
Vol 2 Chapter 2377: Light of original sin

"Guy, where are we going?"

Followed by Gu Qingfeng, like a headless fly, he walked around blindly.

"walk around."

For the answer that Gu Qingfeng is so understatement and extremely painful, Daxing epilepsy did not feel any surprise. After all, Gu Qingfeng was lured by him. In addition, Gu Qingfeng's current attitude is still to follow the lead of nature, naturally. That is, one step at a time and one step at a time.

in fact.

This is not only true of the ancient breeze, but also the Daxing epilepsy.

He also didn't know where to go and what to do.

The avatars of Daxing episcopals are scattered throughout the ancient Jiu Palace. In addition to this avatar that has always followed the ancient Qingfeng, the other avatars are also wandering like headless flies in other nine palaces.


He found that the existence of the ancient palace Nine Palace, whether it is in the sky or underground, whether it is the guardian of the heavens and earth avenues, or the plot of the original sin God, almost without exception, roaming in the ancient palace Nine Palace.

No way.

The ever-changing deserted ancient palaces contain endless mysteries, and they are immense, infinite, and endless.

Although everyone has a hunch, the ancient Jiu Palace will never appear in vain for no reason, nor will it contain a strong breath of original sin. There must be something related to the original sin, maybe it is the decision of pregnancy. An opportunity for God, the original sin.

The key is.

When is the first opportunity to conceive the original sin?

Where does the original sin happen?

who knows?

No one knows.

Under this.

Contributing to the existence of God, I do not know how to seize the opportunity.

And guarding the existence of Tiandi Avenue, I do not know how to guard.

Can only aimlessly roam around in the ancient Gu Jiu Palace like a headless fly, trying to find the so-called original sin opportunity.

Some people say that the origin of the Fanggu Nine Palace is conceiving the true blood of the original sin. As long as the original blood of the original sin can be captured and incorporated into it, it can become the child of the original sin.

This story spreads very well, it is true or false, no one knows, it is very evil anyway.

Some people say that this is true, that some people have seen the light of original sin in the relics of the ancient Nine Palaces, and found the flower of original sin, and even the essence of original sin.

The light of the original sin, the flower of the original sin, and the essence of the original sin all represent extraordinary significance.

Because these kinds of existence are not things of the ancient times at all, but belong to the era of injustice.


The Wayless Age.

It is heard.

At the moment when the Wudao era opened in the ancient times, the heavens and the earth seemed to be reborn, pure and immaculate, and spotless, just like the pure land that Buddha said.

There are magical brilliance everywhere.

Guanghua is also pure and flawless.

The brilliance shines, blossoming in blossom, the flowers are just as pure and flawless.

A splendid and colorful butterfly-like elf was flying in the flowers, and the elf was pure and immaculate.

someone said.

That magical brilliance is the light of original sin.

That magic flower is the flower of original sin.

That magical elf is the essence of original sin.

Maybe because the light of original sin, the flower of original sin, and the essence of original sin all appeared at the moment when the era of iniquity opened. Therefore, the name of the original sin and the flower of original sin are the same. Flowers, the essence of original sin is the essence of iniquity.


It ’s a pity that the era of the Waylessness only opened for a moment. Those ancestors, overlords, and masters in the ancient times still have the chance to appreciate the beauty of the Ageless Way, have not yet felt the wonders of the Ageless Way, and have not yet realized the wonders of the Ageless Way And then the catastrophe happened somehow.

That catastrophe not only ended the ancient times, but also the era of injustice that opened for a moment.

As for why the instant when the Wudao era was opened, it would be a catastrophe, no one knows, it is still a mystery.

The only thing that I knew was that the catastrophe was terrible. People who had never experienced it were so imaginable that they could n’t imagine it. Even people who had experienced it could n’t say anything. They did n’t know what was going on.

For example, old beggars, such as the black water maiden, they have all experienced the catastrophe that ended the ancient times.

But if they were asked to describe the catastrophe, neither of them could describe it. The catastrophe was too abrupt, and there was no sign of it. When the catastrophe came, everyone did not respond, and then ... Then, when they reacted, they either died out or were suppressed to Guihui.

Think about it. Even people who have experienced the ancient catastrophe did not know the terrible nature of the catastrophe, let alone those who have not experienced such a daxing monk.

There are various ancient ruins floating in the ancient palace.

Each of these ancient ruins is intact, and neither the flowers nor the trees nor the mountains or rivers have been damaged in any way, even the dead body lying in the ancient ruins.


Therefore, the ancient ruins are as vivid as the scenes in the paintings.

The Daxing epic once tried to imagine what a terrible and terrible catastrophe might be, but he couldn't imagine what kind of catastrophe could make the ancient ruins lifeless.

This feeling is like all beings in the world, being sucked away from life and soul in an instant, leaving only an empty shell.

Daxing episcopals don't know if someone saw the light of original sin in the relics of the ancient Nine Palaces and found the flower of original sin, including the essence of the original sin.

He wondered if this was true, it was not impossible.

After all, this is the ancient palace of the ancient times. After all, the Innocent Age started in the ancient times.

Since the ancient ancient ruins are floating, it is not unusual to see the legendary light of original sin in these ruins and find the flower of original sin.

Huanggu Jiugong has come out, preferring to believe it is true or not.

Those masters of the road who seek the original sin, God, have chosen to believe that they are scrambling around in the ancient palace to find the so-called essence of the original sin.

You can't find the origin of the Fanggu Jiugong, nor can you find the true blood of the original sin, as long as you can find the essence of the original sin, or find a flower of the original sin, even if you can find a light of the original sin.

This can also be regarded as a first move.

Anyone who masters the avenue of the original sin, God, after entering the ancient palace of Jiugu, feels that his original sin is not deep enough, and he is afraid that he will not be able to steal the true blood of the original sin, and he will not be the son of the original sin.

If you can find an essence of original sin in the ancient palace of the ancient times and integrate it into yourself, you will definitely deepen your original sin. In this way, when you fight for the true blood of the original sin, you will hope for one more chance.

At this juncture, no one will hide it, what means can be used, what skills can be used.

Daxing epilepsy knows that there must be a lot of conspiracy against God in heaven and underground.

It wasn't until he entered the ancient Jiu Palace and walked around in various avatars that he discovered that there are more masters in the sky and underground plotting the original sin than God.

He also always thought that there should not be many masters in the heavens and earth who built the original sin law body. After entering the ancient palace, he found that there were more than he thought.

It feels that his mother is everywhere.

Among them, the congenital original sin body that was cultivated after being integrated into the original sin step by step, and the acquired natural sin body that was forcibly taken away.

Some of these original sins are the giants of the 36 holes and 72 blessings in order to prevent the failure of guarding the avenue of heaven and earth. Therefore, it is best to prepare in two hands and cultivate in secret to ask God about the original sin. Even if there is no answer, at least after the beginning of the innocent era, There is a certain original opportunity for the original sin body, and it will not fall behind or even fade away.

And the original sin body is either the old guy who has been wandering in the ruins, or the old guy who was suppressed in the ruins.

Of all the old guys wandering in the wilderness, most of them are plotting the original sin, God, and the original sins on their bodies are deeper than one. They have waited for so many years, and they are waiting today.

As for the old guys who were suppressed in Guihui, let alone, they were suppressed in Guihui because they were plotting the original sin God, and most of them began to plot the original sin God as far back as the ancient times. They were suppressed in Guihui for so many years. Now it comes out. Some may place their hopes on Gu Qingfeng just like the black water maiden or old beggar, or some may think that Gu Qingfeng cannot ask God, the original sin, so they place their hope on others.

Whenever you exist in the ancient Nine Palaces, you almost know all kinds of signs that the ancient Qingfeng is the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny.

It is because everyone knows that, whether it is the guardian of the heavens and the earth or the one who seeks the original sin, God wants to obliterate it.

In other words, the existence of Gu Qingfeng is both the most hopeful and the least likely to ask for the original sin.

Some people have seen this clearly. They would rather pin their hopes on other original sinners rather than desperately pin their hopes on such a non-death person like Gu Qingfeng.

after all.

In ancient times, there is not only a person with original sin such as Gu Qingfeng, but also a variable with original sin such as Gu Qingfeng.

at least.

The Daxing Monk knew several.

For example, the Xitian Buddha Emperor Miao Rulai ~ ~ The Emperor Xiaoyao asks the sky, the Weiyang Demon Emperor can do it, including the two pairs of polar yin and yang tai chi, such as Emperor Musang and Emperor Tianlong. They are all original sinners and they have The original sin is deeper than one, and the most important thing is the ancient and ancient variables.

Although their variables are not as strong as the ancient Qingfeng, the original sin may not be as deep as the ancient Qingfeng, and the signs of the fortune and fortune of the sky are not as obvious as the ancient Qingfeng.

But that's all.

This does not mean that they do not, nor does it mean that they have no hope of asking God, the original sin.

Daxing episcopals know that Miao Rulai, Mo Wentian, Ren Tianxing, and Musashi Emperor Tianlong True Emperor have an infinite number of bipolar yin and yang, and there are many old guys behind it.

Especially Miao Rulai, the old guy who pinned his hopes on him, not only was not less than the ancient breeze, but also much more than the ancient breeze.

In addition to Miao Rulai, pinning hope on Musashi Emperor Tianlong True Emperor, there are also many pairs of bipolar Yin Yang Tai Chi.

(End of this chapter)

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