
Vol 2 Chapter 2269: Celestial body

In the impression of Gu Qingfeng, all flesh and blood are made of bones, such as spiritual people, men and women alike, all kinds of ferocious beasts, lion, wolf, tiger, leopard and so on.


If a person cultivates into a fairy, it can be described as a rebirth. After the immortal body is completed, the white bone will no longer be a white bone, but will become crystal clear and crystal-like.

If you become a Buddha, you will also be born and reborn. After the completion of the Buddha body, the white bone will also become golden gold.

If you become a demon, if you complete the demon body, the bones will also become dark and opaque black bones.

If it is a demon, the white bones of the flesh body will become the scarlet red bones of the demon body.

Gu Qingfeng walked to the side of the dead body, then put his feet on the chest of the dead body, and when he slammed hard, the dried film was instantly dissipated by the shattering smoke, followed by a dead body.

Although the other party has become a dry corpse, its bones are intact, and Gu Qingfeng's foot is just right, but the dry corpses are scattered and the internal bones are not injured.

The bones were crystal clear. Obviously, the man was an immortal before his death.

To be exact, it's not just that simple.

It should be a fairy!

Because the man's bones are too pure, pure is no longer like crystal, it is too pure and too timeless.

Throughout the world, only the innate immortals have such pure and immaculate crystal fairy bones!


A dignified Tianxian died here.

Gu Qingfeng squatted down and examined the bones carefully, and found that there were no injuries on his body, which made him curious. Since he was not injured, how did such a powerful Tianxian die here?

Old dead?

Isn't it?

Anyway, it ’s also a fairy. Although it is not immortal, it is definitely immortal.

But if it wasn't old and wounded, how did you die?

Gu Qingfeng thought for a while that he couldn't think of one, so he didn't bother to keep thinking about it, and continued to wander through the ruins. To his surprise, there was more than one dead body in the ruins. He found several dead bodies in a row.

After searching through the ruins, more than a dozen dry corpses were found, all of which were like the first dry corpses. There was no injury on the body, as if the repair was exhausted, life passed, and the soul collapsed and died.

If it was just that, it wouldn't surprise him so much. In fact, six of the dozen or so dry corpses found were all immortals. In addition to the immortals, there were four demon and five demon!

Why are they all fairy demon gods?

How did all these demon and demon gods die?

Gu Qingfeng thought about it and couldn't understand it.

As he was about to leave, Gu Qingfeng stunned his heart and said, "This ruin should not be the ruins of the ancient times?"

He once heard the Daxing episcopal and Mo Wentian said that in the ancient times, nature was in full bloom, full of aura, rich in resources, and extremely pure. It was called innate state.

Humanity did not decline at that time, and people did not need to seek any immortal path through cultivation.

It is said that in the ancient times, there was no one, only heaven.

There are no immortals, only Tianxian.

There is no magic, only the demon.

There are only Tian Yao, Tian Gui, and even Tian Buddha.

In the era of fighting in the wild road, thanks to the innate state of nature blooming, man is an innate person, immortal is an innate immortal, and demon is also an innate demon. Children can also go downhill.

Looking at the ruin at the foot, looking at more than a dozen congenital bones, Gu Qingfeng wondered whether this ruin was a ruin of the ancient and ancient era.

If it is really ancient ruins, then those former ancient ruins have become desert. Why is the ruin here alone not affected?

I don't know.

Gu Qingfeng was not sure.

He lifted his foot away from this ruin, and then went to other ruins. This ruin looks no different from the first ruin. Although there are flowers and trees, they have withered, all kinds of broken stones piled up into mountains, everywhere. It was a desolate place, full of death and silence, and no vitality was felt, not even a little bit.

Gu Qingfeng also found several dry corpses in this ruin, as well as Tianxian and Tianmo Tianmon.

Did not stop.

Keep exploring.

The third, fourth, fifth ... Ancient Qingfeng kept exploring the ruins, and found that every ruin is like this, just like a giant statue of a living life, although it has no life, but it gives people A sense of loneliness in ancient times makes people feel awe in their hearts.

In this way, a ruin was explored, and nearly a hundred dead corpses were found back and forth. Without exception, it was either Tianxian, Tianmo, or Tianmo, or Tianmon, and some of them did not know what it was.

At this moment, he was standing in a ruin.

Next to him were three special bones.

It is called special because the identities of these bones are neither celestial demon nor celestial demon, nor are they celestial demon gods.

These three special bones are white.

But this kind of bone is not the bone of the flesh and blood of those who practice in the heavens and the world.

Although the bones of the flesh and blood are white, they are gloomy. Even if the height is still high, the bones of the flesh and blood will not change.


Although these three special bones are also white bones, their bones are as white as jade. They don't feel like white bones, but more like white bones carved from jade.

Gu Qingfeng has killed many creatures in this life, including immortal Buddhas and demons, and various ghosts have not been killed. He has never seen any kind of existence that has jade bones.

Looking at the three white jade-like bones on the ground, Gu Qingfeng looked at it like this, but I didn't know how long it took before, he slowly crouched down and touched the three bones ~ ~ whispered: ... isn't it heavenly? "

Gu Qingfeng has never seen Heaven.

Not even one.

But there was a feeling in his heart that the three white jade corpses in front of him might be the legendary heavenly man.

This feeling is strong.

Close your eyes.

For a moment of silence, Gu Qingfeng shook his head, stood up, and opened his eyes. He knew that if the three bones in front of him were really the bones of heaven and earth, then probably the floating ruins in the earthquake palace must be of the ancient times. ruins.

Because only in the era of fighting in that ancient avenue will be their own path.

Only in the era when wild nature blooms like innate realms, immortals are innate immortals, demons are innate demons, and talents are innate!

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