
Vol 2 Chapter 2346: Devour

Standing in this heavenly original sin, if the Daxing epilepsy has a feeling, he feels that he is not in the imperial palace of the ancient Nine Palace, but in the ancient black hole of the ancient city.

I really feel that way.

The only difference is that space inside the ancient black hole is full of turbulence.

And here is full of original sin turmoil.

In the wild black hole, you may be swallowed up by space inadvertently. Fortunately, the Daxing episcopal has a good body and travels through the space.

But in this original sin, even if the Daxing lunatic monk sacrificed the golden body at this moment, he did not dare to shuttle freely and fell into the chaos of space. He still had the confidence to burst out, but if he was swallowed up by this chaos of the original sin, The Daxing epilepsy doesn't know if he has the ability to rush out. In addition, he has a shadow of unclear words about the original sin itself. Standing at the moment in the sky of the original sin really made him nervous.


The monk trembled in his mind, and found that the original sin began to spin, and it was extremely fast and powerful.

The monk Daxun didn't dare to neglect, he roared, his body was full of golden light, and he started running outwards. He just ran out, as if he had fallen into another vortex.

what's going on?

Wu Daxing's epilepsy resisted the feeling of scalp numbness, looked intently, couldn't help taking a sip of air-conditioning, good guy, I saw the blood of Demon Emperor Blood and Miao Rulai already in the whirlpool.

One of the whirlpools of original sin devours the blood of the Demon Emperor, and the other whirlpool of original sins devours Miao Rulai.

The original whirlpool of sin was unknown when it was discovered. When the Daxing epilepsy found out, both the Demon Blood River and Miao Rulai had been swallowed up by the two whirlpools of original sin and disappeared.


The two whirlpools are spinning wildly, and the original sins of the sky are madly condensing.


No matter who this original sin belongs to, his enemy is not the Daxing Monk, but the demon emperor blood river and Miao Rulai. Perhaps it is said that the Daxing Monk has not been regarded at all.

Wu Daxing's epic did not care about this. In the face of the original sin, he had no time to hide, and he would proactively provoke it. The other party's trouble was not to find himself.

Hey mother, who is behind this original sin?

Stumped is the person behind the scenes?

I wanted to make a round, and brought in the emperor blood river and Miao Rulai. Since Xuan Miao Dongtian did not show up, the demon emperor blood river was going to leave again. Seeing that the game did not work, so the other party came in person ?

Who will it be?

The ancestor of the blue lantern?

Hey or the master of Montenegro?

The Daxing monk thought about it and thought it was impossible. Although the old ancestors of Qing Deng and the master of Montenegro both sang the original sin, God has been deeply smitten for many years. The original sins on his body are deeper than one. Until now, it seems as if the original sin was incorporated into the void.

What's more, Miao Rulai and Demon Blood River are masters of the avenue. Their strength is unfathomable. They are comparable to the green lantern ancestors and the master of Montenegro.

Even if one is struggling to deal with one of them, who dares to take the initiative against the road tyrants such as Demon Blood River and Miao Rulai at the same time?

For the time being, I don't say whether the old ancestors of Qing Deng and the master of Montenegro have this ability, even if they have the knowledge of them by Daxing, it is impossible for them to act on the blood of the emperor and Miao Ru at the same time.

Both the Green Lantern ancestors and the Montenegro lords are old oilers in the wild, one deeper than the other, and they will never be shot easily until the last moment, especially at this point, whoever starts first will be exposed. His hole card was revealed, how could he fight for God, the original sin.

But if it wasn't the ancestor of Green Lantern or the master of Montenegro, who would it be?

大 日 曜 皇?

The monk Daxing has always believed that among all the lords of the avenue, the emperor of the sundial emperor has the deepest possession and the highest means. Although he is the overlord of the immortal road, he also claims to protect the avenue of heaven and earth.

Tianxuan Miaodong Tianshang also tinkered with a bipolar yin and yang tai chi immense, while letting the Emperor Musang guard the Tiandi Avenue, while letting the true emperor Tianlong compete for the original sin.

I want to know that Xuanmiao Dongtian can guard the origin of Xiandao, and even they have made two preparations. If the Emperor of the Sun has no incarnation of original sin, I am afraid no one will believe it.

I can do that.

Wu Daxing's epilepsy also felt that the original sin of the sky was unlikely to belong to the emperor of the sun.

Because he knows that the Emperor of the Sun is coming deeper, using higher means, and being more cautious than the ancestors of the blue lantern and the master of Montenegro.

If the green lantern ancestor Heishan will not reveal the cards at this festival, then the big sun emperor will not.


These roadlords are guarding each other.

Twenty-two come.

He also watched out for the Holy Land and Shangqing Cave.

After all, according to legend, both Shangqing Cave and the Holy Land entered the ancient black hole.

Everyone knows that Shangqing Dongtian represents heaven.

Everyone knows that holy places represent sacredness.

Moreover, this time, headed by Shangqingdong is still known as the solitary war with the sky, and the holy place is led by Wusheng Xuanyuan Wuji, which is known as the only hand to cover the sky.

The Emperor of the Sun, the Lord of Montenegro, the ancestors of the Green Lantern, including Miao Rulai's avenue overlords, also jealous of their three-point scoring. Because of jealousy, they must be careful at this time.

Besides, there is a more important reason.

That's not only the Shangqing Cave, which represents Heaven, but also the Holy Land, which is the sacred shrine ~ ~, which entered the ancient Gu Jiu Palace this time.

The so-called forbidden land is more mysterious than the legendary holy land.

The existence of the holy land represents sacredness, guarding the heaven and earth avenues, and all beings, at least, on the surface, at ordinary times, the holy land will not show up, only when the heaven and earth avenues fall into calamity, the holy land talents will come.

For example, in the secular world, Xiao Jin'er caused the ancient and innocent blood moon. This is both a sign and a disaster, and it also represents a catastrophe. At that time, both the Buddha Road and the Demon Road had appeared, and the people of the Holy Land also came. Already.

For example, this time, the Aragon Nine Palace appeared, and the Holy Land also appeared.

Forbidden land is different.

The existence of the Forbidden Land is neither for the protection of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, nor for the sentient beings. It has always been isolated from the world. Regardless of the world, the safety of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, the Forbidden Land rarely participates.

I can't believe it. This time the emergence of Huanggu Jiugong, the forbidden area that has never been involved in world affairs has also appeared.

Others don't say, at least, Daxing epilepsy knows that the people in Kunlun Forbidden City have already appeared.

In the face of this catastrophe, the attitude of the Holy Land is at least clear. What is the attitude of the Forbidden Land to protect the Avenue of Heaven and Earth? No one knows whether to protect the avenue of heaven and earth or to start the era of infidelity, no one knows.

Because no one knows the attitude of the forbidden land, the lords of the avenues, such as Emperor Dairi and Lord Montenegro, should be more cautious.

After all, the existence of forbidden land is worse than that of holy land.

(End of this chapter)

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