
Vol 2 Chapter 2445: Weird

"This thing looks a bit wicked. 35xs"

"It's a bit wicked," Daxing epic nodded, and said, "Xuanyuan Hao's stance just now is not disguised, why did he suddenly give up suddenly, stumped, he realized from the poor Qi What's up? "

The monk Daxian carefully looked at the poorness in the field, shook his head. The poorness is the original sin variable, which can only be seen with the naked eye. The consciousness cannot be detected at all, and it is impossible to detect anything. Moreover, the poorness is from the beginning. He never moved, and there was no suspicious breath on his body.

"The old man pondered that the person who should be a sacred place let Xuan Yuanhao stop."

Gu Qingfeng asked, "What's the matter, wouldn't it be sacred to change your mind? Don't you plan to obliterate Qi Qi and show your attitude?"

"This is not good. There is a plan to keep up with the change. Perhaps the Holy Land did not expect that this time the incident would be so big."

The endless void of the palace seems to have only a few people.

But in the dark and dark places, there are always wind and clouds, and more and more ancestors are hiding in the dark.

Although these ancestors hid one deeper than the other, the Daxing epilepsy could not detect their existence in detail, but how much existence was hidden in the void, the Daxing epilepsy could still detect it, and the gods swept away. , Good guys, everywhere, densely packed, countless and countless.

It is estimated that the ancestors of the Avenue of Heaven and Heaven and the original ancestors of the Guixu Ruins almost came. 35xs


Everyone is paying attention to this battle.

Pay attention to who is strong and who is weak to the original sin variables, and whether the original sin sins should be worthy of the ancient sin catastrophe.


Xuan Yuanhao's figure loomed in that round of sacred day.

A stern face was originally full of pride, but now the pride has disappeared. Some are just angry, unwilling, confused, and doubtful.

The facts were as the Daxing monk had guessed. Just when Xuanyuan Hao was about to start, he suddenly received the news from the Holy Land.

Let him leave it alone.

As for why.

The Holy Land did not say.

Although Xuanyuan Hao was upset, he had to obey the holy place's order.

The pupil Xuanyuan and the ancestor of Feng Feng are also confused at the same time. I wonder why the Holy Land suddenly changed its plan.

This change didn't matter, and they suddenly fell into a dilemma.

No hands, no hands.

After all, the words have been spoken out, and the ancestors of the heavenly and blessed places are also looking forward to this battle. If they do not take action, the longer the delay, the more disadvantageous they are to the Holy Land, and some people will doubt whether the Holy Land is guarding the Avenue Ability. 35xs

Just then, a deep, deep laughter came.

"Oh! Xuanyuan, did you just say that you can wipe out Qiongqi with one finger as long as you want? Hey! I'm not afraid of the wind flashing my tongue!"

"Don't you be arrogant just now? Why don't you dare to do it now? Hey!"

"My ancestors said a long time ago that you are not Qiqi's opponent at all, and you dare not take action against Qiqi!"

"This ancestor! Keep your eyes open! This is the so-called holy land, this is the so-called holy son, alas! The two are the holy sons who should be fixed, and dare to face the poor Speak fast, don't dare to do it! "

"Do you still expect the Holy Land to guard the Avenue of Heaven and Earth? Hey? In the face of a son of the original sin variable, they dare not take action. Do you think that the Holy Land has the ability to protect the Heaven and Earth? I am afraid that even the guardian has the courage? Uh ... "

Everyone heard it, this was the voice of the ancestor of the green robe.

The ancestor of the green robe began to stir up the fire in secret.

It seems that the ancestors of the green robes would never let it go. Xuan Yuanhao's sudden stop stopped the sanctuary in a passive and embarrassing situation. Now the ancestors of the green robes stir up the flames, and the situation of the sacred places will only get worse. .

In the dark.

Daxing epilepsy took off his monk hat, touched his bare head, and said with a wagging mouth, "The old man couldn't figure it out. What was found in the holy place? Why did you change the plan at this point? The robe ancestral cloth is very clever, so clever that the holy place was not seen at all? Now it is seen, so the holy place suddenly changed its plan? "

"I have one thing I can't figure out." Gu Qingfeng asked: "The ancestor of the green robes let the poor and the holy land operate. What does he plan?"

"What he can plot, of course, is a messy character. As soon as the poor and the holy place start to work, the situation in Huanggu Jiugong will be chaotic immediately."

"So, what good is the chaos for Green Patriarch?"

"The old sister-in-law of the green robe has been trying to find the original sin, but unfortunately, he is neither the original sin variable nor the original sin. In other words, he is almost impossible to ask the original sin God, even if it is not his turn.

After a short pause, Daxing epilepsy continued: "If the situation is chaotic ~ ~ the number of robbers and the original sin variables will be in chaos."

Gu Qingfeng nodded and said, "What do you mean, the ancestor of the Green Robe intends to wait for the defeated number and the original sin variable to lose both, and then he will come to a fisherman to profit?"

"Yes! This is not new."

The monk of Dahang said: "In the ancient times, the ancestors of the green robes fanned the flames and ignited the three thousand avenues and defeated Wudao Zun. Both of them lost their advantages. Unfortunately, his abacus was very wrong. Dao Zun killed the Quartet and San Qian Da Dao was not an enemy at all. "

"This time is different. This time, there is no infidelity. Whether it is the number of robberies or the original sin variables, the ancestors of the avenues protecting the world, or the ancestors of the original sins who yearn for the era of injustice, they are evenly matched. If they fight together, they say The uncertain consequences are really both. "

Gu Qingfeng said, "Will the Holy Land not do anything because of this?"

"You mean that the Holy Land is worried about the chaos caused by the obliteration of the poor Qi, causing the two sides to fight hard?" The Daxing epic shook his head without thinking, and said: "Old man told you, impossible!"

"Why not."

"If the holy place is scared, it will not come today. Since the holy place has come, it means that it has already prepared and even coped with it. Moreover, even if Xuan Yuanhao wiped out the poorness today, it will not cause fire fighting. . "

The monk Dahang explained: "Although poor Qi is also the son of the original sin variable, he is different from you and Miao Rulai. No matter you or Miao Rulai, there are many original sin ancestors behind you. If the holy place dares you, The ancestors of the original sin behind you will definitely come forward to interfere, and a big war will not be avoided. "

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