
Vol 2 Chapter 2423: No exaggeration!

What is nature.

Meaning divine attributes.

The so-called divine gift is almost equal to destiny.

to be honest.

Your birth is caused by cause and effect, and it is also an arrangement of fate.

Returning to nature, once you find yourself, you also accept the arrangement of fate.

If you haven't found your ego, you may still be able to rebel against your fate, but once you find yourself, you may even be deprived of your qualifications to rebel against fate, and you will not even have the opportunity to rebel against fate.

In this case, how can we escape ourselves and find the true self?

Then again.

Finding the self is like falling into a deeper sea of ​​suffering, and the fate of the body is heavier. Who can guarantee that after finding the true self, you will not fall into the deeper sea of ​​suffering, and the fate of the body will not be heavier?

Free yourself, get rid of understanding.

This sentence may have been a conspiracy from the beginning.

This is the pain in Tiger's heart.

It is also the dilemma he is currently facing.

Because of this, he has always wanted to contemplate God, the original sin.

Do not!

Not a plot.

Huli Taixian also knows that with his own identity, the hope of asking God is almost zero, so as long as he can start the era of injustice, no matter who asks God, he is a happy thing.

"Oh! Those of the original sin children who have been incorporated into the real blood, one deeper than the other, they have never appeared. One of them is because the time has not yet come. When the time comes, they will naturally show up, but this is not important. It is important. The thing is, they dare not show up now! "

"Compared to them, your tiger force immortal is definitely bright and bright, even though you have betrayed the fairy road and the magic road successively, but you have never concealed anything. The betrayal is the betrayal. This is what I admire very much."

"Unlike the old guys in the 36-hole, 72-blessed land, shouting and guarding the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, they secretly not only cultivate the original sinners, but also conceive the body of the original sin, and some even incorporate the true blood of the original sin into the original sin Son! Hey! "

"This is the so-called upright gentleman, this is the so-called Three Thousand Avenues, this is the so-called guardian world, hey!"

Everyone on the court heard it, and the deep voice was ridiculing and satirizing at 36 holes and 72 blessings.

And what he meant was as if to say that most of the more than twenty sons of original sin in his mouth were the ancestors of the thirty-sixth hole and the seventy-two blessed land.

Will this be true?

Thirty-six cave days and seventy-two blessed places to cultivate original sinners are long undisclosed secrets.

Some ancestors conceived the original sin and everyone heard about it.

However, if the ancestors of the heavens and the earth were to merge into the true blood of the original sin and realize the son of the original sin, this kind of thing is still heard for the first time.

No one knows whether this is true or not.

If it's fake, that's fine.

It would be terrible if it were true.

It is important to know that the major sinners are blessed to cultivate those who have the original sin, or whether they have conceived the original sin, which is a kind of helpless preparation.

after all.

None of them dare to guarantee that this heaven and earth road can be kept.

In case you ca n’t keep it, the Three Thousand Avenue is really slaughtered, and everyone can only confess their fate. The major caves can only be inherited in heaven and blessedly. They can only adapt to the era of infidelity, cultivate the son of original sin, and conceive the body of original sin. Able to survive better in the era of injustice.

However, if the ancestors of the major caves have incorporated the true blood of the original sin and become the son of the original sin, then it is not a helpless move or two-handed preparation, but it is a complete attempt to seek the true sin of God.

Judging from the current situation, Tiandi Avenue is hard to guard.

If even the ancestors of the heavens and earth in the big caves are trying to find the original sin, God, then this time, the hope of keeping the heaven and earth road will only be more remote.

of course.

It is also not denied that this may be a pit dug by a mysterious person to deliberately lie, in order to confuse audiovisual and make the chaotic situation even more chaotic.

"Your Mightiness!"

The handsome young man said, "If it is true that some of the ancestors of the heavens and the earth have become the sons of the original sin, then where did the true blood of their original sin come from? Although I have not walked between heaven and earth, how much is the situation in heaven and earth Know some, after the ancient times, although there were a few drops of original sin blood, but those drops of original sin blood were retained that year, and those drops of original sin blood were all merged into the end, but none belonged to 36 holes. Twelve Blessed Lands. "

"If an ancestor of Dongtianfudi received the true blood of original sin, I might not know it, but if most of the ancestors of Dongtianfudi have integrated the true blood of original sin, I think it will not be a small probability event, and I may not know Right? "

"Well, good question! Good question! Well!"

The deep, dark voice started to laugh again, and the laughter was still demented. After laughing, he said, "The true blood of the original sins that the ancestors of the big caves were absorbed in was not snatched at all! It was ..."

"Hmm ... it's inherited! Hmm!"

When it comes to this, the mysterious laughter of the mysterious man grows more frustrated.

"Inheritance? Where does it inherit?"

The handsome young man looked a little surprised, as if he realized something, and said, "You mean ... When the era of the Wayless started, it was not only the existence of God who sought the original sin, but also those ancestors of the avenue. Fight for the true blood of the original sin? "

"If not, where do you think the true blood of the original sin of the caves came from?"

Good guy!

The news of this mysterious person broke the news one by one.

And the Daxing Ape Monk who has been hiding in the dark has been stimulated by the news one after another, and it is as if he has lost his soul.

to be frank.

When the mysterious person said that there were at least twenty sons of the original sin in the heavens and the earth, the Daxing epilepsy didn't believe it.

In particular, the mysterious person also said that most of the more than twenty sons of the original sin were the ancestors of the heavens and the earth, and the Daxing ape monk felt that this maggot must have been deliberately waffling and creating confusion.

Because since the time of the ancient times, Daxing lunatics have traveled all over the world.

Under this heaven and earth, the heavens and the heavens are as large as nine days and nine quiets ~ ~ The thirty-six holes and the seventy-two blessed land giants are as small as the great wonderland of the Great Wasteland and even the gates of various secular circles. There is nothing he does not know.


No exaggeration at all.

There is a secret that the Daxing epic has never said to anyone, that is, his incarnation is everywhere.


Incarnations are everywhere.


How can a monk who is a monk is called a living Buddha in the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are also incarnations of Daxing episcopals in the 36-hole heaven and 72-blessed land.

and so.

After the opening of Swire, all the big and small things that happened in the heavens and the world were known to the Daxing epic, and he was involved in many things.

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