
Vol 2 Chapter 2255: How deep is the original sin

? Sorry to say that when he ignited the fire of the original sin in Wudao Mountain, he really lost himself? And still lost for a long time?

If so, how are you lost? What do you do when you lose yourself? How did you find yourself in the end?

Gu Qingfeng thought and thought, thought and thought, but unfortunately, he couldn't remember anything.

I do n’t know how I got lost, or how I found myself, and what I did when I was lost is even more unknown.

It's like amnesia.

And after waking up that year, he didn't feel any discomfort. He couldn't tell the difference between past life and this life.

I still say I'm really lost, but I don't know.


Mo Wentian and Ren Tianxing looked at him with a thoughtful look, and then asked, "Ancient brother, what are you thinking?"

Gu Qingfeng did not hide his confusion and then he expressed his doubts. Ren Tianxing had no experience in this area, and he had not lost himself. Therefore, he could not answer this question. Although Mo Wentian had lost his experience, Gadget is not to say that you can understand and understand with experience. If you can understand and understand, Mo Wentian will not be able to distinguish between past and present.

Moreover, at this moment, Mo Wentian didn't even know he was himself, how could he answer the ancient breeze.

"Brother Gu, I'm really sorry, if it's something else, Mo may be able to help you out, but this lost thing, Mo is really helpless ..."

Mo Wentian shook his head and sighed again.

Gu Qingfeng smiled, indifferently said: "Brother Mo is so polite, I just have some doubts, maybe I think too much."

"When Wu Daoshan appeared in the secular world, although I did n’t pass, there were many people who had participated in this big thing. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. So, brothers, you And rest assured, I will help you investigate as soon as possible. "

After hearing this, Gu Qingfeng said quickly: "Brother Mo, I'll take your kindness, but it's okay since it has passed."

Mo asked Tianchao angrily, "Is the ancient brother stumped and not take Mo as a friend?"

"That was not what I meant."

Gu Qingfeng explained: "I didn't hear you mention it, so I was skeptical. Moreover ... even if I really lost myself in the past, I am not finding it now. As for me, I am still not what I was. To be honest ... I do n’t know, maybe it may or may not be anyway, I do n’t feel anything, and I do n’t feel that I ’m different. In short, whether he loves it or not, it does n’t matter if I care about him How can you live? "


Mo Wentian was stunned, and then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The ancient state of mind is really envious of Momo."

Gu Qingfeng was also extremely speechless: "Come here, start again ..."

Mo Wentian is really envious of Gu Qingfeng's natural state of mind.

If he could, he also wanted to be as indifferent as Gu Qingfeng, so he didn't care, and he was safe when he met.

The problem is that there are some things that you can't look down on.

Just like this cause and effect, no matter how he looks at it, he can neither look at it nor look down on it, nor can he look at it.

Seeking cause and effect has become his obsession, as long as he lives a day, he will never give up.

In contrast, the ancient breeze.

He felt that he had not seen through the so-called causal fate, but he was born to be such a casual person.

It's okay to say that he will let it go, and that he will listen to his fate.

Gu Qingfeng was too lazy to argue.

If personality can really determine destiny, Gu Qingfeng's personality is so at ease, he can only be left to fate.

The three just talked while drinking, and they mostly talked about the original sin cause and effect these things are painful. After all, the three of them are people of the original sin, and they are all ancient and ancient variables. In addition to talking about the cause and effect of the original sin, we can only talk about the cause and effect of the original sin.

"Old man."

The cold and silent Ren Tianxing suddenly spoke and asked, "How far have you fallen into the original sin?"

Don't say it.

Ren Tianxing really asked him this question.

Now all beings in the sky and the ground say that he was trapped deep and deep in the original sin, but how deep he was trapped, Mo said that Ren Tianxing and Mo Wentian did n’t know that Gu Qingfeng himself did n’t know, and even called him Depressingly, he didn't feel how deep he was trapped in the original sin.

It is said that the original sin is divided into several stages.

The first is the incarnation of the original sin, the second is the report of the original sin, the third is the response of the original sin, and the fourth is the legal body of the original sin.

The issue is.

Gu Qingfeng lived to this day, and along the way, he has neither become the incarnation of the original sin nor the report of the original sin. As for the original sin and the original sin law body, he has never experienced it.

at least.

He didn't have any impression of this thing.

All said that he awakened the original sin while igniting the fire of the original sin in Wudao Mountain.

But Gu Qingfeng did not have any impression.

Maybe when I ignited the fire of the original sin, I really lost myself and became the original incarnation. Then, within the lost 10,000 years, the original sin was reported, and the original sin should become the original sin body.

If you think about it, it is not impossible.

After all, after becoming the incarnation of the original sin, it is also like a madman, especially when it is reported as the original sin, and even after the original sin is incarnate. Although the ego is still the ego, it has long lost its identity, just as a person loses his or her personality.

It can't be said that I lost my identity, because after becoming the body of the original sin, the original sin is born of the original sin. Therefore, at this time, your original fate is already original sin.

Sorry to say that he is now the original sin body?

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, he felt it was not.

At least, it doesn't feel like it.

Because he still has human nature ~ ~ and his original sin is looming and feels illusory, so he has never felt how deep he is in the original sin.

Not only do I not feel how deep I am sinking, but I also feel that I am getting farther and farther from the original sin.

Regardless of whether Mo Wentian or Ren Tianxing felt that he was not the original sin body, as to why it was not, the two could not say why, so like Gu Qingfeng, it was just a feeling.

the difference is.

Gu Qingfeng felt deeper and deeper from the original sin.

Mo Wentian and Ren Tianxing felt that he had fallen very deep, so deep that they could not imagine the two original sins.


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