
Vol 2 Chapter 2322: Innate power

Whether it is Emperor Musashi, Emperor Tianlong, or masters of the avenue hiding in ancient ruins, everyone is bewildered, and no one knows who Miao Rulai is waiting for.

Just when everyone was so confused, all of a sudden, weird changes took place in the void.

Despite the small changes, everyone noticed it.

The dark fire that was originally burning in the void, for some reason, has gradually weakened, at least, no longer spreading like a stormy sea like before, and the billowing smoke is much looser.

at the same time.

Wearing a magnificent array of glory, the man like the fierce Sun Emperor seems to fade somehow, no longer the sacred light as before, and no longer as dazzling as before, it feels like the noon day is gradually getting bigger The setting sun is the same.

Do not!

It's not the setting sun, it's more like the cloudy sky that gradually changed from the original clear sky.

Even the round of golden sun that hung above Miao Rulai's head seemed to have become a little dim, no longer shining in the void as before,

what happened?

Why is this happening?

No one knows.

The Emperor Musang's expression was so dazzling, his eyes were like electricity, scrutiny, and looking around. He was a little scared deep inside, surprised by the changes in the field, and the mysterious power that gradually swept up.

The true emperor of Tianlong was fearless and unconvinced, and he yelled, "Who is it! Get out of this emperor!"


The fire of darkness all over the body skyrocketed again, spreading wildly, and billowing thick smoke.

Of course.

The fire suddenly became weird and weakened at the moment of soaring, just like a match was lit in the cold winter moon. The fire was very strong at the moment of ignition, but it soon began to weaken.

The true emperor of Tianlong is so. People like the fierce Sun Emperor, including Miao Rulai, the round of today's hot day is getting darker and darker.

The entire Cancun also began to look dim.

It's like ... as if the horrible darkness is gradually sweeping in, covering the entire palace palace void.


Endless darkness.

Endless darkness.

Everyone's heart is as if covered by darkness. There is a kind of fear of being unclear, especially with the golden flame of the magical sun and the pure and fiery sun of the Emperor Musashi, and the dark fire of the true Emperor Tianlong. It was getting weaker, and the master of the avenue hiding in the ancient ruins had a very uncomfortable feeling at this moment.

This feeling made them feel uncomfortable, and their hearts were a little flustered.

"How could this be?"

Bei Changqing's beautiful face was full of suspicion, and there was a little panic in her beautiful eyes, and she asked, "Who the **** is coming?"


When she thought of a person, she suddenly panicked and said, "Wouldn't it be the Emperor You?"

Legend has it that when the Emperor arrives, the big sun falls, the twilight envelopes, and when the darkness strikes, it is the fairy twilight and the end of the world.

Look at the court again.

Regardless of whether it is the day of Emperor Musashi or the day of Miaorulai, although it has not fallen, it is gradually dimming, and the entire palace palace is shrouded in twilight, and it is swept by darkness.

Oh my god!

Are you really the emperor?

For some reason, Bei Changqing was a little excited.

"Do not!"

At this time, Qi Lao suddenly said in a deep voice: "Not the Emperor!"

"How do you know not?"

"Old man had seen You Emperor. Although the existence of You Emperor was mysterious, unknown, and terrible, he did not have inherent innate power. Legends about him include the fall of the Sun and the twilight, although these powers are not False words, but only the acquired power. "

Power is also divided into innate and acquired.

There are many existences of innate power, and many existences of acquired power.

Innate power, as the name implies, is inherent power.

Such as Miao Rulai, such as Emperor Musashi.

They all have a bright bloodline, and the Emperor Musashi also owns a dragon dragon body, regardless of whether it is a bright blood vein or a dragon dragon body that belongs to innate creation, and they also have powerful innate power.

As long as the two of them come, they do n’t need to shoot, they do n’t need to talk, and they do n’t need to think about God ’s mind. As long as they appear, all their surrounding existence will be affected by their inherent innate power. Instability may even be wiped out on the spot by this innate crushing power.

As for the acquired power, as the name suggests, the acquired power was born.

Almost all masters of the avenue who have innate power have acquired power, like the throne of Emperor and Seal, who inherited the destiny of the Emperor of Tibet, which belongs to his acquired nature, and naturally also possesses acquired power, not only him, but all masters who inherit the destiny The acquired power.

The difference between innate power and acquired power is that innate power is born. People are powers, and powers are people. The two are not separated from each other, and people are bound to arrive.

The next day, the power is separate from the person, and it is not necessary to reach the person.

As for innate power, it is still powerful.

Many people say that innate power is stronger.

In fact, the benevolent sees the benign and the wise and sees wisdom. The reason why many people say that innate power is powerful is because almost all masters with innate power are natural talents, good qualifications, deep cultivation, strong strength, and high perception. Good fortune.

A master with acquired power, there is nothing inherently created at birth, and the qualifications are extremely ordinary. The ability to cultivate acquired power is achieved by fighting one step at a time, regardless of qualifications or understanding. It is the same as having the innate nature.

The birth of those Tian Zizhi is not only the pinnacle. Ordinary mortals have reached the pinnacle after most of their lives, but those Tian Zizhi have already stood in the cloud. When you stand in the cloud, they have stood in the sky ~ www ~ This sounds harsh, but it is a fact that no one can deny.

It's like the masters of the avenues that entered the ancient Nine Palaces this time. Ten of them are talents with innate power, and the masters of the avenues with acquired powers are not without, but few.

The most famous is probably the emperor in the mouth of Beichangqing.

As we all know, You You was a mortal when you were born, and still belonged to the very wasteful qualifications. When practicing in the secular world, even an introductory disciple was not mixed, it was just a juggler. Imagining with toes Know how junk the Emperor's qualifications are.

The Emperor is one of the few who can cross the vast world with ordinary qualifications.

Other than that, the legend about You Emperor alone is that when the Great Sun falls, the twilight envelopes, and the darkness strikes, it is the fairy twilight, and the end of the world is enough to show how terrible the Emperor's acquired power is.

The reason why the Seventh Elder determined that the visitor was not the Emperor was because he felt that the power that enveloped the entire palace was not the acquired power, but a congenital power.

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