
Vol 2 Chapter 2237: Miao Rulai sitting on the golden Buddha

"What you are saying is just speculation. For the time being, you haven't really talked about countless futures and countless causes and effects, even if you have deduced them, do you include the existence of variables in these futures and causes? However, the cause and effect of the variables are chaotic and wrong. Therefore, their fate is uncertain and cannot be deduced, so the future is full of unknowns. "

Cang Yan said softly: "Moreover, in the ancient times you buried your own soul, not necessarily to escape fate, but may be a gamble, whether the existence of variables can change fate!"

Cangyan knows the ancient nameless, just as the ancient name knows her.

she knows.

Now the situation in Huanggu black hole is chaotic, because variables have emerged. What is the future fate? No one knows, no one knows, even the right and wrong are a little bit unclear.

Everyone fell into a trance, lost their way, and didn't know what to do.

She is so, and ancient nameless is no exception.

Ancient namelessness also lost its way in this chaotic black ancient hole.

Cangyan didn't know how to help the ancient nameless, and she didn't know how to let the ancient nameless find her own direction. The only thing she knew was that if even the ancient nameless person gave up, then she could only choose to listen to fate.

"promise me."

Looking at the opposite ancient namelessness, Cangyan said with a serious expression, "Gamble, okay?"

"What if you lose."

"If you lose, you lose, whatever happens."

Ye Gu looked at Cangyan without a name, just like that. After a long time, she nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Haha! Toast!"

The pair drank and drank several cups.

The previous loud noises have long ceased, and the various turbulent streams no longer roll and roar, and the nine huge turbulent vortices entangled in the ancient black hole are still slowly spinning and devouring the turbulent streams.

"Aragonic Nine Palace is almost formed, shall we go and see?"

Wu Guming glanced at the nine palaces that were conceived by the ancient black hole in the desert, and said, "Wait a minute first."

"What are you waiting for?"

"Wait for someone."

"A person?" Cang Yan asked curiously, "Who are you waiting for?"

As soon as the voice fell, Cang Yan immediately felt wrong, and then the turbulent flow not far away began to change, and also swirled to form a turbulent vortex.

The stumped black ancient hole formed another palace?

Do not!

This is not one of the bad ancient nine palaces.

From the perspective of Cangyan, this is a means, but also a great means of space.

as expected.

The turbulent vortex is getting bigger and bigger. Through this vortex, you can see that there are no holes in it.

Good guy!

Someone has opened up a space channel.

Who will it be

Cangyan was curious, and was about to look over, and saw a golden brilliance blooming.

This is Buddha light.

It is also a sacred light of Buddha.

The light of the Buddha spewed out from the turbulent vortex, just like a big day rising, the sun was shining all over the world, and the surrounding area was illuminated in an instant. For a time, it seemed that the entire ancient black hole had become a world of Buddha.

That's true.

Everywhere is full of the vast Buddha's breath, even the flowing chaos is like the Buddha in the sky changing.


The sound of chanting came, and the holy scriptures fell like snow.

At this time.

A golden Buddha statue fell from the sky.

This Buddha statue sits cross-legged on a lotus flower. The lotus blooms, as everything in the world is changing, and all beings grow.

Behind the statue of Buddha is a round sun that shines on the world, as if it represents sacredness and light.

The Buddha statue has one hand on his chest, one hand on his lap, his eyes closed slightly.

When this statue of Buddha came down, the verses that fell like snow fell into the sky of the Buddha. These Buddhas folded their hands together, kneeled on the ground, and worshipped the statue.

This is the supreme creation of the Buddha and Taoism, Wanzong Dynasty!

From ancient times to the present, the Heavenly Buddha has realized that there is very little existence of the Supreme Buddha Wanzong.

Daxing epilepsy counts.

In addition to the Daxing Monk, there is another.

At this moment, the man was sitting on the palm of this huge Buddha statue. The man was wearing a five-crowned crown, wearing a quilt, a neck with reliquary, holding a rosary, sitting cross-legged, slightly closing his eyes and turning the rosary Read the scriptures.

Five Buddha statues are engraved on the crowns of the five Buddhas. They are the King of Immovable Ming, King of the Third Emperor Ming, King of the King of Tudaming, King of Dawei Deming and King of King Yasha!

The sacred scriptures are covered with sacred scriptures, and each scripture is changing like a Buddha, full of 99,881, like the 81st Amitabha in the legend of Buddhism!

There are also 36 relics hanging on the neck, each of which resembles a diamond relic containing Nirvana's fire.

There are a total of nine rosary beads in his hand, each of which is like a bodhi of samsara!

Five crowns of the Ming Dynasty are wearing the crown.

Wearing a big Japanese Lohan.

King Kong relics on the neck.

Holding bodhi rosary.

Each of these existences can be called the treasure of Buddhism ~ ~ Each one is boundless, and each one contains infinite mysteries, and even each one can stand the test of time and space.

Looking at the Buddha of the West Heaven, only one person has so many creations.

That's Miaoru Xixi, who is standing on the back of the big day and sitting on the golden body of the big Buddha!

Well known.

Miao Rulai is the representative and leading figure of Naxi Tianfo Taoism, and it is the existence of the eight governing Buddhism.

Because of this, he will be known as the Emperor of the West.

He is not the destiny of the Buddha.

There are three destinies on the avenue, no descending, no descending, no descending, and no Buddha.

I've seen the Emperor Xian, I've seen the Demon Emperor, I've seen the Demon King, I've seen the Ghost King, but no one has ever seen the Buddha, the King ...

That is because since ancient times, the destiny of the avenue has avoided the heaven and earth Buddha.

Destiny! To put it bluntly is the order of heaven and earth. As the name of heaven and earth, heaven and earth naturally will not fall on themselves.

This is just like the dynasty in the secular world, the emperor seized the officials, but never seized himself.

As for why the Buddhist path was also avoided.

Opinions diverge.

Some people say that the Buddhists do not talk about destiny, but only cause and effect. Therefore, the Buddhists have no destiny, only Luohan, only Bodhisattva.

Others say that Buddhism and Taoism have offended heaven and earth, so when heaven and earth come to destiny, avoid Buddhism and Taoism.

It is also said that the status of Buddhism and Taoism is transcendent, and transcendence to heaven and earth is not qualified to grant the destiny of Buddha and Taoism.

Everything from ancient times to the present.

As for why the Buddha and Tao never inherited his destiny, there is no exact answer so far.

The reason why Miao Rulai is known as Xitian Buddha Emperor is that this person's existence dominates the eight Buddhist sects and dominates Xitian.

Another reason is that Miao Rulai has always been rampant and overbearing.

(End of this chapter)

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