
Vol 2 Chapter 2297: Myojorai

嗷 ——

The dark and evil dragon growled, roared, hovered, bite, and clawed its teeth.

The violent power of darkness seems to devour everything!

The power of horrible original sin is like destroying everything!

The overbearing power of the dragon seems to deter everything!

Under the entanglement of the dark evil dragon, swept by the power of the dark and evil original sin, the glory of the Taixu Sword Formation has long disappeared, and the mysterious runes on the Swords array have all collapsed. The array is also distorted and blurred, swaying like smoke, as if it would collapse and disappear at any time.

It is weird that no matter how the dark dragon roars and roars, and no matter how the power of the dark and evil original sin sweeps through, the Taixu sword array always sways like smoke there, neither shocking nor breaking, like With a supreme mystery.

next to.

Two Avenue Thrones, three Avenue Star Kings, and more than 20 original sins should be watching the scene here. They are full of doubts. They all know how terrible the dark dragon sacrificed by the Emperor Tianlong is, They have all witnessed that the Emperor Tianlong had sacrificed a dark dragon that swallowed hundreds of golden body Luohan in the Western Buddhist world, and even a bodhisattva was not immune in the end.

It is because they know this dark evil dragon of Emperor Tianlong, so when the Emperor Dragon sacrifice the dark evil dragon that day, they will retreat one after another.

It was originally thought that after the Emperor Tianlong sacrifice the dark dragon, it will inevitably break the Rouszi's too virtual sword array.

But what they didn't expect was that they saw that the virtual sword formation was about to break. Who knows that such a strange scene happened again, as if the opponent was seriously injured, but how could they not kill the other? No matter how you kill, the other side always has a last breath.

This made them puzzled.

More than them.

The Emperor Tianlong also frowned deeply at this moment, gazing at the futuristic sword array like the smoke surrounded by the dark dragon.

He is not only highly gifted, profoundly accomplished, but also has an extraordinary understanding. Mo Jian's practice time is not long, but his perception of the avenue is better than those of his old cultivators who have practiced countless years. Otherwise, he will not Will successfully cultivate the original sin body.

to be frank.

When the elder fellow sorrow sacrifice a sword sword array, he saw that the sword array was wonderful.

It is for this reason that he has not shot before.

He has been participating in the Taixu Sword Formation, trying to fully understand it.

It is a pity that he did not fully understand the Taixu Sword Formation for a long time after he realized it. Not to mention that he did not fully understand, and the more he understood, the more he felt the power of the Taixu Sword Formation. .

After a while.

Emperor Tianlong closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

I didn't see any action from him. The dark dragon roared loudly, and burst into a dragon groan, and then rushed into his body and disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Emperor Tianlong gave up.

At least, the idea of ​​forcibly breaking up was temporarily abandoned.

Well known.

All the formations in the world, no matter how mysterious, can be forcibly broken as long as they are powerful enough.


The prerequisite is that your power is strong enough to crush the formation.

If you do not reach this level and force a break, if you have perseverance and exhaust the formation of the formation, you can also break the formation.

It ’s just that few people have done this in the past, and no one is stupid enough to use their own practice to consume an array of formations, especially some powerful formations. Even if your cultivation is exhausted, I am afraid it will not help. .

This is the case with True Emperor Tianlong. Although his strength is already strong enough, he is not yet strong enough to crush the virtual sword formation. If he breaks the formation forcibly, there is no benefit other than his strength consumed. .

On the court.

The Taixu Sword Formation still sways in the void like smoke.

Inside the sword array, eight elders who were too stunned, who had passed out, floated in the center of the sword array with the metamorphic sword integrated with the sad elders.

This scene looks strange.

Like a stack of burning incense.

That's true.

The floating sword of metamorphosis looks like a scent of incense, like a fuming sword array like a cigarette.

The two Avenue thrones and the three Avenue Xingjun and others look at me, I look at you, with big eyes and small eyes, they look at Emperor Tianlong, open their mouths, and dare not say anything, even dare to ask .

At this time, someone found something wrong, looked up, and suddenly found that a group of people in the distant void were coming here.

Is a group of monks.

There are both Buddhism and Buddhism, and there are 20 or 30 people.

There are three headed by it.

An old monk wearing a golden buddha crown and a starry moon.

The old monk held a golden bowl in one hand and a nine-ringed gold staff in one hand, his ears dropped, his eyes widening, as if he could see all the demons and monsters in the world.

Seeing this old monk, the people next to Emperor Tianlong all changed slightly, even the two Avenue Thrones and the three Avenue Star Kings.

They all recognized that this monk was an elder monk of the Pure Land sect of one of the eight ancestors of Naxitian Buddhism, a Buddhist monk who was famous in the wild, and the nine commandments king who made many monsters horrify.

In Xitian Buddhism, Fawang is a very high title.

From ancient times to the present, only those who have advanced the Dharma and made great contributions to Xitian will be respected as the Dharma King.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the Buddhist world of Xitian, every Dharma King is a generation of monks without exception. Not only is the Dharma profound, but also the strength is strong, and the status is noble. They are the eight people in charge of Buddhism.

These nine commandments are one of them.

It is reported that the nine commandments kings had determined to kill all the demons and monsters in the heavens and the earth as far back as the ancient times. For so many years, from the ancient times to ancient times and ancient times, the monsters and monsters that died in his hands can be counted innumerably.

Standing next to the King of the Nine Commandments is a monk who is three meters tall.

This monk just wore a monk's robe, a string of beads with large fists hung on his neck, and two golden golden wheels in his hands. The tall monk was flushed ~ ~ Like a storm.

This person is a Lohan and also a King Kong Lohan.

At the same time, Xitian Buddha Emperor Miao Rulai, one of the twelve is not bad King Kong.

Called Cheek King Kong.

There was a man standing next to Chilian King Kong.

Not a monk.

It was a young man in white who could not see whether he was male or female.

The young man in white wears his hands behind his back, a faint smile hangs around his mouth, and the whole body exudes a mysterious light like a halo. His eyes seem to be able to see all things in the world. The whole person looks especially sacred, like a sacred light Messenger.

They all knew that this young man in white clothes was one of the eight great bodhisattvas under the seat of the Western Buddha Emperor Miao Rulai.

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