
Vol 2 Chapter 2330: Wind and clouds, 9 Xiaolong Teng

On the court.

The true Emperor Tianlong is no longer the former Emperor Tianlong. The whole person is distorted and swaying like a flame, and it is floating like a plume of smoke, as if it would disappear at any time.

However, the screams of hissing lungs never ceased, and they became more miserable.

The Musashi emperor next to him first transformed into a fiery sun, and then sacrificed a five-star sundial, but he was not at all lost to the blood of the Demon Emperor. At this moment, he was also suffering, his heart burned by the fire became more distorted, and his self-consciousness became more blurred. The avatars became increasingly distorted and blurred, and the facial features began to change and expand.


The Emperor Musang could not help roaring to the sky. Suddenly, the emptiness changed, and there was no wind and emptiness moving, and no cloud and emptiness drifting. It looked like the imaginary world of wind and clouds, like a mysterious sky.



A dragon yelled loudly, and Longyin's mighty power overwhelmed him, as if it ran through the heavens and earth, shocking in all directions, and shocking all beings.

嗷嗷 嗷嗷 ——

Jiu Dao Yin exploded at the same time, and nine Canglongs appeared.

Wu Canglong roared, roaring in this turbulent and illusory fantasy world, and roaring in this mysterious and heavy cloudless sky.

Howling wind rises, Jiuxiao Longteng, Xuantian Shaozhu, Musang emperor.

This is a legend about the Emperor Musashi in the wild.

In the legend, the Emperor Musang appeared, the wind and clouds changed, and the Jiuxiao Dragon emerged.

There is a sword in the hands of the Emperor Musashi, called the Jiuxiao Dragon Sword. This sword is a boulevard of Xuantianxiandao. It is said that it is a boulevard of the mysterious Xuanmiao cave heavens. Boundless, its potential is infinite, its power is infinite, and its magic is endless.

The so-called Jiuxiao is also Jiuxiaoxiao. As the old saying goes, there are Jiuxiao in the sky, Chixiao, Bixiao, Qingxiao, Xuanxiao, Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, Zixiao, Lianxiao, and Xiaoxiao.

In fact, the so-called Jiuxiao refers to the nine days that are also now.

Xuantian who dominates the Immortal Path, such as the heaven that dominates the Tao of Heaven, such as the west that dominates the Tao of Buddhism, such as the blue sky that once dominated justice, and the yellow sky that once dominated humanity, and so on are all nine days.

In the legend, at the beginning of the nine-day pregnancy, the nine-day origin gave birth to nine dragons, and the nine-sky dragons each guarded one of the heavens.

I just did.

In the ancient times, I said that someone had questioned God, the original sin, slaughtered the Three Thousand Avenues, destroyed nine days, and even opened the era of injustice.

After the end of the ancient times of the barren wasteland, the Three Thousand Avenue disappeared and disappeared, the sleep fell asleep, and the recovery recovered. The same was true for nine days.

Xuan Tian, ​​who dominated Xuan Tian, ​​recovered, so Xuan Tian, ​​one of the nine days, also recovered.

The Tao that dominates Cangtian is asleep so far, so Cangtian has never appeared, and no one has ever stepped into Cangtian.

The Buddha's Taoism that ruled Xitian recovered, and Xitian recovered as well.

The fairness of dominating Qingtian disappeared, and Qingtian disappeared.

The humanity that ruled Huang Tian disappeared, and Huang Tian disappeared ...

As for the Jiuxiao Dragon, who guards the nine days, only the purification dragon, which guards Xuantianxiandao, has recovered. The other eight dragons are still missing.

Some people say that the Emperor Changfeng has been inherited from the sky, holding a large dagger, and also has the protection of the blue dragon, which can replace the skywalk and cut off all injustice in the world.

Some people also said that Chixiaolong had guarded the Emperor, but later it seemed to disappear.

In other words, the Jiuxiao Dragon Teng of Emperor Musashi is not the Jiuxiao Dragon Teng in the true sense, but the sword of Jiuxiao Dragon, but this is enough to make people jealous of three points.

After all, the Jiuxiao Dragon Sword is made by the elders of Xuantianxiandao to collect the essence of nine days. Whether it is power or power, it is absolutely beyond imagination.

The fact is true.

The moment when the Emperor Musang sacrifice Jiuxiao Longteng, the mighty might, the ancient ruins in the trembling void are trembling, even if they are masters hiding in the ancient ruins, they have a strong sense of oppression.

This is the second time they have felt this way.

For the first time, when the Demon Emperor's Blood River came, the endless darkness swept through them, making them uncomfortable and afraid.

At this moment, the Emperor Musang sacrifice Jiuxiao Long Teng, a mighty mighty momentum, just as Jiu Zhongtian was down, they were panicked and nervous.

"The wind rises and the clouds rise, Jiu Xiao Long Teng, Xuan Tian Shao Zhu, the Musashi Emperor, it really deserves its reputation!"

The seventh old man said in a deep voice.

七 For the legend of Emperor Musashi, Qi Lao had heard of it, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. This was the first time he had witnessed it. It shocked him more than he thought.

He thought that the Jiuxiao Dragon Teng of Emperor Musang was transformed by the Jiuxiao Dragon Sword, just like the five-star sundial of the Emperor Musashi, and the incarnation of the five great kings of the Emperor, but it contains the shape of Jiuxiaolong.

When the Emperor Musang offered Jiuxiao Longteng, he realized that he had underestimated the Emperor Musang and also underestimated Jiuxiao Longteng.

Because from the prestige of Jiuxiao Dragon, he really felt the power of the purification of the Xuantian Dragon, the power of the West Dragon, the power of the Grand Duke of the Blue Dragon, the power of the Vientiane of Huangtian, and even Lord of the sky ...

It's incredible and incredible!

Howling wind rises from the cloudless imaginary world, reappearing like a ninefold sky!

The roaring sound of the dragon groaned like the roar of a fairy Buddha demon!

The rushing Jiuxiao Dragon is like the advent of a nine-day trial!

Is like a nine-day trial.

Jue Xuantian's judgment purifies the world.

Ju Xitian ’s judgment transcends all things.

Ju Qingtian's trial ruled everything in heaven and earth.

Jue Cangtian's judgment, dominate everything in the world!

"Magic! Emperor! Blood! River !!! My nine-foot dragon is like a nine-day trial! I see how you resist! Ah-"

The angry roar of the Emperor Musashi in the empty sky was accompanied by a mighty dragon yelling, UU reading www. uukanshu. The dark darkness of the commotion was distorted, and the void of the tremor changed.

嗷 ——

Jiu Xiaoxiao growled, and Zhang Yawu's claws dived down.

Take the man.

The demon emperor's blood river still stands in the void, the figure remains unmoved, like a sword like a lone peak, his expression has not changed, cold and ruthless, only the long hair is dancing, and only the clothes are ringing.

Even if Jiu Xiaolong rushed to him, he didn't move.

Even if Jiu Xiaolong entangled him, he still didn't move.

嗷 ——

Nine Xiaolongs circling around the Demon Blood River, purifying, exceeding, judging, dominating, and judging ...

This scene is stunned and amazing.

Although many people know the legend of Musashi Emperor Jiuxiao Longteng, not many have actually seen it.

Even if I have seen Jiuxiao Longteng, I have never seen Jiuxiao Longteng so crazy at this moment like a nine-day trial.

Because in the wilderness, no matter whether it is 36 holes or 72 blessings, or the giants, few people can block the power of Jiuxiao Dragon.

No one is qualified to ask the Emperor Musashi to sacrifice such a crazy Jiuxiao Dragon!

:. :

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