
Vol 2 Chapter 2364: Not within the law of the avenue

Apart from the breath of original sin, what else is not in the law of the order of the avenue?

No, right?


There are also legendary primitive breaths that are not within the principles of Avenue order.

Although the Daxing episcopal has no original breath, he does not mean that he has not seen it. Because he has seen it, because he has seen it, he can be sure that the mysterious breath emerging from the ancient Qingfeng body is not the original breath .

Neither original sin nor primitive.

What else could that be?

Between heaven and earth, is there anything other than primitive and primitive not within the principles of the order of the avenue?

The answer is yes.


Although the Daxing epic has only heard of the original original sin, he is sure that beyond the law of the avenue of order, it is definitely not just original and original sin.

As for what else.

It is unknown to the Daxing monk, the only thing that is known is that the existence that is not within the principles of the Avenue Order is a very old and ancient force.


The Daxing monk listened to Gu Qingfeng saying that what was moving was an ominous thing. Could this ancient mysterious breath come from that ominous thing?


Daxing epilepsy is not sure, as the original sin of Gu Qingfeng's body became more and more intense, a mighty might spread.

This mighty Canggu is overwhelming, violent and mighty.

When it spread, the entire ancient ruins were shaken by the tremor.

The acolyte monk, who was standing on the edge of the edge, raised an ominous premonition in his heart, and did not dare to stay, and slowly left the ancient ruins.

Canggu's dominance continued to spread, and the ancient ruins became more and more trembling.


With a loud bang, the ancient ruins finally couldn't bear it, and they were dispersed by the smoke of this Canggu overwhelming power.

Looking at this scene.

Daxing epilepsy only feels scalp numbness, shame on his face, eyes wide and bulging, open his mouth as if he can't believe the scene in front of him.

This is a relic left over from the ancient times.

I don't know how many years have passed in this deserted ancient palace. There are flowers and grass in it, even if every grain of sand is a rock-solid existence.


No exaggeration at all.

After the emergence of the ancient and ancient palaces, Daxing epic came in to see the first ancient and ancient ruins. He tried to test it. Although he could shake the ancient and ancient ruins with his strength, it was just shaking. To say that the ancient and ancient ruins would be wiped out. The monk has never tried it, and when he wants to come, even if he can destroy the ancient ruins, I am afraid it will be exhausted.

Don't say anything else.

When at the Kham Palace, both the Emperor Musashi and the Emperor Tianlong, the strength of the two's efforts to sacrifice their strength, was just the shaking of the ancient ruins of the earthquake.

Not only that, but the magic emperor's blood river also has wonderful magic. When they shot, a sky full of Buddha light, a sky full of darkness, almost enveloped the whole void, but also just the trembling ancient ruins.

Even if the ancestor of the original sin that suddenly appeared later shrouded the void with the power of the horrible original sin, it was still the trembling ancient ruins.

None of them has ever destroyed any of the ancient ruins.

The Daxing epilepse believes that the Demon Emperor Blood River still has the wonderful ability to come, even if it is only an incarnation, if it is fully sacrificed, it should be possible to shatter an ancient ruins.

But it is absolutely impossible to break up an ancient ruin by force alone.



Gu Qingfeng has been sitting there with his knees crossed, and has not moved, and the power revealed by his body has thus dispelled the smoke of this ancient ruins.

The power is so terrible. How terrible is its power?

Daxing Leng Monk didn't know.

I can't imagine it.

At this moment he held his breath, sacrificed his immobile gold body, and kept retreating.

He is so.

Those masters of the avenues who dormantly scorn the ancient Qingfeng, seem to be frightened by this scene.

If they were all hesitating before to kill Gu Qingfeng, then when they witnessed the quake of the ancient and ancient ruins disappearing, they would only hesitate one by one.

They are either the ancestors of the heavens and the earth, the ancestors of nine days and nine quiets, or the ancestors of the deserted ruins.

Since Daxing episcopals can feel that the mysterious breath revealed by the ancient Qingfeng is not within the order of the avenue rules, then they must be able to feel them.

Daxing epilepsy knows that the forces that are not within the principles of the avenue are ancient and terrible unimaginable, and they must also know.

The Daxing monk sacrificed the immobile gold body and kept retreating.

They also all backed up in secret. If they had just begun to surface, just now a lot of masters of the road have sunk again.

Facing the mysterious unknown existence.

No one is not afraid.

Awesome monk is afraid.

The ancestors dormant in the dark were also afraid.

In particular, this mysterious and unknown existence is not yet within the order of the avenue law, which makes them even more unconscious.

"Fuck! You Turtle Kings are also afraid!"

Seeing the avenues dormant in the void, the ancestors of Daxing couldn't help sneering, and despised them.

While despising, the Daxing epilepsy was somewhat happy.

The mysterious breath revealed by the ancient Qingfeng is no longer within the order of the avenue of the avenue. It is just the power that will dispel the smoke of a barren ancient ruins. In this case, anyone who wants to move the ancient Qingfeng has to weigh the consequences.

It is said that those who dormant in the void are only the gods' incarnations of the ancestors of the avenue. Even if their true deities come, they are afraid to act in the face of the existence of no longer within the order of the avenue of avenues.

The Daxing monk knows that if these avenue ancestors decide to take action on Gu Qingfeng, they will not only show up in person, they will sacrifice their true bodies to kill them, and he believes that just now, there may be many avenue ancestors' true bodies They are all ready, and even some real bodies have begun to rush here.

But now.

The real body rushing here may have stopped choosing to wait for the opportunity, and the real body that is ready can only continue to prepare.

Although the ancient Qingfeng reveals the mysterious breath that is not within the order of the avenue rule, those ancestors dormant in the dark did not dare to act lightly for a while.

However, this situation made the Daxing epilepsy even more worried. Instead of hanging on the ground, the hanging stone was higher.

Since the mysterious breath revealed by the ancient Qingfeng is not within the principles of the avenue, will the ominous things in his body that are about to move are also no longer within the order of the principles of the avenue?

Hard to say!

Also said bad.

Although the Daxing Monk has lived countless years and is well-informed, it can be said that there exists outside the law order of the road. This is a blind spot of his knowledge. He knows very little, and can even say that he does not understand it at all.

As for the mysterious breath is not within the principle of the avenue, does it mean that the ominous things that are about to move are not within the principle of the avenue.

Daxing epilepsy is not sure.

In his thoughts, the possibility of ominous beings was probably not within the law of the avenue.

Even if it is still within the avenue rule, that one foot out of the avenue rule.

Faced with the magical consciousness that may not be within the principles of the avenue, can the ancient Qingfeng suppress it?

Although Daxing Leng Monk didn't want to, he had to admit that his hope was slim.


If Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness was finally swallowed up by an existence not within the principles of the avenue, then it would not be said that those ancestors who supported the ancient Qingfeng, even if they were unknown, had to come forward and wipe it out.

Because it is not within the principle of the avenue, it means that it is beyond the principle of the avenue, which in itself is a threat to the avenue and even the world.

Causality will not allow it, fate will not allow it, and Heaven will not allow it, and this threat exists.

On the court.

That Cang Guba's mighty power is still spreading.

Daxing Leng Monk continued to retreat.

The ancestors dormant in the empty avenue are also hiding deeper and deeper.

After the quake disappeared from the ancient ruins, Gu Qingfeng sat cross-legged in the void, his hands folded, his eyes closed, his brows locked, and his expression dignified.

The fluttering flesh no longer trembles, but becomes distorted and blurred.

at this time.

The slightest smoke came out of Gu Qingfeng.

The smoke is off-white smoke.

As if emerging from the pores of Gu Qingfeng's body.

What smoke is, no one knows.

No one dares to probe.

Because at the moment when the gray-white smoke came out, the crackling noises were constantly made in the void.

Daxing epilepsy forcibly resisted the scalp numbness and squinted his eyes for a closer look. He almost shouted out of fright. He found that the crackling sound was not grayish smoke, but void!

That's right!

It's void!

When the grayish smoke came out, the void seemed to explode after being lit.

Do not!

Not like it!

The void is really exploding, but wherever the gray-white smoke goes, the void is blasted by the shock, bursting a gap, a crack.

Bang Bang Bang!

The crackling sound kept coming, and it came to my ears, like the sound of death. The mind of the Daxing epic could not help but tremble. Every time the void exploded, his mind trembled together. Your heart shivered and left.

This **** thing is not the void of the great wasteland, but the void of the deserted ancient palace.

The ever-changing nature contains infinite mysteries.

Why are these ancient ruins as rock-solid and ancient as ever, thanks to the infinite mystery of the ancient ancient palaces.

If the Daxing monk sacrifice his full strength ~ ~ It may destroy a barren ancient ruins, but if the void of the barren ancient palace of the earthquake is exploded one after another, he ca n’t say that his incarnation ca n’t, even the true body may not Do it.

But now it is such an ever-changing void that contains the infinite mystery of the ancient Gu Jiu Palace, but it is successively exploded by the gray-white smoke emerging from the ancient Qingfeng body.

To be exact, the void of the Arako Nine Palace was not a series of explosions caused by gray smoke.

The grayish white smoke exploded wherever it went.

what does this mean?

It means that the gray-white smoke contains an extremely powerful force, so powerful that it cannot even bear the void of the ancient Nine Palaces.

The Daxing monk couldn't help crying, what kind of power this gray smoke contained, how could it be so terrifying!

What a horrible force, even the void of the ancient Nine Palaces cannot bear.

. Literature Museum m.

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