
Vol 2 Chapter 2398: Accidentally hit

"What is constant and changeable? Isn't it hard for your child to realize the mystery of the change of Jiugong in such a short time?"

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said with a smile, "It's not about comprehension, it's just trying to figure out the doorway."

"Really fake? Then you talk to the old man, and also ask the old man to ponder."

"Want to know?"

"of course."

Gu Qingfeng glanced at him and said earnestly, "Buddha cannot say."

After all, Haha of Gu Qingfengle laughed.

"Fuck! Your kid is playing the old man!"

Daxing epilepsy just wanted to say something, at this time Gu Qingfeng booed and pointed at his feet.

The Daxing epic is unknown, so looking down, he couldn't help but be surprised, he found that the ancient ruins with the light of the original sin unknowingly ran to his feet.

"Little monk, learn something."

Gu Qingfeng lifted his foot and stepped out, the void under his feet collapsed, and the person had disappeared, leaving only a residual image.

When he reappeared, the man was already standing on the relic of the ancient sin.

The Daxing monk was very surprised, and wanted to learn the ancient Qingfeng walked by, but he just raised his feet, but never dare to take this step.

When the ancient ruins were close at hand, the Daxing epilepsy leapt forward, instead of jumping over, it was getting farther and farther, which gave the Daxing epilepsy a shadow inside.

At this moment, the ancient ruins are at his feet, and the Daxing epic wants to jump, but dares not to jump. He is afraid that his jump does not fall on the ancient ruins, but the distance is getting farther and farther.

It is so-called that I was afraid of a rope by a snake for ten years.

This is how Daxing Monks now feel.

"I said Dahang, what are you still trying to do? If you can't come anymore, there will be no chance."

The voice of Gu Qingfeng came, and the Daxing epilepsy struck a spirit, and he did not dare to hesitate, lest the ancient ruins under his feet slip away again, biting his teeth and stomping, and also took a step towards learning Gu Qingfeng.

When this step was taken, the heart of Daxing's epic was almost out of his throat.

Fortunately, it landed on the ancient ruins smoothly, and then he took a deep breath and touched the sweat on his forehead. He couldn't help laughing.

"Fuck! It's finally here this time, it's not easy! Hahaha!"

This ancient ruins is very large, as big as the land of the Great Wild World, standing on top can not see the end.

The ruins are similar to other ruins of the Jiugong. There are mountains, rivers, flowers and trees.

Mountains and rivers are deserted mountains and rivers.

Rivers are stationary rivers.

Flowers and trees are dying.

More is a barren ruin, there are also broken buildings on the ruins.

There was lifelessness everywhere.

I don't know why, at the moment when he came to this ancient ruins, the ancient Qingfeng could not help but develop a very complicated feeling.

This feeling is unclear.

Both familiar and unfamiliar.

Seems familiar.

He likes this feeling very much.

Do not.

It's not like this feeling, but it makes him very comfortable, and even there is a feeling of heartbeat in his heart.

It was as if I had returned to my long-lost hometown.

Why is this feeling?

Why are you so excited about this?

Since entering the palace, Gu Qingfeng has not settled on how many ancient and ancient ruins he has stepped on and off. There is no such excitement that he once knew.

Why did you feel this way when you stepped on this ancient ruin?

Is it stumped simply because the ancient ruins glow with the so-called light of original sin?



What really excites the ancient breeze is not the ancient ruins, but the light of the original sin that bloomed.

"It's weird, Guy, you said that those of us who have arms, legs, and self-awareness have tried everything we could to find this ancient ruin."

There are not only ancient Qingfeng and Daxing Monks on this barren ancient ruins with the light of original sin, but also many original sins that lost their self.

These original sins of self-retribution have been unkempt, and their teeth have been spreading on the ruins.

The Daxing monk wondered: "How did these original sins that lost their self find this ruin?"

"Sad they just happened to wait like we did?"

Shaking his head, Dahang epilepsy thought it was impossible, saying: "These original sins have no self-awareness, nor can we wait for the opportunity to come like us."

Gu Qingfeng said lightly: "Sometimes unconsciousness is more useful than consciousness."

"What do you mean?"

"Like this derelict ruins, if you look for it deliberately, you may not find it, but if you accidentally touch it, you may run into it."

"What do you mean, these original sins that lost their self-consciousness were all blind cats who accidentally bumped into a dead mouse?"

"should be."

The Daxing monk thought for a while, and felt that it was not unreasonable.

"Daxing, don't you say that the light of original sin will have the flower of original sin?"

Gu Qingfeng has been searching for the so-called original sin flower, but he just found it and found it.

"Your boy has to figure out one thing. The old man never said that the light of the original sin would have the flower of the original sin. The old man just said that it is possible."

"If the ruin had no flower of original sin, where did the light of original sin come from?"

"This ..." Dahang's epic scratched his head, and he didn't know the problem.

Gu Qingfeng pondered that since this ancient ruins blooms the light of original sin, then it must be the source, and it is impossible to innocently bloom the light of original sin.

Just looking for a long time did not find the source of the original sin light.

The ancient Qingfeng stopped and frowned, looking at this ancient ruins, saying: "Do you think this place is different from other ruins?"


The Daxing epistle looked around and found no difference between this relic and other relics.

There are mountains and rivers, rivers, flowers and trees, and barren ruins.

Moreover, whether it is mountains, rivers, flowers or trees, the scenery is like a picture in the painting, dead and dead, without any vitality.

and many more!

Watching, the Daxing epilepsy suddenly found something wrong.

He found that the flowers and plants seemed to be alive ~ ~ and they were gradually blooming.

Trees are also thriving, with branches and leaves.

Even the previously stationary river started to flow.

Even the barren mountains and rivers become green.

Looking forward, everything on this derelict site is as if it's reviving.

Although this recovery is quiet and quiet, Daxing epilepsy is sure that everything on the ruins is indeed recovering.

No longer dead, but full of life.

How could this be?

Is stumbling the cause of the light of original sin?

The light of original sin brought the deadly ancient ruins back to life?

:. :

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