
Vol 2 Chapter 2314: 5 Star Sundials vs. 5 Ming Kings

far away.

Inside an ancient ruins.

Beibei Changqing looked surprised at the five clusters of Guanghua that revolved around the incarnation to purify the sun, wondering: "What is this sacrificed by the Emperor Musang? How do you feel the mystery of nature's five elements?"

"This is a five-star, and a five-star, the golden star is too white, the wooden star is a star, the water star is a star, the fire star is faint, the earth star is a star, this is a five-star sundial!"

The old man was also looking at the mysterious and wonderful five clumps of glory in the void. A vicissitudes of his face was full of suspicion, and his turbid eyes were full of shock. He said, "I never thought that the Emperor Musang had a five-star sundial. A powerful creature, no wonder the old seniors of Xuantianxiandao have high hopes on him, this person is really amazing! "

"Yeah! The Emperor Musashi really does."

The seventh old man sighed, "Miao Rulai has occupied the incarnation of the Five Great Kings. I heard that the Emperor Sundial has occupied the incarnation of the Five Sisters. Now the Emperor Musashi has taken over the incarnation of the Five-Star Sundial. We are almost completely occupied. "

From ancient times to the present, there are many five great deities that guard the center of the southeast, northwest, and northwest.

For example, the five Ming kings.

Protect the King of the Three Emperors in the East, King of the Army in the South, King of the Great Wedeming in the West, King of the King Kong Yasha in the North, and King of the Fudo in the Central.

For example, the old monk of the Five Yues, the old monk of the East Yue guarding the East, the old man of the South Yue Yue in the south, the old monk of the West Yue, the old monk of the North Yue, and the old man of the Zhongyue.

In addition, the five-star sundial is also the guardian of the five parties, the wooden star of the east, the fire of the south, the golden star of the west, the white star of the water, and the star of the earthen town in the center.

it's said.

The Emperor Da Richen occupied the incarnation of Wuyue Laojun because he had integrated himself into the origin of Wuyue!

Now that the Emperor Musashi incarnates to purify the fiery sun, sacrificing five-star sundial, each star and each emerald is like a vast expanse, and when it is rotated, the entire Kham Palace void seems to be distorted and changed. Incorporate itself into the five roots.

Although Emperor Dairi did not dominate the Five Sacred Origins, Emperor Musashi did not dominate the Five Sacred Origins.

But both of them integrate themselves into it, and it is almost impossible for others to reintegrate.

In other words, if the Emperor Dairi symbolizes the Five Sakes, then the Emperor Musashi symbolizes the Five Sisters!

He was most shocked by the seven old and old uncles. The Emperor Musang was still the five uncles who evolved from the incarnation.

This kind of fierce sun is born, the mystery is endless, the power is infinite, I am afraid it is hard to imagine.

In the field.

The Emperor Musang embodies a blazing sun, sacred and bright, illuminates the Kan Palace and purifies everything.

The five-star sundial is like a vortex, slowly revolving around the blazing sun, the void of the Kham Palace is becoming more and more distorted and more and more blurred.

"If you come to Buddha, this seat is offended!"

The voice of the Emperor Musashi fell, and the five-star sundial began to spin frantically, engulfing the puppetized Buddha statues of the five great kings.

Rumble! Click!

When the five-star sundial began to devour the five dynasty Buddha statues, there was a deafening sound, and the entire Kham Palace trembled slightly.

Squinting at the five-star sundial, the five dynasty kings' enlightened Buddha statues will be swallowed in. Instantly, the five dynasty kings bloom endless golden Buddha light, oh!


The endless golden buddha light directly penetrated the vortex-like five-star sundial, but the five-star sundial was endless and changing endlessly. Although the endless amount of golden buddha light penetrated the five-star sundial, it only penetrated and did not collapse.

Bang bang bang!

A series of explosions continued to sound, and the five dynasty kings' Buddha statues were swallowed bit by bit, and the five-star sundial seemed to be swayed by an endless amount of golden Buddha light.

"The five-star sunburst of Emperor Musashi really can swallow the Buddha statues of the five great kings of Miaoru?"

Beibei Changqing is a little incredible.

Although the five-star sundial and the five wise kings are the guardians of the heavens and the earth, the five-star sundial is like a rising star in the view of Bei Changqing, and the five kings of the sun are the old ancestors who guard the heavens and the earth and the elders of Buddhism. , No matter how it will not be swallowed by the five-star sundial?

Chi Lao said: "It's hard to say, it's not good!"

"The five-star sundial is the innate guardian, and the five great kings belong to the acquired guardian. The two are not the same, but this is not important. The important thing is that the Emperor Musang seems to have integrated himself into the origin of the five-star sundial, and has occupied it. The incarnation of the five-star sundial, and Miao Rulai did not integrate himself into the origin of the five great kings. The five great kings he sacrificed were not even incarnations of the eunuchs, they were only incarnations of the Buddha, and they were only images of the form. "

"From this point of view, it may not be possible to block the five-star sundial of Emperor Musashi!"

As soon as the Qichilao had finished speaking, there was a loud explosion in the void.

The five-star sunburst collapsed.

At the same time, the five dynasty kings' huahua buddhas disappeared.

What's going on, and what's going on?

Was it the five-star sundial that swallowed the five-star king's puppetized Buddha image, or the five-star king's puppetized Buddha statue that broke the five-star sundial?

Or are the five-star sundial and the five dynasty Buddha statues broken up?

do not know.

None of the masters who watched in the distance watched ~ ~ They did not dare to sacrifice their consciousness and dared to stare with the naked eye. After all, one is Miao Rulai, one is Musashi Emperor, two The strength of the position is unfathomable. If you sacrifice your mind to look at it in the past, you will definitely be found. At that time, it will be worth the trouble.


The Emperor Musang, who had just turned into a purifying sun, gradually appeared.

He is still him.

He wears a silver crown on his head, his face looks like a crown jade, his eyes look like a star, his hands are behind him, and Jun Yi emits dust, which is no different from when he first arrived.

The only difference is that when he came, his expression was calm and calm, but at this moment he looked slightly cautious.

Others may not see it. However, as a party, he knew that he had sacrificed the five-star sundial himself and did not devour the five great kings of the emperor, such as the Buddha statue, but they were not broken, but they both broke up.

This makes the Musashi emperor somewhat unacceptable.

After all, his understanding sundial is the innate guardian of the heavens and the earth, and the king of the sun and the earth is the acquired guardian of the heavens and the earth. One innate and the acquired is naturally incomparable. What is most unacceptable to him is that he has been integrated into the five-star sundial. The origin, although temporarily unable to dominate, has been able to represent the five-star sundial.

The five great kings offered by the Rugao Miaorulai are not even the incarnations of the eunuchs, but only the eunuchs with the image of the eminent kings, which can penetrate his five-star sundial.

This made the Emperor Musashi unable to figure it out, and he was not convinced.

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