
Vol 2 Chapter 2442: Challenge


The sky is sacred.

Sacredness is pure and immaculate sacredness. It is also a crystal clear sacredness. It is an endless, endless, immortal sacredness.

The emptiness of the imperial palace, which was originally filled with the breath of the original sin, has no original sin under the sacred light. The emptiness of the imperial palace has also become a sacred world.

As the old saying goes, there are ants under the Holy Path and grass under the Heaven.

Many people originally thought this statement was too exaggerated.

Until now, under the sacredness of the sky, everyone realized that this was not an exaggeration. After being covered by the sacredness, everyone had a feeling inside, feeling that they were especially small, as small as ants.

The Xuanyuan Hao turned into a sacred day is as high as the source of sacredness, and as high as the **** who dominates this sacred world, as if judgments ruled everything in heaven and earth.

Where is the Green Patriarch?

do not know.

The only old guy who knows must haven't run, let alone disappear.

The blissful ancestors hiding in the caves of the void are all human beings, and naturally they can see that the green robe ancestors have not exerted all their strength, and may even intentionally hide their strength.

"Old Green Robe! Are you just that?"


Xuan Yuanhao's figure was looming in the sacred day. He stared proudly at the sky and looked down in all directions, yelling, "I know you are weak, but I didn't expect you to be so weak, so weak."

Xuanyuan Hao, as one of the nine holy sons of the Holy Land, Wu Cheng Xuanyuan Wuji, who covers the sky with his hands, has both a proud qualification and a proud capital.

of course.

Xuan Yuanhao is not unaware that the ancestor of the green robe did not do his best.

However, for Xuanyuan Hao, he didn't care about these at all, because he didn't pay attention to the ancestor of the green robe from the beginning.


"It's beyond your power to try to seek God, the original sin!"

"This is the so-called original sin, this is the so-called itself, this is the ancestor of the so-called original sin itself, and it is nothing more than before my sacredness."

Xuan Yuanhao's words were obviously said to those ancestors who were hiding in the hollows of the void.


The voice of the ancestor of the green robe came again: "Xuanyuan children should not be proud. The ancestor just doesn't want to have general knowledge with you. Is it really great that you are sacred? Oh! Tell you, the so-called sacredness is just the original pregnancy It ’s just a small hybrid, and it ’s hard to say that the sacredness of Roush's son is the original appearance of the sacred relatives, and it may not be the original sin! ”

it's said.

Chaos gave birth to two kinds of existence, primitive and original sin.

Primordiality gave birth to sacredness and light, while original sin gave birth to evil and darkness.

However, after all, legends are legends, and no one knows whether they are true or not. The most important thing is that everyone knows and has seen the original sin, but the original existence has never been said to date, and has not even heard it.

Although everyone has just witnessed Xuanyuan Hao's incarnation, the sacred Day will shed the radiance of the original sin.

It seems that sacredness suppresses the original sin, which is vulnerable to the sacred.

But it just looks like it.

Who restrains who, this thing is very difficult to say.

It's like destiny.

As we all know, among the destinies, the imperial power is the largest, the emperor is the second, then the throne, and then the star king.

But this does not mean that the imperial power must be stronger than the imperial seal, and the imperial seal must be stronger than the throne.

and so.

Even if the legend is true, it does not mean that sacredness can't do nothing about the original sin. Just now Xuanyuan Hao's incarnation as the sacred big sun will extinguish the ignorance of the original sin, which is a good example.

The ancestor of the green robe was obviously a bit untenable, and he seemed to realize it, and said, "Oh! Xuanyuan, if you really have the ability, do you dare to compete with the poor?"

After waiting for Xuan Yuanhao to respond, the ancestor of the green robe hiding in the dark and dark again laughed: "Alas, the poor strangeness has been integrated into the true blood of original sin, it is the original sin variable, and it is one of the four great beasts of the ancient times The odd round reincarnated, but then followed the Supreme Master to slaughter over three thousand avenues, alas! Erasering you is almost effortless! Alas! "

"What more original sin is nothing in the presence of the divine? Oh, how dare you say that to the poor?"

"Well, you dare not scare you!"

Everyone heard it.

The ancestor of the Green Robe is fighting between Xuan Yuanhao and Poor Qi. It is exactly a battle between the number that should be fixed and the original variable.

Everyone was not surprised, and they could guess that the ancestor of the green robe would definitely play this method.

The ancestors of the green robes did not know how to force the poor and strange out, and then they stirred up the wind everywhere, and the forced holy sites had to show their attitudes.

Everyone knows that the ancestors of the green robes will try their best to challenge the holy place to work on the poor, but they did not expect that the ancestors of the robes of the green robes would be so despicable, low-level, and straightforward.


Sometimes I have to admit that the most despicable and most straightforward provocations are often the most direct and effective.

Especially in the face of the ancestors of the heavens and earth, they are unpredictable and well-informed, and even the most clever means will certainly not conceal them.

in fact.

Everyone can see that in this case, even if the ancestor of the green robe did not say anything, the battle between the Holy Land and the Poor Qi could not be avoided.

The Holy Land was doomed from the moment it came.

The reason is very simple. If the holy place wants to show its attitude in front of the ancestors of Dongtianfudi, it is impossible to avoid the child of the original sin variable. If the holy place avoids the poor Qi to show its attitude, it cannot be convinced and unconvinced. It is likely to be counterproductive. Let everyone think that the Holy Land dare not face the original sin variables.

From this point of view, the ancestor of the green robe is not only despicable, but also a master of layout.


Now that the Holy Land has come, it must be ready for hands-on, and it must be well-thought-out ~ ~ It depends on the ending now. Is the Holy Land played by the green robe ancestors in applause or the green robe? The ancestors worked hard to make wedding dresses for the Holy Land.

In the dark.

The ancestors of the heavens and the earth in each big hole looked at the poor and strange one.

The Poor Qi Ding is still suspended in the void like a lone peak mountain. It was so when it appeared, it is still the same now, the only difference is that when it first appeared, the Poor Qi Ding took the breath of the original sin. Now The original sins of the sky have long since disappeared. Strangely, the impoverished Qi Ding still slowly spins in the sacred void of the imperial palace.

On the top of the Poor Qi Ding stood a teenager.

White hair and white hair, handsome beauty.

Not others.

It is the strangeness in the mouth of the ancestor of the green robe.


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