
Vol 2 Chapter 2333: Taboo Avenue

Miao Rulai sitting on the palms of the sacred Buddha with her knees crossed, with one hand standing in front of her, one hand turning the rosary, and the corner of her mouth also had an unspeakable smile. Since the appearance of the Demon Emperor Blood River, the smile on his mouth has been Never disappeared.

"I haven't seen it in years, and I can't think of your understanding of the Dark Way so deep that you are astonished by this seat, blood river, blood river. This one really admires you more and more."

Wu Miaoru's voice was empty and immense.

"You enter the demon with the idea of ​​a fairy, and step on the darkness with the demon. When you become an immortal, you are the emperor of immortal road. When you enter the demon, you are the emperor of the demon road. Fortunately, the word of darkness has never given her destiny. It's you. "

There have been three thousand avenues since ancient times.

I just did.

Some avenues are easy to get started and difficult to understand.

For example, Xiandao is the most typical easy to get started and difficult to understand.

For mortals, as long as they have a persistent heart, it is easy to become immortal. Once they become immortal, they will even enter the immortal path.

Just how far you can go after stepping into the Immortal Path depends on your qualifications and fortune.

In addition to fairy road, demon road, ghost road are also easy to get started, difficult to understand.

Those who practice meditation can become demons in their flesh, and ghosts who give up their flesh.

It doesn't matter whether it is a demon or a ghost, it can become an immortal, such as the demon fairy and the ghost fairy in the wild.

There are also some roads that are not easy to get started, and even harder to understand.

For example, Buddha.

The threshold of Buddhism and Taoism is much higher than that of Immortal Taoism. Perseverance only requires perseverance. For perseverance, it is not enough. Perseverance in causality of Buddha and Taoism has no cause and effect. You may not be able to step into Buddhism in your life.

Demon Tao is also not easy to get into the magic, and it is even harder to understand.

In a certain sense, the threshold of enchantment is higher than the threshold of seeking Buddha.

The evil spirit is divided into innate and acquired.

The innate demon is a demon. For example, the Emperor Ren Tianxing is a demon.

And the Demon Emperor Blood River was an immortal, so he can only be regarded as the demon of the day after tomorrow.

Needless to say, the demon is born with a demon.

But the demon of the day after tomorrow is not who wants to achieve it.

Throughout the ages, although there are not many demons, they are definitely not small.

But it ’s absolutely rare to get into the devil like the emperor blood river.

I can't say that the day after tomorrow after entering the devil is not much, I can only say that there are definitely not many who can survive after the day after tomorrow.


No matter whether it is an immortal Buddha or a demon, no one can do nothing to go into the demon well. Most of the demon is a last resort, such as practicing a fork and falling into the magic path. Sacrifice the magic weapon that should not be sacrificed, leading to enchantment.

In this case, life is generally not long, because after falling into the magic path, self-consciousness will be lost, six relatives will not recognize, there is no morality, and there is no reason, even the concept of life and death.

After I'm full, I feel that I can't eat any more.

But the demon will continue to eat even if it is supported until it is dead.

Cultivation will stop when encountering bottlenecks.

If the evil spirit encounters a bottleneck in cultivation, it will not stop until the cultivation is completed.

When encountering danger, people will be cautious or give up. The devil will only go forward because the devil does not know what life or death is.

and so.

古 Since ancient times, anyone who has been forced into the devil has died for various reasons or was killed by other immortal Buddhas.

After being immortal like the blood river, the maggots became obsessed with magic, and they could also question the existence of the emperor of the Tao of Demon. Throughout the ages, he was the only one.

Stuck in the Three Thousand Avenue.

There are also some roads with high thresholds, which not only exceed Xiandao, but also surpass Buddha and Demon.

For example, the way of light, such as the way of sacredness, such as the way of life, and even the way of heaven and fate.

大道 The avenues are known as Supreme Avenues.

The ordinary practitioners barely reach these Supreme Avenues.

Do not!

He is not out of reach, but invisible at all.

He never said that ordinary practitioners, even with the highest qualifications and the best understanding, are not qualified to contact these Supreme Avenues.

Only the existence of the Supreme Destiny of the Supreme Being is qualified to contact these Supreme Avenues.

For example, a person with a bright bloodline is qualified to touch the light.

He is also qualified to come in contact with the Divine Word if he is in divine blood.

But it ’s just contact. Whether you can enlighten or not depends on your own creation.

No one knows how much of these heavens and realms exists to realize the light, and how much exists to realize the sacred.

He only knows how much. From ancient to modern times, he didn't have much blood and sacred blood, and I am afraid that he can understand the light and sacred.

是 如此 The way of light and the way of sacredness are so, as for the way of life, the way of heaven, and the way of destiny.

This thing is even poorer.

So far, I only know that the nature maiden Yun Yichang has entered the way of life.

I only know that the ancient name has entered the way of fate.

If the words of Tiandao ... no one.

I said.

Among the three thousand avenues, there is another special avenue.

This avenue is not only higher than the threshold of the immortal Buddha, but even higher than those known as the Supreme Way, such as the Light Road and the Holy Road.

Such as the way of darkness, such as the way of death, such as the way of killing, such as the absolute way.

These avenues are taboo avenues.

Is also removed from the Three Thousand Avenue.

虽然 Although those Supreme Roads have high thresholds, at least there are thresholds at all, and they know what kind of thresholds and conditions can reach these Supreme Roads.


Taboo Avenue is different.

There is no threshold at all forbidden roads ~ ~ Because there is no threshold, no one knows what kind of conditions can access these taboo roads.

The corpse has the existence of bright blood, and is qualified to touch the light.

He may be in the presence of dark blood, but not qualified to touch the Word of Darkness.

it's said.

Only by breaking taboos can we access these taboo roads.

He also said that only if there is a causal relationship with the taboo avenues are they eligible to contact them.

There are many opinions, and no one knows what the threshold of Taboo Avenue is.

No one knows how the demon emperor blood river broke the taboo and stepped into the dark after thinking about it.

Guangu today.

Taboo Avenue has always been a mystery, at least after the ancient times, it is almost difficult to see the so-called Taboo Avenue.

However, one person seems to have a very fate with Taboo Avenue, and it is not a common fate.

That person is the famous Emperor You.

It is said that the You Emperor entered more than one taboo avenue, but several taboo avenues.

Way of death, way of absolute, way of killing.

When in the secular world that year, many people saw the Emperor You alone dominate the three taboos, which was terrifying.

The reason why You You has always been considered the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny is more or less related to his **** of the three taboos.

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