
Vol 2 Chapter 2420: Explosion news

"Oh! ... poor strange, poor strange, I don't know if I'm pretending to be stupid on purpose, or really stupid after reincarnation and rebirth."

Jun Junmei asked, "How do you say that?"

"Well! It doesn't matter if you ask God about the original sin. What matters is that you are both the original sin variable and the child of the original sin who has integrated the true blood of the original sin. Whether you admit it or not, it is an undeniable fact. Therefore, you cannot escape this catastrophe of ancient times anyway! Uh ... "

鸷 The deep, murky voice made a horrible laughter on the scalp, and said, "Even if the ancestors don't force you out today, they will also spit you out, eh ..."

I do.

Even if the other party did not say, the handsome young man who is the original sin variable and the son of the original sin also knows this. Because of knowing, he has been hiding in the dark silently for a long time, looking up at the sky. If there is some helplessness in his expression, close his eyes. He shook his head slightly, and he seemed to understand the purpose of the other party.

"If the purpose of your expulsion is to cause confusion ..." The handsome young man sighed slightly, "So congratulations, your goal has been achieved."

"桀桀 桀桀 ... Not enough, far from enough."

"Not enough? What's not enough? Your current situation is not chaotic enough?"

当然 "Of course not enough! 只有 Only the children of the original sin hidden in the dark all surfaced, and it was a little interesting at that time, oh ... and ..."

The dark and deep laughter, the more laughter the more mad, said: "Moreover, the ancestors can tell you very responsible, it will not be long before they will be like you, all will obediently emerge from the water! 桀桀 桀Uh ... "

I heard the words.

Su Junmei opened her eyes suddenly and said, "It seems you are going to force out all the potential sin variables that are hidden in the water."

"Oh! That's right! That's what ancestors mean!"

"I want to ask, how many original sin variables, and how many children of original sin?"

俊 When the handsome boy asked this question, the court quickly quieted down.

This is true whether it ’s nearby Tiger Force Fairy, Aoki Old Fairy, or hundreds of original sinful statutes in the distance, including the ancestors hiding in the void, even the ancient breeze and the Daxing priest.

Because they are just like the handsome young men, they also want to know how many original sin variables and how many original sin children have been incorporated into the true blood.

"Oh! How much do you know?"

The deep voice of yin yin does not answer the question.

The handsome young man did not conceal anything, and said frankly: "I do n’t know much about the original sin variables. I only know that there are three. The Weiyang Demon Emperor Tian Xing, and the Happy Emperor did not ask the sky. I heard that there is a pair of Tai Chi in the mysterious cave. One of them Is the due diligence number, and the other is the original sin variable. "

"I only know that there are three sons of the original sin who are immersed in the true blood of the original sin.

The words of Jun Junmei's boy caused a lot of shock.

Regarding Emperor Xiaoyao's questioning of heaven, Weiyang Mo Emperor Ren Tianxing is the original sin variable. Everyone knows that there is one original sin variable among the pair of Taichi immeasurables in Xuan Miao Cave, and many people know it.

The ancestors of the green lanterns are the overlords of the ghosts, and the old demon of Montenegro is the overlords of the monsters. We all know that these two overlords are also plotting the original sin God, and even in order to ask the original sin God, they have been secretly laying out all these. What a secret.

I can say that the ancestors of the green lanterns and the old demon of Montenegro have integrated the true blood of the original sin, which is unheard of by everyone, including some avenue ancestors hiding in the darkness.

The ancient breeze has always been indifferent to these things. Even the ancestors of the green lanterns and the old demon of Heishan have never met, and it is naturally not clear.

The problem is that the heavens and the earth have traveled through countless worlds, and the aboriginal monks who are unknown to people in ancient and modern times are unknown.


Hearing that the old ancestors of Qing Deng and the old demon of Montenegro had incorporated the true blood of the original sin, the Daxing priests were very surprised, and some couldn't believe it, whispered: "Is this kid saying true?"

Hard to say.

I also said bad.

Although the Dahang epistemic knew the old ancestors of Qing Deng and Heishan Old Demon, it was a long time ago. In his impression, the old ancestors of Qing Deng and Heishan Old Demon have rarely shown up since they were too ancient. He also Never heard of the ancestors of the green lanterns and the old demon of Montenegro blended into the true blood of original sin.


The Daxing monk yelled, saying, "Old man thought about it. In all likelihood, what the boy said may be true. Whether it is the old ancestor of the blue lantern or the old demon of Montenegro, these two old guys have been trying to commit the original sin. God, and I do n’t know how many rounds have been secretly secreted. With the ability of these two old guys, they may not be able to change themselves into the original sin variable. However, if they can find a drop of true blood of the original sin and integrate it into themselves, they should be able to do it by their own ability. Here. "

"No wonder these two old guys have been hiding since they were too ancient. They dared to find the true blood of the original sin. I said why they are not in a hurry! His grandma!"

In the field.

Jun Junmei continued, "There is also an old ancestor!"

As soon as I heard the ancestors of 獠 E, the Daxing epilepse scolded again, and said, "His mother! This old fellow, ye, has his mother's blood blended into the original sin?"

"Where did the ancestors come from?"

The names of the old ancestors of Qing Qing and the old demon of Montenegro, such as Lei Guaner, as for the old ancestors, Gu Qingfeng has never heard of it.

"The old ancestor is almost a strange old ancestor. This old guy has always been low-key. There are not many people who know him. I didn't expect this old guy to hide so deeply."

The Strange Road also belongs to the Three Thousand Avenues, and it is also one of the monsters.

It's just that the existence of Daodao in Three Thousand Avenues has always been relatively low ~ ~, and since ancient times, they have all lived on the demon road.

The relationship between Qiudao and Yaodao is almost similar to that between humane and fairy.

Mortal people have only one way to get ahead, and that is to cultivate immortals.


I wonder if there is only one way to get ahead, it is to repair monsters.

Throughout the ages, there has been no hegemony in humanity. That is because those who have the potential to become hegemons have become immortals and become hegemons of immortality.

There are no overlords in Xundao, and they are also all monsters and become overlords.

The most typical example is the old demon in Montenegro.

原 The original form of the old demon in Heishan is an old locust tree on top of Heishan. Later, he was instructed by the old mother of Heishan, devoted to the demon Tao, asked the emperor of the demon Tao, and achieved the demon master of demon.

of course.

There is no absolute thing in the world.

Patriarchs are one of them.

He did not join the demon road, but insisted on the strange road, after all, he was successful.

Listen to the Daxing epilepsy, the original form of this distressed ancestor is just a stone, which gathers the aura of heaven and earth and absorbs the essence of sun and moon. After countless years, it gave birth to self-consciousness, and then cultivated the strange path and became a strange path Patriarch.

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