
Vol 2 Chapter 2276: Primal Sin Blood Tripod

Others may not understand it, but Daxing Monk clearly knows that once you lose yourself, the consequences are almost unimaginable.

He is no stranger to losing himself.

It is also known that it is not only after the person who has the original sin becomes the incarnation of the original sin that he loses himself.

All beings can lose themselves.

The most common is the birth of a new self after reincarnation. Once the ego of the previous life has awakened, the two selves, in order to compete for the control of the body, either consume the self in this life or the self in the previous life. Of course, it is also possible that the selves of this life and the previous life merge with each other, but this chance is very small.

The Daxing renju forgot the original intention of bringing the ancient breeze into the black ancient black hole, which made him wonder whether the ego of the previous life had recovered, but he didn't know it yet.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible, especially when he thought of a sentence, and his heart was pounding.

The ancients and the worlds are robbery, the endless reincarnation is reincarnation, the cause and effect of past and present are seen, whoever lives and who needs to see the sky!

In this era, especially in the ancient black hole, it is not impossible if the ego of his previous life really awakens.

How to do?

In the face of this headache, even if the Daxing monks who have lived from the ancient times to the present do not know what to do.

He can only comfort himself for the time being. All this is just his own speculation, maybe he is just thinking about it.

He shook his head fiercely, forcing himself to stop thinking about it. Seeing that Gu Qingfeng was getting deeper and deeper in the palace, the Daxing monk chased after him and asked, "Guzi, what are you so anxious to do, why, you also Ready to fight for the essence of original sin in the depths of the ancient Gu Jiu Palace? "

Hear the words.

The ancient Qingfeng stopped and said, "You mean that the essence of original sin is buried in the ancient palace of the ancient nine?"

The Daxing monk asked, "Your boy doesn't know?"

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, he really didn't know.

"Old man looks at your boy in such anxiety and thought you knew it."

"I have never heard of the essence of original sin, what is that thing?"

"The specifics are not clear enough. I don't know if you said that they also heard from others, saying that the essence of the original sin is buried in the source of the ancient Nine Palaces. As for the essence of the original sin, this ... I heard that it is a congenital original sin essence. It is the blood of the original sin conceived from this congenital essence. "

Having said that, the Daxing episcopal again said: "The old man also heard that as long as he can incorporate the essence of the original sin into himself, he can be the son of the original sin before he can be qualified to ask God, so ..."

The Daxing monk said with a narrowed throat, "So now in this heaven and earth, the holy land is forbidden, the ruins are returned to the market, nine days and nine quiet, but almost all who want to ask the existence of the original sin God are fighting the essence of the original sin."

"So it is."

Gu Qingfeng nodded, looking at the depths of the palace like an endless abyss under his feet, the feeling of being called in his heart also became stronger and stronger, his instinct made him want to rush down as soon as possible.

"What the **** is that?"

The Daxing monk suddenly opened his mouth, wondering what he found, and looked into his head.

The ancient Qingfeng looked at the situation and found that there was a flash of light in the distance, just like the stars in the night sky.

There are many ruins in the palace. Although these ruins are like a faint brilliance like the stars in the night sky, they have not flashed. The ancient breeze has entered the palace for so long, and no flashing ruins have ever been found.

I couldn't help wondering, and didn't hesitate.

The speed of the two is faster than one. As the distance from the twinkling stars gets closer and closer, both the ancient Qingfeng and the Daxing Leng monk have a strong feeling.

original sin!


original sin!

Very strong breath of original sin, very strong light of original sin.


Just then, a roar came from a distance, and saw a unkempt person rushing towards the twinkling stars like crazy.

With just a glance, Gu Qingfeng saw that the unkempt man was a man of original sin, and still a man of original sin.


He also found that a person who lost his original sin rushed like crazy.

After just a while of work, I saw three or four people who lost their original sin before and all rushed forward.


Those who have lost their original sin must have been attracted by the strong breath of original sin.

I just don't know what's hidden there.

It's close.

As we get closer, the breath of original sin becomes stronger and stronger.

It was a ruin like a mountain range.

This ruin looks no different from the other ruins in the palace. It has flowers and grass, but it has no vitality and is full of silence, just like the ruins in the painting.

the difference is.

Standing on this ruin is a huge casserole, which looks like a high tower like a mountain, with blood-colored flames burning around, blood-colored brilliance, and a thick blood-colored fog.


A person who lost his original sin rushed into the tripod without hesitation, and then came a painful sorrow. Then, the scarlet furnace began to tremble, and the scarlet flame burned frantically.


Three other original sinners who lost their self rushed into the tripod before and after. There was also a sorrow of sorrow and then there was no movement. Only the blood-colored tripod became more powerful and the original sin's breath became stronger.

"Good guy!"

Seeing this scene, the Daxing epilepsy couldn't help taking a sip of air, saying, "This is someone who is refining the original sin, and sucking on the blood of their original sin!"

Staring closely at the blood-stained furnace in the ruins, the Daxing epic whispered: "This method is not only fierce but also brilliant, I don't know which original sinner's guts are so bold!"

The ancient Qingfeng was also knocked out, and some people were using the furnace to seduce the original sinner, so as to refine it and **** the blood of the original sin.

Moreover, the other party must be a body of original sin.

The incarnation of original sin could not do such a big job.

Most of the original sin reports and original sins have lost their ego. Only the original sin law body can do such an evil act ~ ~ It is not the ordinary ordinary sin law body. From this point of view, Eighty-nine, as the monk Daxing said, it is estimated that it may be an ancestor of the original sin body, especially the sacred furnace. At first glance, it was specially made for the purpose of refining the original sin person.


What on earth is there in the furnace, how can it emit such a strong breath of original sin.


Gu Qingfeng thought of a possibility.

Blood of Original Sin!

After much deliberation, I am afraid that only the blood of congenital original sin can give off a strong breath of original sin.

"not good!"

The Dahang Leng Monk seemed to remember something, his expression changed slightly, and said, "Lao Xun remembered, this Xun may be the old guy in Xuewu!"

Remember the first domain name in this book: .. Literature Museum m.

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