
Vol 2 Chapter 2295: Confrontation

The people of Tianlong True Emperor are already good in their own strengths, each of them is a creature, not an extraordinary treasure or special blood, and there is a destiny in their bodies, although their original sins are all obtained by robbing them. Force is not very pure.

But that's all.

You must know that the power of the original sin in the legend is the most mysterious and the most terrible power in the world from ancient times to the present. There is no one.

The original body of the original sin is also the body of the original sin, and the power of the impure original sin is also the power of the original sin.

Its terrible beginning was simply not conceivable by ordinary people.


Then again.

Elder Tongtong is naturally not a vegetarian, how to say it is also the existence of the Taiji Nine Swords in the ancient times, and it is so indescribable that he is trained in a whole body, not to mention that he still has a avenue magic weapon ‘Hua Sheng Sword’ in his hands.

It is said that the Taixu Swordmaster who was so prestigious in the wild and ancient era had left Taixudong with nine swords, which was the famous Taixu nine sword.

The Huasheng Sword in the hands of Elder Tongbei is one of the Taixu Nine Swords.

to be frank.

If he was only besieged by more than 20 people with false original sins, he would not be afraid in terms of the strength of fellow elders.

Even if you add three avenue kings who inherit the destiny, and two avenue thrones who inherit the destiny, so five false original sin bodies, even if they are not equal to the sad elders, they can flee with others.

There was a Tianlong true emperor among these people.

Dark blood.

Tianlong Peerless!

Avenue imperial seal.

Plus the pure and deep original sin body.

The Emperor Tianlong's cultivation is a horror of strength, far beyond the imagination of the elders with sorrow, and the injuries on his body were also hit by the Emperor Tianlong. In desperation, he can only rely on the Huasheng sword to sacrifice the Taixu sword array to himself Wait for someone to guard.

Fortunately, his cultivation is deep enough, the Huasheng sword is strong enough, and the sword sword array is too mysterious, and it is still safe for the time being.


It's only temporary.

The Emperor Tianlong and others are obviously not prepared to let them go. Moreover, more than twenty Taixu sword arrays whose original sins should be kept under siege. Even if the cultivation of the sad elders is so deep, they will not support them for a while. .

foreign aid?

He has no foreign aid.

The other teachers and brothers in Taixudong had already separated, and they could not be linked at all. Life and death were unknown. Where did the foreign aid come from?


More than 20 original sins should continue to use various magical tricks to try to break open the sword sword array. Unfortunately, no matter how powerful their original sins should be, no matter how profound their creation, no matter how mysterious their magical powers, It is impossible to shake the Taixu Sword Formation.

That too virtual sword array stands like a sword peak standing on the ruins of the ancient ruins, the sword body flashes the mysterious runes, the sword light flows as if it contains a kind of ancient mysterious power.

far away.

Although the emperor Tianlong, the three avenue stars, and the two avenue thrones are still watching quietly, their faces are impatient.


None of them rushed to personally break the battle.

It's not that they don't want it, but that they have already tried to break this too-virtual array method, and they have used all their abilities to not only break the too-virtual sword array, but they have not shaken.

This makes them feel incredible. They need to know that they are good at self-cultivation. They also have the destiny of the avenue. They also have powerful blood treasures. The strength can be said to be extremely powerful. The predecessors, even the Great Emperor of India, are qualified for World War I.

Later, with the help of the Emperor Tianlong, the original legal body was achieved. Although it was a false legal body that was taken away, it also caused their strength to skyrocket. With the original legal body, they now fear no existence at all.

at least.

After achieving the original sin body, neither the two Avenue thrones nor the three Avenue stars have met their rivals.

What made them extremely depressed was that they did not expect that even a sword array would be broken today.

This made them feel frustrated and deeply dissatisfied.

Of course.

Frustration is frustration.

The two Avenue thrones and three Avenue star kings have also all heard the name of Taixu Jiujian.

Knowing that the Elder Tongbei is one of the Taixu Nine Swords that is too famous.

It is also known that the metamorphic sword in the hands of the elders of the same sadness is one of the Taixu nine swords made by the Taixu Sword Master in the ancient era of Naihuang.


they know.

It just didn't occur that Elder Tong Bei's cultivation was so profound, and he did not expect that the Huasheng sword in Elder Tong Bei's hands turned out to be so powerful.

The five looked at each other, and then looked at the Emperor Tianlong.

In their eyes, the existence of the true Emperor Tianlong is extremely omnipotent, and it is comparable to the presence of the Emperor Dairi and the Emperor Xitian Buddha. They have all seen the true capabilities of the Emperor Tianlong. He will betray his own division and follow the true emperor Tianlong.

When they want to come, they can't break this too virtual sword formation. If the ability of Tianlong true emperor wants to break the too virtual sword formation, it should be effortless.

But the Emperor Tianlong never acted or broke, always staring at the Taixu Sword Formation, without saying a word.

This made the five people feel puzzled inside, stumped and said that the virtual sword formation is really so powerful that even the true emperor Tianlong can't break it?

This was their inner doubt, but no one dared to ask in the face of Emperor Tianlong.

at this time.

The emperor Tianlong, who had been silent, suddenly spoke and yelled, "A bunch of waste! Get away from the emperor!"

With such a prestige, it was truly overbearing, like a dragon and a tiger roaring, and the five avenues next to Zhen were dizzy, and they even flew out more than 20 people who were besieging the Taixu Sword Formation.

The Emperor Tianlong walked slowly, staring at the fellow elders in Taixu Sword Formation, saying: "Old thing! Bendi advises you to tell the whereabouts of that bead, otherwise I'll tell you to die!" "

Taixu Sword Formation ~ ~ Elder Sorrow sitting cross-legged, his hands twitching the seal of India, and a silver-gray long sword floating between his hands. This sword is the metamorphosis of one of the nine swords of Taixu Sword is also the inborn magic weapon of elder Wen, who has been raised for the rest of his life.

He looked a little embarrassed, with a shaved hair, an old face covered with vicissitudes, and his face was a little pale, with bloodshot on the corners of his mouth, but a pair of muddy eyes filled with firmness, raised his head, and looked at the Emperor Tianlong, Responded.

"Old words are still the same. I don't know what the beads you said are, and how to tell you where the beads are!"

Elder Tongbei really don't know.

After encountering the Emperor Tianlong at the Khan Palace, the Emperor Tianlong asked him where the beads were, but he had no idea what the emperor Tianlong was looking for, and he did not know why the Emperor Tianlong asked him where the beads were .

"Is Tianlong true emperor right? Lao Shi thinks you must have misunderstood something. Lao Shi and others don't know what the pearl you are looking for!"

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