
Vol 2 Chapter 2293: Too desperate

According to legend.

At that time, the old predecessors of Xuan Miao Dongtian were as happy as they were when they discovered the brothers of the great compatriots, Emperor Musashi and Emperor Tianlong.

Because they have always wanted to cultivate a talented man who can compete with the Emperor Sundial and even suppress the Emperor Sundial.


This wish has not been fulfilled for many years. Although many talents have been cultivated, so far no one has been able to compete with the Emperor Sundial Emperor, let alone suppress the Emperor Sundial Emperor.

The elders who had originally been mysterious and mysterious have given up and had no hope. After all, they all know that the book of destiny records the original sin and calamity that will occur in ancient times.

If the original sin catastrophe has not been cultivated before, then there are only two possibilities to wait for them.

The first type was slaughtered by the forthcoming original sin, God, as recorded in the book of destiny. The original sin, God, slaughtered the Three Thousand Avenues, and heaven and earth were born again, and the era of iniquity came.

The second type is the same as the sky, and there is Wu Shengxuan Wuji, which covers the sky with one hand, including the Emperor Sundial and many avenue masters to destroy the original sin God. Ask the Lord of Immortality.

Whether it is the first or the second possibility, this is not what Xuan Miao Dongtian's old predecessors want to see.

Fortunately, after the beginning of this ancient time, they found a pair of great brothers, Emperor Musang and Emperor Tianlong.

Xuan Miao Dongtian's old predecessors only intended to train the Musashi emperor.

The Emperor Musang has a bright bloodline, a dragon dragon body, and a man who should be robbed by the destiny. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the talent of the old generation that Xuan Miao Dongtian dreamed of.

If anyone in the future can compete with or even suppress the Emperor Dairi, then this person must be the Emperor of Musashi.

As for the Emperor Tianlong.

Although the creation is not small, it is dark blood.

Such existence is not suitable for the cultivation of immortals, or even for staying in Xuanmiao Cave.

You must know that Xuanmiao Dongtian represents Xiandao, and the dark blood is contrary to the purpose of Xiandao.

In other words, dark blood is more suitable for demons and demons.

Most importantly, Tianlong Zhendi is still a variable person.

The existence of the variable person is not only contrary to the purpose of Xiandao, but also the purpose of heaven and fate.

Being both a dark bloodline and a variable person, such an existence often represents disaster in the catastrophe.

It is a scourge, and it is not a small one. If it is not removed, God, the original sin recorded in the book of future destiny, may be the Emperor Tianlong.

Cultivate the Emperor Musashi and obliterate the true Emperor Tianlong.

This is the idea of ​​Xuan Miao Dongtian's old generation.

It was only later that they did not obliterate the true Emperor Tianlong. It is rumored that the lives of the twin brothers, Emperor Tianlong and Emperor Musang, are closely related. If one person dies, the other cannot survive alone.


Xuan Miao Dongtian did not start with Tianlong true emperor.

However, they did not leave Tianlong Zhendi out.

As a result, the lives of their brothers and brothers are closely related. If the Emperor Tianlong was killed outside, wouldn't the Emperor Musashi be unable to survive?

Secondly, the true emperor Tianlong is both a dark bloodline and a variable person. Once left unattended, it will become a scourge in the future and may even threaten Xiandao.

In this way, the old seniors of Xuanmiaodongtian left the true emperor Tianlong and taught them carefully, hoping to be able to educate the true emperor Tianlong.

At first everything was fine.

The Emperor Tianlong did not show anything unusual. Everything was done step by step, and there was no difference between it and other disciples of Xuan Miao Dongtian.

Occasionally he went out to practice, and Tianlong Zhendi disappeared, and no one knew where he went.

I have n’t been back since then. When the true emperor of the dragon reappeared that day, the most worrying thing about Xuanmiao Dongtian happened. The true emperor of the dragon not only became a demon, but also became the original sinner. The deeper, in the end, became the original sin body, and it is even more horrible to cultivate for strength. Some of the old seniors who have cultivated for profound depth are not their opponents.

Later, the true Emperor Tianlong rarely appeared in the wild, only to know that every time he appeared, some people with the original sin followed him.

It is rumored that the true emperor of Tianlong is very savvy. After completing the original sin law body, he also realized the mystery of the original sin. As long as he trusts him, he will help you take away the original sin law body.

The more than twenty original sins that followed him, including the original sinful law body of several destiny star thrones around him, were all shot by him.


On the court.

Tianlong Zhendi and several other original sin bodies are still standing quietly, and more than twenty original sin bodies are still fiercely performing the magical tactics of the Tao to bombard the array.

It is not so much a formation as a sword.


The formation is like a sword, a sword is like a pagoda, and it is more like a lone peak. It stands on the ruins of ancient ruins. This sword array is blooming with dazzling brilliance. The brilliance is like a Changhong straight into the sky. Magnificent power, this power flows like a billowing Jiang Tao in the sword array.

On the sword body, there are Tao Runxuan's mysterious and wonderful runes, the runes flash and change, each rune seems to contain a vast power.

The twenty or so original sin bodies have been performing magical tricks so much, and I don't know how long they have been bombarded, even though they have tried their best, they have not shaken the sword array.

At this moment, there are seven or eight people in the sword array.

These seven or eight people looked more embarrassed than one, and their faces were uglier than others, and some of their mouths were still bleeding. It can be seen that each of them suffered more or less injuries, but even so, every One face was full of fortitude and tenacity, all supporting the sword array.

They are too veteran masters. Although they have no destiny, each of them has been unfathomable for many years.

But since entering the Arugu Ancient Nine Palace, to be exact, after arriving at the Arugu Black Hole, they have no idea how many times they fell into despair.

Because this wild ancient black hole was not the place where they should come from the beginning ~ ~ This is neither a place for training, a place for treasure hunting, nor a place for adventure.

It is the decision of the Three Thousand Avenues, the heavens and the world, the beings, the place where the fate of the heavens and the earth has passed.

Not all beings are qualified to determine the fate of all beings on the Tiandi Avenue.

Only those who inherit the destiny are eligible, and only those who inherit the true destiny should exist.

If it is neither Shangcheng's destiny nor Shangcheng's true destiny, coming here to make fun of it is no different from seeking death.

of course.

If you are the same as the true emperor of Tianlong, the emperor of the West Buddha, the Lord of Montenegro, and so on, all of you are jealous of the original sin God, you can also fight, provided that you have their powerful strength.

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