to know the answers to these questions."

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