
Vol 2 Chapter 2291: Black history

There is such a place as Dongtianfudi, if there isn't a avenue overlord in the world, although it will not be removed, it will gradually decline.

Fortunately, over the years, all the caves have cultivated a lot of talents. Even if they are not the overlords of the avenues, they are also the emperors of the catastrophic avenues. At least there are the emperors of the avenues.

After all, whether it is the 36-hole heaven or the 72-blessed land, it is the top treasure in the heavens and the earth. There are countless kinds of spiritual resources, and it also has one of the best treasures on the road.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if a person is poor in qualifications and low in understanding, even a fool just needs to practice in the hole for a period of time. After he comes out, he is also a master.

The most important thing is that Dongtian Blessing has been passed down for a long time, and masters such as clouds can deduced the future situation based on cause and effect, so as to seize destiny and seize the opportunity.


Most of the Dongtianfu land has gradually restored its vitality after the ancient times, ancient times, and antiquity, and has re-established its glory after the end of the ancient times. However, there is also a small part of the Dongtianfu land that has been dead since the end of the ancient times, like a sunset. Like dusk, it is gradually fading, and the sense of existence in the thirty-six hole heaven and seventy-two blessing land is getting lower and lower.

Although it has not been removed, it only survives and that's it.

Taixudongtian is one of them.

One is also affected by the end of the ancient and ancient times. Many road veterans in Taixudong have fallen.


This is not the main reason. After all, the thirty-six holes and the seventy-two blessed land suffered huge losses after the end of the ancient times, and the loss of the too virtual hole is not too serious in comparison.

The reason that really caused Taixudong's collapse was very simple. So many road lords have not been cultivated.

It is impossible to say that the avenue overlord is not even the avenue emperor who is famous.

Strictly speaking, after the end of the ancient times, Taixudong is not a big man.

in contrast.

As early as the end of the ancient times, just after Taiko opened, Taixudong came out with a big man, and it was also a big man who was famous in the world, like the emperor of the sun and the master of Montenegro.

It is the ancestor of the hegemonic hegemon who is the famous Demon Lord!

I do not know if it is too bad for luck, or the blood ancestor was destined to have this calamity.

At that time, the ancestors of Blood River were not blood river ancestors, but disciples who were too imaginary. They won the heavens and created the earth, inherited the destiny of Xiandao, won the imperial power of Xiandao, and won the crown of immortal kings. The emperor is beyond reach.

The **** ancestors loved the Cangyan of Langyadong, and because of Cangyan, they also won the Emperor's power in Xianyao. Only the elders of Langyadong died in the wilderness. After learning that Cangyan had won the Emperor's power in Xiandao, many of the caves were blessed, including the wilderness. The masters of the giants want to own Cangyan's imperial power as their own.


Although Cangyan was alone, he was not afraid of the masters of the heavenly blessings and the great wild giants, nor did he hand over the destiny of the imperial power of Xiandao.


She was helpless.

Facing the besieging of many masters, Cang Yan sealed her fairyland imperial power in Langya Cave, and herself chose to kill herself in the eyes of everyone.

This is an unknown history, but also a history that was suppressed by the great bliss of the caves and the giants of the wilderness, and even unwilling to mention it.

It is said that when this happened, the blood river ancestors who admired Cangyan were retreating in Taixudong. After being informed of the incident, they were angered, and they fell into the magic, opened the killing ring, killed the dimly, and killed Blood flows into the river.

The killing day is angry, and the killing of the nine days is intolerable. In the end, he is in front of the nine days, in the face of Xiandao, in front of his teacher ’s gate, and in front of the thirty-sixth hole, the seventy-two blessed land, and so on. The giant's face crushed the destiny of his hard work.

Since then, he has completely escaped from the Immortal Road and fell into the Demon Road. He also told all the existence of this heaven and the earth. From now on, he is no longer an immortal, but a demon, a downright demon.

The elder of Shimen Xutong came out to stop him, and he repaired it to Taihudong, and he was no longer a disciple of Taixu.

Immortal couldn't bear him, so he thought about it.

Destiny could not bear him, and he crushed the destiny that everyone dreamed of.

He said that whoever killed his beloved woman would have to pay for it.

It ca n’t be killed now, it will be killed later, it will not be killed in this life, and it will be killed in the next life, until all the people who kill Cangyan are killed.

That's what he said and he did.

The giants who drowned Cangyan at that time can be described as self-dangerous, because no one had thought that the ancestors of Blood River smashed a destiny imperial power of the Immortal Road that year, after falling into the magic path, they even claimed the destiny imperial power of the magic path , Gave up the avenue fairy emperor, but became a daunting avenue demon emperor, blood river ancestor.

This is the blood ancestor.

One thought into the magic, blood flowed into the river!

Since then, the Blood River ancestors are no longer too vain disciples, nor are they the fairy emperors of Xiandao, but the demon emperors of magic Tao, and the demon masters of the world!

A group of old seniors in Taixudong also suffered a severe blow because of this. Since then, many talents have been cultivated. However, the so-called natural talents cultivated by Taixudong are more than blood. The ancestor of He is too far away to compare.

Not only that.

After the blood river ancestors became enchanted at that time, in order to avenge Cangyan, they really killed many masters of the great wild land giants.

Think about it, after the end of the ancient times, the loss of the heavens and earth in the major caves was already severe enough. It was easy to recover some vitality and cultivate a few good seedlings. As a result, the blood river ancestors were killed.

How can they not be angry.

But anger turns into anger.

No one dare to avenge the blood river ancestors.

The ancestors of the Blood River ancestors crushed the imperial destiny of Xiandao, and the hind foot asked for the imperial destiny of Modao. The strength of the imperial power was invincible.

This feud ~ ~ the big caves did not dare to find the Blood River ancestors to report, but only put this account on the head of Taixudong.

Who called the Blood River ancestors that you cultivated from too emptiness?

However, then again, the major caves did not go directly to encircle Taixu Cave.

After all, if it wasn't for the fate of the imperial power of Cangyan to kill Cangyan, Cangyan would not be provoked by the blood river ancestors into the blood of magic killing.

It is said that since then, the major caves have fortunately combined with the giants to block Taixudong.

Not only are the resources of Taixudong secretly seized, but also the talents of Taixudong secretly seized.

This is the real reason for the gradual decline of Taixudong.

Because after being blocked by the major caves, the inheritance of Taixudong almost stagnated and fell into despair.

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