
Vol 2 Chapter 2302: Mysterious Advent Comes

The light of the Buddha is like a rainbow, which envelops the embarrassing Nine Commandments King and the Buddha of Pure Clothes.

Looking up, the source of the Buddha's light looks like a bright day hanging in the void.

This round of bright day is extremely sacred, infinitely changing, getting stronger and stronger, and getting more and more dazzling. The original darkness of the Kham Palace is illuminated brightly, and it looks like a thousand worlds.

Do not!

It's not the world of a thousand, it's more like a world of Buddha.

That's true.

Everywhere is filled with vast Buddha's breath, and the ancient ruins floating in the void look like the holy land of Buddha.

At this time.

The sound of chanting came suddenly.

The sound of the Buddha is immense and empty, as if from the sky, and also from the ground. It is more like it came from all directions, and it was introduced into the ears, making the ears tremble, shocking, and shocking.

When more than twenty original sinners who followed the true emperor of Tianlong heard this chanting Buddha sound, they felt only a headache and a swaying heart, and the strength of their bodies was scattered everywhere. The blood of the original sin is boiling.



The pain is like an ant on a hot pot. There is no way to prevent it. There is no other way than to bear this pain.

Even the true emperor Tianlong himself felt uncomfortable when he heard the chanting of the chanting. He snorted, and the whole body rekindled the fire of darkness, and the smoke billowed out. He wanted to compete with this chanted chanting .

The chanting of the Buddhist sounds continued to sound, followed by a more magical scene.

Daodao golden runes fell from the sky, like snow falling in the void.

With a closer look, it was not a golden rune, but a sacred scripture.

It's weird all over the sky.

It is as if the Kham Palace, one of the nine ancient palaces, is a Buddhist scripture, and it is a Buddhist scripture with life. Various scriptures slowly fall in the void, and each scripture is mysterious and mysterious.


A huge golden Buddha statue descended from the bright day in the void.

This statue of Buddha can definitely bear a big character. When it came, it almost occupied half of the sky. The ruins of the ancient ruins of Kham Palace were as small as ants in front of this statue.

The chanting Buddha sound is still ringing, like the sacred song is shining.

The sky is still landing, like a flurry of snow.

The huge golden Buddha descended from the sky, as well as the divine light.

This huge Buddha statue sits cross-legged on a lotus flower. The lotus blooms, as everything in the world is changing, and all beings grow.

Behind the statue of the Buddha is a round sun that illuminates the world, representing both sacredness and light.

The Buddha statue has one hand on his chest, one hand on his lap, his eyes closed slightly.

When this statue of Buddha came down, the verses that fell like snow fell into the sky of the Buddha. These Buddhas folded their hands together, kneeled on the ground, and worshipped the statue.

This is the supreme creation of the Buddha and Taoism, Wanzong Dynasty!

There seems to be a man on the palm of this huge Buddha statue.

This man was wearing a five-buddha crown, wearing a scorpion, a neck with a relic, holding a rosary, sitting cross-legged, slightly closing his eyes, turning the rosary, and reading the scriptures.

Five Buddha statues are engraved on the crowns of the five Buddhas. They are the King of Immovable Ming, King of the Third Emperor Ming, King of the King of Tudaming, King of Dawei Deming and King of King Yasha!

The sacred scriptures are covered with sacred scriptures, and each scripture is changing like a Buddha, full of 99,881, like the 81-year-old Amitabha in the legend of the Buddha.

There are also 36 relics hanging on the neck, each of which resembles a diamond relic containing Nirvana's fire.

There are a total of nine rosary beads in his hand, each of which is like a bodhi of samsara!

Five crowns of the Ming Dynasty are wearing the crown.

Wearing Amitabha.

King Kong relics on the neck.

Holding bodhi rosary.

Each of these existences can be called the treasure of Buddhism, each one is boundless, and each one contains infinite mysteries, and even each one can stand the test of time and space.

Looking at the Buddha of the West Heaven, only one person has so many creations.

That is the bright sun above his head, the worship of thousands of Buddhas, the sacred scriptures, the sound of the Buddha, sitting on the golden body of the Buddha, and the heavenly Buddha Emperor is coming!

No one would have thought that the legendary Miao Rulai really came.

Even the net clothes Bodhisattva and the nine commandments did not expect.

When there was no other way out before, the Buddha in the clothes was desperately trying his best to ask Miao Rulai for help. He didn't know if Miao Rulai could hear it.

I did not expect a cry, Miao Rulai really came.

The Jingyi Bodhisattva and the Nine Commandments were thrilled, and they knelt down and worshipped in the void, and worshipped at the wonderful Buddha sitting on the palm of the golden Buddha.

"The disciples under the table, net clothes, nine commandments greet ... Welcome to the Lord!"

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

The name of Xitian Buddha Emperor Miaorui comes from all walks of life, no one knows, no one knows.

The legend about Miao Rulai is also well known.

It is reported that Miao Rulai was born with a vision when she came out of her mother's womb. The situation changed, and the colors of nature bloomed. The sun shrouded it, and the purple air came to the east.

These signs are comparable to the birth of a saint.

What is even worse is that this wonderful Rulai was born and can walk, and every step, the lotus blooms at the foot, after taking seven steps, blooming seven lotuses, each lotus is like a mother-in-law world, which is called step by step.

Is it just that?

of course not.

Said to be Miao Rulai after seven steps, one finger to the sky, one finger to the ground, talking to himself, spitting eight words, heaven and earth, only I have exclusive respect.

Some people say that Miao Rulai is the reincarnation of Rulai.

This is not a small word.

You should know that the word Rulai is the supreme title of Buddha.

For example, the five well-known kings.

The Fudo Ming King is Nai Ri Rugao Buddha, the third King of the Ming Dynasty is the Imam Rugao Buddha, the King of the King Talisman Ming is the Bosheng Rugao Buddha, the Dawei Deming King is the Buddha of Immortal Life, and the King Yasha Ming is the Buddha of the Buddha.

In addition, Rulai has another meaning. In Buddhism and Taoism, continuously accumulate good causes, and finally finally become a Buddha. Therefore, the name Rulai is the true body, and even the word Rulai also represents the past and the future.


The emperor's incarnation of the Emperor Sun is blooming, and it is a shock to all demons and monsters ~ ~ It is known as the incarnation of the great sun who has no ancients and no comers.

Soon after, the Emperor Xitian Buddha Miao Rulai also incarnates the big day in Jiuyou, thus breaking the myth and legend of the big emperor.

Moreover, the day when the emperor became the emperor, it was just a glorious picture.

Xitian Buddha Emperor Miao Rulai incarnates the big day, but it is extremely overwhelming.

Not only that.

This wonderful Rulai also cut off the Nine Sacred Monument, and after it was severed, there was a crazy word that can no longer be crazy on the broken monument.

All kinds of demons are ants, and the lord is greedy for reincarnation, and cuts off the darkness to nine loneliness. Only I am the Buddha.

These words can be described as extremely arrogant.

The eight words vomited by Lian Liao at the time of Miao Rulai's birth should also be met.

. Literature Museum m.

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