
Vol 2 Chapter 2494: Terrible means

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Especially the Daxing epilepsy, the whole person stayed there like a chicken as if frightened by lightning.

at first.

When Wuyue Niangniang repeatedly mentioned that the ancient Qingfeng might be a causal incarnation planted by others, the Daxing epilepsy did not take it for granted.

Regarding whether the ancient Qingfeng was a causal incarnation planted by someone else, Daxing epilepsy had thought about this issue more than once. He thought that ancient Qingfeng might have a previous life, but having a previous life does not mean that it is a causal incarnation.

The incarnation of the previous life and the incarnation of cause and effect are two different concepts.

A person's deity must be reincarnate in order to be reincarnated, and after this person's reincarnation, the so-called previous life deity disappears, and some are just this life.

The causal incarnation does not need the reincarnation at all, but only the incarnation has conceived an incarnation, and let this incarnation reincarnate to form a causal incarnation.

The difference between the two is that the deities used the previous life for this life. After experiencing reincarnation, they are a life form from beginning to end. Even if the memory of the previous life is awakened by this life, it is still a life form. There is no need to devour each other , Mo said to devour, even integration is not necessary, because they belong to a life.

Causality is different.

Causality incarnations have gradually formed independent determinants after numerous reincarnations, that is to say, the deity is an independent determinant, and the causal incarnations planted by it are also independent determinants, and both determinants are independent. Only cause and effect.

If the deity wants to get a causal incarnation, the only way is to devour, because two different life forms are almost impossible to merge together, even if their independent life forms are causal.

The reason why Daxing epilepsy thinks that the ancient Qingfeng is unlikely to be a cause and effect incarnation.

the reason is simple.

Ancient Qingfeng is the original sin variable.

For the time being, it is almost impossible to plant the causal incarnation of the next original sin variable. Even the reincarnation of the causal system may not be able to reincarnate into an original sin variable.

Throughout the ages, many masters of the avenue have seized the opportunity by reincarnation, thus claiming their destiny.

Because destiny is doomed, and it will not change. Since it will not change, it can be deduced. As long as it can be deduced, you can arrange many causes and effects, and seize the opportunity to claim destiny.

The original sin variable is different.

What is the original sin variable?

The original sin itself is the wrong cause and effect, and the original sin variable is the wrong cause and effect.

The original sin itself is the wrong cause and effect. How can it be deduced?

The original sin variable is the wrong cause and effect of the wrong cause and effect. Even if it is God, I am afraid it cannot be deduced.

Since it is impossible to deduce the cause and effect, how to arrange it?

Can't arrange cause and effect, how can we reincarnate into an original sin variable?

You know, this is just reincarnation.

The incarnation of causality is much more difficult than the reincarnation.

No matter how reincarnation is reincarnated, it is always a life form. However, after planting the incarnation of cause and effect, it is another life form. The chaos is as chaotic as it is chaotic.

In this case, no one can plant a causal incarnation of the original sin variable.

It is impossible to plant a causal incarnation of the original sin variable, it is difficult to plant a causal incarnation of the original sin.

Not to mention that the ancient Qingfeng is still the largest original sin variable in ancient times and today.

The complexity and confusion of its cause and effect is the most ancient and unparalleled.

Throughout ancient times today, absolutely no one can produce a causal incarnation of existence like the ancient Qingfeng.

Daxing epilepsy always thinks so.

He firmly believes that Gu Qingfeng is unlikely to be a cause and effect incarnation planted by others, no! Not impossible, but absolutely impossible.

He even thought that Gu Qingfeng might not have even the previous life.


When Wuyue Niangniang said that if the ancient Qingfeng was the incarnation of cause and effect, it might not be to seek the original sin, God, or to protect the heaven and earth, but to destroy the original sin.

Like Gu Qingfeng, when he heard the words "Destroying the Original Sin," he immediately thought of the ancient namelessness.

When the ancients were unknown, Gu Qingfeng only felt scalp numbness and chills in the back spine, while Dahang epilepsy also had scalp numbness, which made him feel creepy.

Although he always believed that Gu Qingfeng could not be a cause and effect incarnation planted by someone else, if this other person is unknown, the so-called impossible becomes possible.

Others may be transformed into an original sin without reincarnation, but it does not mean that the ancients are unnamed.

Others may not be able to plant a causal incarnation of the original sin variable, which also does not mean that the ancients are unnamed.

Because the eternal nameless existence is the embodiment of cause and effect, the messenger of fate.

As long as the ancients are unknown, she can deduct performances or arrange any cause and effect.

Even if this cause and effect is chaotic and complicated, even the wrong cause and effect may be deduced and laid out.

Daxing episcopals have always suspected that Wu Guming would like to take this opportunity to completely obliterate the original sin, so as to eradicate the future.

He also always suspected that Gu Qingfeng was a chess piece in the ancient nameless hands.

It was just that he had not been able to understand how the ancient unnamed would use the **** of Gu Qingfeng and how to completely obliterate the origin of original sin.

Originally, he thought that the ancient unnamed society would first set up many causes and effects, secretly build up a position to help the ancient Qingfeng seek the original sin God, and then shot it and wipe it out.

Later, I thought it was impossible. If someone waits for the original sin God, then it will be wiped out. There is no need for a chess piece like Gu Qingfeng, and other people ask the original sin God. It can also be erased, and others ask the original sin. It is also better than the ancient Qingfeng who asked God for the original sin.

After all, Gu Qingfeng's creation is too terrible and shocking. If the original sin swallowed him, he would get everything from Gu Qingfeng, which would only be more horrible and more difficult to deal with.

If anyone else asks God, it is easier to deal with it than the ancient breeze.

That being the case ~ ~ Why not choose someone who is relatively easy to deal with?

The most important thing is that even if the original sin is killed, it may not be possible to completely remove the original sin.

This is also the place where the Daxing monks can't figure out.

What caused Daxing's demon monk to collapse is that until now he did not understand that the ancient namelessness was not prepared to wait for the ancient Qingfeng to question the original sin God before killing it.

Instead, wait for Gu Qingfeng to ask God, the original sin, and then devour Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness.

As long as Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness is devoured, then the ancient namelessness will become the original sin God, and she can dominate the original sin source.

As long as she is willing, she can completely dissolve the origin of the original sin without any effort.

Remember this.

The Daxing epilepsy couldn't help taking a deep breath, but still couldn't help but pounding in his heart, closing his eyes and feeling a whirlwind, whispering, "The means of this ancient and unknown girl is really too mean and sinister, too His mother's shame is gone !!! "

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