
Vol 2 Chapter 2246: Wudao Mountain Reappearance

These two are who they are and what they are. Gu Qingfeng doesn't know. At this moment, he doesn't want to know. He just wants to run over as soon as possible to see what kind of mountain it is, and whether it is the source of the loud noise. .

It's close.

Getting closer.

The contours of the mountains are becoming clearer.

Maybe a mountain.

More like a chaos.

A ball seems to contain the true meaning of the road, the mysterious chaos of the world.

This chaos is ever-changing, with nothingness and nothingness, if nothingness hasn't existed before, the ethereal thingsiness doesn't belong to the heavens and the earth, not even the past or the future.

Chaotic mountains look like basalt turtle snakes, more like a grave, a black turtle like a tomb, and the black snake on the back of the black turtle is like a tomb.

When the ancient Qingfeng saw the chaotic mountain clearly, he couldn't help but think.

He knew this mountain, not others, but Wudao Mountain.


Wudao Mountain.

When he was in the mundane world, he had witnessed Wudao Mountain coming down, and had personally ascended the Wudao Mountain. Not only that, he also ignited the fire of the original sin industry on Wudao Mountain. Therefore, he was very impressed with Wudao Mountain. It is also very certain that this chaotic mountain that is far away from the sky, as close as it is, is definitely Wudao Mountain.


A loud bang came.

Wudao Mountain collapsed and disappeared. At the same time, the entire space also disappeared. As the foam collapsed, the ancient breeze returned to the ancient black hole full of endless chaos.

He searched nearby for a while, and found nothing, but did not continue to search, thinking about Wudaoshan in his mind.

to be frank.

Wudao Mountain appeared in the turbulent space of the ancient black hole. Although the ancient Qingfeng was somewhat surprised, it was only surprised.

He didn't understand before.

I do not understand whether the era of injustice belongs to the past or the future.

With so many things going on, he gradually understood.

The era of injustice belongs to both the past and the future.

The Wayless Age belongs to the past because some people have opened the Wayless Age in the ancient times. Although the opened Wayless Age soon disappeared, it is always opened. Since it was opened, it means that the Wayless Age appeared in the past Too.

To say that the Wayless Age belongs to the future is because of the prophecy recorded in the book of destiny. When the original sin finds God, the avenue falls, and the heavens and earth are born again.

and so.

When Wudao Mountain appeared in the turbulent space of the ancient black hole, the ancient Qingfeng did not feel incomprehensible.

Even when he discovered that the source of the loud noise came from Wudaoshan, he didn't feel so strange.

Every time the loud sound came, it seemed to be calling him. No matter it was himself or Abi Wushenshurao, Shang poor blue fell Huanghuang and so on, without exception, it would be strongly affected. Use your toes to think about the loud sound and The original sin is related, and the source of the loud noise may be the source of the original sin and it is not impossible.

Although he had not seen the so-called original sin source in Wudaoshan that year, he had somehow ignited the original sin karma. He thought he could kill the original sin and awakened it.

Whether it is to ignite the fire of the original sin or to awaken the original sin, it is enough to show that Wudaoshan has a great relationship with the original sin. Perhaps the so-called original sin is buried on Wudaoshan.

The more I think about it, the more I think my guess may be right.

To this day, he still remembers clearly when Wudao Mountain came down, just as he summoned him, after entering the Wudao world, this feeling became stronger and stronger. When he really set foot on Wudao Mountain, he even felt that He is God, the original sin, and he feels unclear about the way and cannot speak.

He always wanted to climb Wudao Mountain again. Unfortunately, Wudao Mountain never appeared again since the original sin fire was ignited in Wudao Mountain. Now, it ’s hard to encounter Wudao again in the ancient black hole. The mountain appeared, but anyway, it disappeared before going up.


Gu Qingfeng sighed, sighed somewhat, took out an altar of impermanence, grunted a gluttonous drink, and at this moment, a voice came to his ears.

"Ancient brother?"

After hearing the words, Gu Qingfeng was curious and looked around. He suddenly found that a person was galloping here.

Is a man.

A tall, handsome man.

The man's face was sharpened with sharp edges and corners, and his sword and eyebrows were so imposing that his eyes were as bright as a big day.

Although the man was only wearing a plain gray robe, he still couldn't hide his fierce and mighty look.

When he appeared, like a mighty hero, the majestic mountains and rivers, the air rushed to the sky, and the surging heroic spirit also came.

With his hands behind his back, his feet were not moving, but people were gliding in turbulence.

Seeing the man, Gu Qingfeng was greatly surprised and shouted, "Brother Mo!"

The man who appeared suddenly was not someone else, it was the Emperor Xiaoyao who asked nothing.

A benefactor who once had a life-saving favor for Gu Qingfeng, is also a heroic hero who stands out from the ground.

"Brother Mo, why are you here?"

Seeing Mo Wentian, Gu Qingfeng was very surprised ~ ~ Before entering the ancient black hole, he was with the Daxing epic and Mo Wentian, but after entering the ancient black hole, Mo Wentian disappeared. Without a trace, I never expected to run into it here.

This wild ancient black hole is vast and endless, full of endless turbulence. I don't know how much space is contained in each turbulence. It is no exaggeration to say that it is harder to meet in a wild ancient black hole than to meet in the wilderness.


Gu Qingfeng suddenly thought that when Wudao Mountain appeared, two people rushed to Wudao Mountain just like themselves.

Before he asked, Mo Wentian asked first, "You were in that mysterious space, right?"

Gu Qingfeng nodded and asked, "Are you there?"

"It really is your kid!"

Mo asked Tian Haha and laughed, "When Mo found out that there were other people in it, I was wondering if one of you was you, but I didn't expect ... it was you!"

Gu Qingfeng asked curiously, "Who is the other one?"

Mo Wentian shook his head and said, "At that time, the situation was more urgent. I just wanted to find the source of the loud noise, and the mysterious space would break up at any time. I didn't have the heart to find out who the person was. , I'm afraid I can't be sure that one of them is you. "

"You are also looking for the source of that loud noise?"

"You too?"

The two laughed at each other. Gu Qingfeng was both the original sinner and the ancient and ancient variables. He knew that Mo Wentian was the same. He was the original sinner and the ancient and ancient variables. He could hear the loud noise. Yes, the loud noise affects him, naturally it will also affect Mo Wentian. When the loud sound comes, it seems that he is calling him. Similarly, Mo Wentian also feels this way.

When the two laughed, a voice came out: "Inexplicable! Older brother! Don't come here!"

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