
Vol 2 Chapter 2385: Another poor pair

The floating emperor was previously tempted by a group of mysterious incarnations.

The Peacock the Great was also tempted by a group of mysterious incarnations.


It was not the first time that the two had been tempted since entering the Arugu Nine Palace.

Who is tempting them, what is the purpose of the temptation, the Emperor Fusheng knows, and the Peacock also knows.


Regardless of whether it is the Emperor of the Floating Life or the Emperor of the Peacock, with their current cultivation as their strength, if they want to hide and lie in the dark, no one can find them.

I just didn't do both.

Because they are very clear in their hearts, they can hide for a while, and they can't hide for a lifetime. After all, they will come. Blind hiding does not solve the fundamental problem.

They even knew that the previous temptation was not a temptation at all, at best it was only a move of those ancestors of the avenue.

Rather than a temptation, it was better to knock on the mountain and shock the tiger. The shock was behind the avenue of heaven and earth, also behind the destiny of cause and effect, and even behind the two of them.

The real temptation has not yet begun.

But it's already fast.

This is felt by the floating emperor, as well as the peacock.

"Ha ha."


The Peacock Emperor smiled suddenly. He looked at the chaotic dry palace void, and smiled slightly: "A light of original sin, so that countless incarnations of incarnation swarmed like moths, and a flower of original sin. The countless number of original sinners were completely insane, and the essence of the original sin caused the original sinner ancestors lurking in the dark to resist surfacing. "

"They waited for this day, they waited too long and too long, and now they have started to wait impatiently. They exhausted all their bets in the Aragon Jiugong, and placed all their hopes in the era of injustice. I'm sorry. "

"The yearning for the existence of the Waylessness is so. Isn't it the same that guards the Heaven and Earth Avenue?"

With a slight shake of his head, the Peacock King continued: "How long have we been waiting for the existence of the Wudao era, and how long have we been guarding the existence of Tiandi Avenue. Nine palaces, they all pin their hopes on the future. "

唯一 "The only difference is that some pin their hopes on the future era of infidelity, and some pin their hopes on the future."

"Some hopes are pinned on the Avenue of Heaven and Earth in the Age of Wudao."

"There are others who place their hopes behind the Roadless Age, and behind the Tiandi Avenue ..."

"Just ..."

"Which one is the real future, no one knows."

"This is a gambling game, an ancient gambling game. It's not the era of injustice or the avenue of heaven and earth, but the fate of gambling, the fate of the future!"

"This gambling game should be divided as early as the ancient times ..."

只是 "Just ... it's late."

"It has been late from ancient times to modern times."

When the Great Peacock said these words, his tone was always bland, as if he was talking about a very common thing, as if talking to himself, and as if he was speaking to the Emperor Fusheng.

After saying nothing, he closed his eyes, shook his head, and smiled. Some smiled helplessly, some self-deprecated, and some satirical.

Suddenly, the floating emperor stood on a mountain peak in the ancient ruins from beginning to end, looking at the chaotic dry palace void, and ignored it.

After a while.

The Great Peacock opened his eyes, exhaled slowly, and asked softly, "You don't want to gamble?"

Although the peacock emperor did not say anything, it does not mean that the floating emperor did not know.

on the contrary.

Emperor Wu Fusheng knew very well what the peacock emperor called.

As the Emperor Peacock said, the gambling is not the era of injustice, nor is it the road of heaven and earth, but the fate of gambling, the fate of the future.

Emperor Wu Fusheng replied lightly: "You have already asked me this question."

"But you didn't answer last time, did you?"

I do.

Emperor Peacock has asked the floating emperor last time, and the floating emperor did not answer, and this time he still did not answer.

"You don't want to bet, or dare not, or can't afford to lose?"

Peacock the Great asked.

Emperor Wufusheng's expression remained unchanged and he did not respond.

"Ha ha!"

Peacock the Great smiled.

Some intriguing laughter this time, he said, "Do you want to gamble? I may not know, but I know you must dare to gamble, but ... you may not be able to lose, right?"


Emperor Fusheng is still silent.


The Great Peacock smiled again.

The smile this time is more of a kind of laughter, saying: "It seems that you still can't let go, you can't let down the word."

I do not know if it was the Peacock Emperor who spoke of the floating emperor's heart. The original silent emperor did not know why he closed his eyes silently.

What is love.

Affection is affection.

Friendship is also affection.

Love is love.

Even if Emperor Fusheng didn't want it, he had to admit that the Peacock Emperor was saying the truth.

He is indeed trapped in love.

I am not only for friendship but also for love, and more affectionate.

不是 He didn't know that it was because of love, that he couldn't comprehend the truth of Daoyuan Yuan.

He also knows that because of love, he has to give up many things, but he cannot do many things.

he knows.

I know all the time, better than anyone.

He can be ruthless or forgetful.

Ignore all feelings.

Forget about love.


he can.

Not only can I do it, he has done so in his previous life, but he is also cold-blooded and unforgiving.

He thought that as long as he ignores all feelings and is too embarrassed, he can transcend one word.

Until the awakening of the previous life, he realized that ruthlessness is ruthless, and forgetfulness is ruthlessness. Relentlessness does not mean detachment, and forgetfulness does not mean detachment.

The more ruthless you are, the more you care about it, the more you forget it, and the more you care about it, the deeper the word love is.

I want to transcend one word, only to see it through.


The floating emperor of the previous life did not see the word of love. In this life, he still does not see the word of love.

看 不 He can't see it, he can't do it, but he gets deeper and deeper in the word love.

The deeper the depression, the more it cannot be put down, the more it cannot be put down, the more unbreakable, the more unbreakable, the more unable to escape.

If he can, he also wants to do everything he can to bet on a future, a future destiny.

Although he is the destiny number of Cheng Cheng, he still wants to rebel against fate, and even wants to obliterate fate, or it should be said that because he is the destiny number of Cheng Cheng, he wants to obliterate fate.

the reason is simple.

The fate of his previous life cannot be dominated by himself, and the fate of this life is still not dominated by himself.

He doesn't want the fate of the afterlife himself to be still in control.

All this is cause and effect.

Emperor Fusheng is like falling into a cause-effect abyss, more like falling into a sea of ​​bitterness, getting deeper and deeper, step by step, even if he turns back, it is not the shore.

He wants to cut off the cause and effect and dominate his own destiny.

I'm a pity.

He not only cuts his own cause and effect, but also cannot control his own destiny.

He tried.

过 many times.

The results are no exception. The more the cause and effect are chaotic, the deeper they become.

I used to.

He didn't understand why destiny chose to be the robber, but then he gradually understood.

Just because he got deeper and deeper in the abyss of cause and effect, his destiny has already been doomed. Even if he has reincarnation a thousand times, ten thousand times will not change.

I do not know how long it has been.

He opened his eyes and asked, "Why is your destiny fixed?"


The Great Peacock shrugged and smiled: "Almost like you."

"Also trapped by love?"


When he heard the words of Emperor Fusheng, the peacock emperor could not help laughing, and he laughed very joyfully.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I'm not as lucky as you to be trapped in love. I'm not in love, but for the sake of obsession."

"A touch of obsession?"

"Yes, a little obsession."

"Who isn't obsessed with one touch? The source of thousands of cause and effect is obsession, and cause and effect are constantly cut. If there is no original obsession, why will cause and effect be cut off, and fate will be doomed?"

The Great Peacock nodded and said, "It is true. You are trapped by love and you are also obsessed with it. However, compared with yours, my obsession is too naive and stupid. At least, I think so."

I heard the words.

The floating emperor can't help but remember the legend about the peacock emperor. According to legend, the peacock emperor was the king of Peacock Ming, and then the Peacock Ming went into reincarnation. After endless reincarnation, he traveled three thousand roads. Avenue, just for living beings.

With this in mind, the Emperor Fusheng seems to understand what the peacock emperor called the obsession.

He also laughed, and said, "If the sentiments such as beings are naive and foolish in your eyes, what about my obsessed with love?"


The Great Peacock laughed, "That's just a rumor, it's not true."

Emperor Wu Fusheng did not speak again, waiting for the following.

"I turned my body into reincarnation and traveled through the Three Thousand Avenues. I really did not seek the true Buddha or the Avenue. As for all sentient beings ... hahaha!" Speaking of this, the look of the Peacock King became even more complicated ~ ~ A little embarrassing, a little helpless, and a touch of anger.

"Sorry, I disappointed you. At that time, I gave myself up to reincarnation, not for the sake of sentient beings. I was not so great and not so sublime. I gave myself up to reincarnation, just to save myself."

度 "How do you do it?"

The Great Peacock asked, "It's the same as when you were yourself."

That year.

In order to cut love, cut off the cause and effect, the Emperor Fusheng born again and again, and reincarnated again and again. As a result, the love has not been cut, and the cause and effect have deepened.


孔雀 In order to save himself, the Peacock Emperor chose to reincarnate again and again and again, but in the end, not only failed to save himself, but he got deeper and deeper.

Emperor Fusheng cut the cause and effect, and bluntly cut himself into the number that should be hijacked in ancient times.

In order to save himself, the Great Peacock Emperor turned himself into a deterrent number in ancient times.

"So I said that the two of us are sympathetic to each other. You are in love with yourself for the sake of your love, and you have to love yourself for yourself, and you have to come and go. In the end, we have all made ourselves into due numbers. "

The words of the owl fell, and the peacock the emperor looked up and laughed.

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