
Vol 2 Chapter 2350: Heart of Blood

"Actually, it's not a big deal when it comes to talking about it. This isn't that the ancient Jiu Palace has already appeared. The old lady just wants to ask you, what do you think of the current situation?"

"Not much, I'm not interested."

"Blood river, you can't say that." Dahang epilepsy said: "You should be clear, no matter you or the oldest, we are all pawns in this game. It is not because you are not interested, you can stay out of the matter. If that's the case, then what else does fate have to do, and what it takes to change your life against the sky? Isn't it impossible to help yourself? "

The Demon Emperor's Blood River indifferently said, "What do you want to ask, just say it, without turning corners."

"Why is your kid always like this."

Xun Daxing's epilepsy was unhappy with a glance at Demon Blood River.

He thinks Demon Blood River is a very boring and boring person. If you talk to this guy, no matter what topic you are talking to, you have to go straight to the topic. Any other irrelevant things are nonsense.

Daxing epilepsy is not a person who likes to lie, but he feels that some things can go straight to the theme, and some can't go straight to the theme, especially in the face of the cold and ruthless and arrogant lordlike blood river Juezhu, if he went straight to the subject and asked him something, he didn't know what to answer, and then ... there was no more, a sentence would seal you to death, and he would still have no temper.

"Let's say that, old man just wants to ask what attitude you currently have, whether you want to protect Tiandi Avenue, or you want to slaughter the Three Thousand Avenues, regenerate the heaven and earth, and start the era of infidelity."

Daxing episcopals have always been curious about the attitude of the Demon Emperor's Blood River. Other avenue hegemons, whether they are the Emperor of the Sun or Miao Rulai, or the masters of Montenegro and Green Lantern, have already expressed their attitudes. At least on the surface, So, as to whether there are two-handed preparations secretly, that is another matter.

Xun Wei ’s attitude towards the Blood Emperor ’s Blood River has always been unclear. If he wanted to slaughter the Three Thousand Avenues and start the era of infidelity, others did not infect the original sin.

This awesome monk is still very sure. Although he doesn't know how many incarnations of the Demon Blood River, he knows one thing. With the character of the Demon Blood River, if he really wants to kill Three Thousand Avenues The words of Allan Sin, God, will definitely be robbed.

He is definitely not like other avenue overlords. He speaks one set in his mouth and secretly another, guards the heaven and earth avenue, secretly contends for the original sin God, or prepares with both hands while guarding the heaven and earth avenue.

For these things, the Demon Blood River disdains.

If he wants to guard the heaven and earth road, he will certainly be the guardian of justice, and if he wants to rob the original sin, God will surely rob it.

Will never sneak up, secretly preparing with both hands.

The key is that, to this day, the Emperor's Blood River has neither said to **** God, the original sin, nor to guard the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, Daxing Leng Monk is extremely curious.

"I have no attitude."

The words of the Demon Emperor's Blood River came, there were as many frustrations as there were to be helpless.

He didn't want to go straight to the subject in front of the Demon Blood River. He was afraid of this. In a word, the acolyte monk didn't know how to continue.

"I said, Brother Xuehe, can we be open and honest, what does it mean to be indifferent? What's the matter, you mean, you don't intend to protect the heavens and the avenue, or to rob God of original sin, right?"

The Demon Emperor Blood River nodded in response: "It is true."

"It's a real fart!" Dahang epilepsy was a little annoyed, and said, "You don't guard the heaven and earth avenue and don't rob God of the original sin, then what do you do when you enter this wild ancient Jiu Gong? Look busy?"

The ruthless and ruthless blood emperor Blood River had a ridiculous smile in his abyss-like eyes, and said, "No?"

"You don't talk to me."

I want to say that Gu Qingfeng entered the ancient Gu Jiugong to see the excitement, and the Daxing epic may have some faith, but to say that the emperor blood river entered the ancient Gu Jiu palace to see the excitement, he didn't believe it.

The ancient breeze is a master who likes to watch the liveliness, but the Demon Blood River is not.

The ancient breeze is now being tormented by causal fate and tired, so just ask one to let it be and let it be.

Wu Daxing's epilepsy knows that the Demon Emperor's Blood River will not bow to fate, nor will it yield to fate.

"Blood River, you honestly tell me what kind of attitude you are, you can rest assured, Lao 发 swears to you, and will never tell other people, Lao 衲 is a man, you don't know yet!"

"I don't really have any attitude." Demon Emperor Blood River said: "If my blood river really wants to rob the original sin, God will tell you, not only will it tell you, but also all existence in this heaven and earth."

"Do you mean to guard the Avenue of Heaven and Earth?"

The demon emperor Xuehe asked: "This avenue of heaven and earth has never guarded me. Why should I guard them? Ye Hao avenues, heaven and earth, is there anything worthy of me to guard?"

"It's a bit too much," Dahang said, "Your boy is also the overlord of the magic road, the devil who inherits the destiny of the destiny. It is your child's duty to guard the avenue and it is his duty. . "

"I never believe in fate, especially destiny."

"Xing Xing Xing! Even if your boy violates his destiny and does not guard the avenue, but the people in the avenue, such as those gangs following you, and those elders who are too empty, you don't care about the life of Tiandi Avenue, you always care about them Life or death? "

"Although they are all people in the Avenue, there is no necessary relationship with the Avenue. The demise of the Avenue does not mean that they perish. The rebirth of heaven and earth does not necessarily mean that they are born again."

Hearing here, the Daxing epilepsy can be considered to have heard something. The meaning of the Demon Blood River is very clear. No matter whether it is Avenue or Heaven and Earth, he is not interested in guarding it. Whether the Avenue or Heaven is dead, he is too lazy to care. He Only guard the person you care about, as for the rest, it has nothing to do with him.

This sounded familiar to me. Daxing epilepses remembered that they had asked the same question about Gu Qingfeng, and Gu Qingfeng ’s answer was almost the same as that of the Demon Blood River. The life and death of Tiandi Avenue has nothing to do with them, they only guard Someone you want to protect.

如果 "If ... Old Man said if ... If Heaven and Earth Avenue threatens the person you care about, or the existence of God, the original sin, threatens the person you care about, what should you do?"

"You know how I answer."

I do.

Daxing epilepsy knows.

He wondered if the Heaven and Earth Avenue threatened the people who care about the Demon Blood River, the Demon Blood River would surely destroy the Heaven and Earth Avenue. If the existence of the original sin God threatened the people he cares about, he would certainly destroy the original sin God.

Wu Daxing's epic also asked the question of Gu Qingfeng at the beginning, and Gu Qingfeng also answered the same question.

He is increasingly feeling that Gu Qingfeng and Demon Blood River really have a lot in common.

That year.

The demon emperor blood river fell into the demon for the beloved woman, and the blood of the great wasteland ran into the river.

The ancient breeze also used to be a woman, and went directly to the madness, and the same great wild blood that was killed has flowed into the river.

think carefully.

Damn it.

The Demon Emperor Blood River and Gu Qingfeng seem to even have a woman they like.

The Demon Emperor's Blood River loves Cangyan, which is well known to everyone in the sky.

Although there are many ancient Qingfeng women, only Jun Xuanzhen is the one who really called Gu Qingfeng overwhelming.

She Cangyan is a crazy mother-in-law, and Jun Xuanyun is even crazy, she lost her self.

Shook his head.

Dahang epilepsy didn't talk too much about this issue, just sighed and said, "Okay, okay, your boy said that there is no attitude, then there is no attitude, but your boy will never enter the ancient Gu Jiu Palace for nothing The uncle who talked to the old uncle hurt and came in to see the fun, this is not even a ghost. "

"I naturally have a reason to come in when I enter the Aragon Nine Palace."

"Hey! What's the reason?"

"This is my personal matter, I need not tell you."

"Do it, don't say it, since it's your personal business, I'm too lazy to ask too much."


Even if the demon emperor Blood River does not say it, the Daxing Ape Monk can guess one or two.

It's not hard to guess.

Wherever the existence of the Nine Palaces of the Ancient Kingdom of Heaven is entered, either to protect the heavens and earth avenues, or to rob the original sin, God, in addition, there is another possibility, that is, seeking the cause and effect to find the true self.

In the ancient times, many powers planted a causal seed for themselves with an ancient taboo.

First conceive an external avatar with this true body, then plant a true consciousness in this external avatar, and then reincarnate this external avatar with true consciousness ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ conceived the self-consciousness, and then reincarnation, the self-awareness ... Countless reincarnation, until the incarnation outside the body to form an independent life form.

古老 This ancient method is ‘cause’.

I also call it ‘kind of me’.

No one knows how much it was possible to plant a causal seed using this ancient taboo in the ancient times.

No one knows who is the causal seed planted by others in ancient times.

人 No one can guarantee that he is who he is now.

Daxing episcopals can't guarantee it, Gu Qingfeng can't guarantee it, and the Demon Emperor Blood River can't guarantee it either. They even claim to know the past and future, take charge of the cause and effect of fate, deduce the universe's famine, and gain insight into the heavens and earth. The eternal namelessness of the messenger cannot guarantee that he is his true self.

I do n’t say my true self.

I ca n’t even guarantee whether I am.

Because it is impossible to guarantee, some avenue masters in ancient times will choose to seek cause and effect to find the true self.

As far as the Daxing monk knows, Emperor Xiaoyao has been searching for cause and effect to find the true self, and in order to find the true self, he has infected the original sin.

He pondered the reason why the Demon Emperor's Blood River entered the ancient Gu Jiu Gong. In all likelihood, it is also to find the true self for the cause and effect.

A person who is so arrogant as the Demon Emperor Blood River will never allow himself to be just a seed of cause and effect planted by others, let alone his cause and effect be arranged by others.

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