
Vol 2 Chapter 2461: Lure

圣 The Holy Land has been arguing about whether to obliterate the ancient Qingfeng.

The temple believes that the ancient Qingfeng is the largest original sin variable, and it is also the most promising to ask the original sin God, and it is the greatest threat to the Heaven and Earth Avenue. The faster the erasure, the better, if the true Taoist Mountain appears, when he successfully asks the original sin God, If you want to obliterate, it will be even more difficult.

People in the holy place with Xuanyuan's headlessness believe that although it seems that the ancient Qingfeng is the largest original sin variable and the most promising to ask God, it only looks like it. Before the last moment, no one knows which one. It is God who chose the original sin.

There is also the fact that Gu Qingfeng neither intends to ask God for the original sin, nor is he interested in the era of infidelity. It is impossible to say whether he is the God who chose the original sin. Even if he really is, the final result may not be true. God.

It does not matter.

It is important that, so far, no one is sure to completely wipe out the ancient breeze, whether it is the heavenly land or the immortal path of the major caves, including the heavenly path and the holy land.

Other than that, it is simply the strength demonstrated by the ancient Qingfeng. A nose inferior sura, Shangqiongbi fell to Huangquan, swallowed the heavens and the blood, and the three original sin gods know the magic, the sky is like heaven and earth, the earth is like purgatory, and the chaos is like floating slaughter. Vientiane worship of the four unparalleled creatures, **** of absolute taboos, silence, death, and other taboo avenues, plus a presence outside the avenue now is enough to make people look daunting.

This is only the strength that Gu Qingfeng has shown so far. No one knows how much he has not shown yet.

The strength of the ancient breeze is only second.

It is not because of their strength that they are not sure to kill him.

He is the existence of the ancient breeze.

to be frank.

算 Even if the strength of Gu Qingfeng is strong, even if it is so powerful that it will destroy the world, as long as everyone joins together, it should not be difficult to deal with him.

The problem is that being able to deal with the ancient Qingfeng does not mean that it can be wiped out.

If you only deal with Gu Qingfeng, but fail to wipe it out, it will not make any sense to the casualties caused by your side, but it will also anger him.

Liao Yuan Gu Qingfeng did not intend to ask God the original sin. After being provoked, he might go to ask God the original sin. That would be too bad.

The ancient breeze is the largest original sin variable. As a variable, it means that his destiny is changeable. In the end, he may protect the heaven and earth avenue.

If he is now angered and pushed to the side of original sin, the consequences would be too serious.

Bian Xuanyuan Wuji believes that if the ancient Qingfeng is obliterated, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. If he does not provoke the ancient Qingfeng for the time being, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The old ancestors of Feng Feng think so.

Tong Xuanyuan pupil thinks the same.

Elders or disciples who follow Xuanyuan Wuji in the holy shrine also think so.

I'm a pity.

It is a pity that the temple in charge of the Holy Land does not think so. The temple has always wanted to obliterate the ancient Qingfeng, and the sooner the better, the sooner the better. Before the wild ancient Jiugong has not conceived Wudao Mountain, it is best The greatest threat of Gu Qingfeng can be eliminated. Since then, other variables of the original sin are fine, and the son of the original sin is not a concern.

Tong Xuanyuan pupil thought that the temple just wanted to take this opportunity to show the attitude of the Holy Land and stabilize the chaotic situation.

I never thought I was going to kill Gu Qingfeng.

Just as Elder Feng Feng said, the existence of Gu Qingfeng is the greatest threat to the side of the avenue, and it is also the greatest threat to the original sin side. If Gu Qingfeng dared to show up, it would be more than just a holy place to deal with him. At that time, the heavenly path, the immortal path, and the major caves are heavenly and blessed, including those ancestors of the original sin hidden in the dark, the sons of the original sin, and the variables of the original sin.

Although Xuanyuan Tong didn't want to, he also had to admit that this is indeed a good opportunity to kill Gu Qingfeng.

At the same time, she was also very clear in her heart. Except for a few individuals on the avenue, most wanted to obliterate the ancient Qingfeng before Wudao Mountain appeared.

When I thought of it, Xuanyuan Tong could not help but sigh.

Before that, she always had a bad hunch in her heart, but what kind of bad hunch was she couldn't say, until now she didn't understand what this bad hunch was.

Will the ancient breeze come out?

Tong Xuanyuan pupil shook her head, she did not know.

I just hope not to come out.

It ’s not that I am worried that Gu Qingfeng will be wiped out. There is no friendship between Xuanyuan Tong and Gu Qingfeng. I ca n’t even talk about each other. Naturally, I wo n’t worry about Gu Qingfeng's life and death. Qingfeng started fighting with Dadao at this time.

"Ha ha."

In the field.

Xuan Yuanhao's proud voice resounded in the void: "I know you must be hiding in this void, the green lantern ancestor, the black mountain old demon, the Weiyang demon emperor, the emperor of freedom, including the West Buddha Fight me against Xuanyuan Hao, stumped even the famous Emperor dare not come forward to fight Xuanyuan Hao? "

"Although I rarely walk in the wilderness, Xuan Yuanhao is a thundercutter to the name of the Emperor. According to rumors, the emperor is arrogant, arrogant and overbearing. He has burned for nine days, palmed over nine you, and swept the vast wilderness. World, no one can be called, the first person after the ancient times. "

"You have three major sins, you know the magic, and you realize the four great fortunes of Vientiane, and you dominate the six taboo avenues. I heard that you have sacrificed an existence beyond a avenue not long ago, which really makes many people envy and envy. ~ ~ But ... "

As soon as the words turned sharp, Xuan Yuanhao's voice came again, and he was even more arrogant than before, a little more disdainful in his arrogance.

"In my view of Xuanyuan Hao, what you call the three original sin gods know the magic, the so-called Vientiane four great creations, the so-called taboo avenue, and the so-called avenue outside, are just small tricks."

"It's okay to fool those ants who haven't seen the world. In my eyes, Xuanyuan Hao, you are just a good-luck clown."

"Previously, I told Poor Qi that if I wanted to, I could kill him anytime, anywhere!"

"I will give you this sentence now, as long as I want to kill you anytime, anywhere!"


When Xuanyuan Hao clicked to the Weiyang Demon Emperor and the Emperor Xiaoyao, when no one responded, they all jumped directly, even if they came to Xitian Buddha Emperor Miaoru, but only to the ancient breeze. After no one responded, Xuanyuan Hao's constant provocation, contempt and contempt, his words were full of disdain and dissatisfaction.

If Tong Xuanyuan hadn't been sure whether the temple was really going to start with Gu Qingfeng this time, then she can basically be sure now that the elimination of Gu Qingfeng is not a back-up plan at all, but a final plan.

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