
Vol 2 Chapter 2253: Terrible cause and effect, terrible loss

Mo Wentian said he had only done one thing in his life.

That is to seek your own cause and effect.

Throughout the ages, there are not many people who seek cause and effect. After all, in the legend, finding cause and effect and cutting it off can not only change your own destiny, but also be sanctified by God.

Can't stand it.

I do n’t ask God to seek cause and effect, neither to change his destiny, nor to be sanctified.

求 He seeks cause and effect. He has only one purpose, to find his true self, and to find his true self.

About seeking cause and effect, a terrible legend has been circulating in this world.

I said that seeking cause and effect is a no-return path. Once you set foot on this no-return path, you can no longer turn around. The only result is one, losing yourself and falling into the sea of ​​suffering.

Qi Mo asked Tian not to have not heard of the legend, he has heard it, and many and many of his friends have persuaded it more than once, but he has embarked on the no return path of seeking cause and effect.

以 He thought that as long as his will is strong enough, he will not lose himself.

He believes in himself.

Until he set foot on the no return path of seeking cause and effect, he found that he was wrong.

He overestimated himself and underestimated the horror of the word causality.

at first.

以 He thought that just asking for the cause and effect of this life can find the cause and effect of the previous life.

The fact is true, he searched the cause and effect of this life, and finally found the cause and effect of the previous life.

He thought that by searching the causes and effects of previous lives, he could find the true self.


After he searched the cause and effect of the previous life, he suddenly realized that what he found was not the true self, but the previous life himself, because he still has the previous life.

I am so.

He began to look for the cause and effect of the previous life. He searched for the cause and effect and finally found the cause and effect. What made him collapse was that even if he found the previous life, it was still not the end, because there was a previous life.

Although this result made him very frustrated, he did not give up and continued to look for the cause and effect of the previous life.

In the course of seeking cause and effect, Mo Wentian also discovered something that made him extremely helpless.

That is, the more he seeks cause and effect, the deeper his original sin.

When he first started, he couldn't understand and couldn't figure out what was going on.

Later he gradually understood.

He is a man of original sin.

原 And the original sin itself is formed by wrong cause and effect.

In other words, looking for the wrong cause of this wrong result, he will form a wrong result. How far he goes on the path of seeking cause and effect, how deep his original sin will be.

I'm a pity.

When Mo Wentian wanted to understand this, it was already late.

Because he has traveled a long way on the road of seeking cause and effect, and his own original sin has been trapped deep and deep, he can no longer turn back.

He regretted it.

I also tried to recover.

I even thought about reincarnation.

But finally gave up.

He knew that if he was reincarnated, he would not only be useless, but would also make himself deeper in the path of seeking cause and effect.

I do n’t ask God to know that I ca n’t turn around anymore, I can only bite the bullet and continue to seek cause and effect.

As he went further along the road of seeking cause and effect, his original sin became deeper and deeper.

From the beginning of congenital sin.

He came to the original incarnation, and then the original sin was reported. The original sin should be ...

Finally he was lost ...

I lost myself ...

He didn't know whether he was lost in the cause and effect or the original sin. He only knew that he was lost ...

I don't know who he is or who he is.

The former self is myself? Or is it the past life of the previous life, or the past life of the previous life?

He or is original sin the true self?

I wonder.

I do n’t know what the sky is.

I do not know what I did when I was lost, how many years I have gone through, and where I have gone.

He didn't even know how to find his self-consciousness later. The only thing he knew was, but after he found his self-consciousness, he found that he had been reincarnated and became the original body of sin.

Maybe he found himself?

He did n’t know how to ask God until now. He did n’t even know whether he was searching for cause and effect after reincarnation, or in previous life before reincarnation, or in previous life.

He can't distinguish between past life and past life, and he can't tell whether the previous life is due to the present life or the current life is due to the previous life.

He was confused.

I also stunned.

Even he suspected that he might never find himself, and he was still lost at this moment.

I wonder.

I really do n’t know.

Xun Mo asked Tian just to drink and talk like this, his expression was very complicated, his eyes and his tone were all the same, and he was full of countless words.

next to.

Xi Ren Tianxing listened in silence, as did Gu Qingfeng.

When Mo Wentian finished speaking, the two of them looked at each other and saw a kind of shock in each other's eyes.

Even though the cruel and ruthless Ren Tianxing was listening to Mo Wentian telling these things, his face changed and changed, even the corners of his mouth seemed to be slightly pulled out twice, and the ancient Qingfeng had a kind of scalp tingling, creepy I felt that the glass of wine in my hand was still still, and I didn't drink it from beginning to end.

The courage to hit him has always been great, and there are few things in the world that can make him feel scared.

After listening to Mo Wentian telling these things this time, he felt scared from the bottom of his heart, exactly a kind of fear.

Because he also tried to seek causality ~ ~ to be honest.

He has also heard about the terrible legends of seeking cause and effect. He also knows that people who seek cause and effect from time to time have fallen into the sea of ​​bitterness and lost themselves.

不仅 Not only has he heard, there are living examples around him, such as Junxuan 玑, such as cloud neon clothes, such as wind and moon, almost all lost self for cause and effect.

But how exactly they were lost, Gu Qingfeng didn't know and couldn't imagine.

When he asked for cause and effect, neither Jun Xuanzhang nor Yun Nixian appeared and persuaded him to ask him not to ask for cause and effect. In addition to them, the old monk who lived in the lone bone bone also repeatedly advised him not to Seeking cause and effect, the voice in the inexplicably integrated avenue seed once also made him not to seek cause and effect.

The ancient breeze did not obey these people's persuasion.

If these people did not persuade him, he may not be so interested in seeking cause and effect. So many people have come to persuade him, so that he has to be curious, and also want to see what happens in seeking cause and effect. Why do these people Come out and persuade yourself.

As for what is lost, fall into the sea of ​​bitterness.

The ancient breeze is not unbelief, he just wants to know his cause and effect too much.

and so.

Only then did he set foot on Wudao Mountain voluntarily.

He found out the truth both to get rid of the original sin and to seek cause and effect.

:. :

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