
Vol 2 Chapter 2510: crisis

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After hearing Gu Changfeng's words, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing.

"I don't know what Gu Xi laughed at."

"I laugh because I didn't expect that even Gu Changfeng would be confused in the face of the so-called fate."

In the impression of Gu Qingfeng, Gu Changfeng is a man with a clear grudge, public and private, straight on, a man of great standing, and a staunch guardian of the sacred and bright destiny of cause and effect.

He always felt that Gu Changfeng was a very simple and pure person.

This so-called simplicity does not mean that Gu Changfeng's mind is not enough, but that it is a pure simplicity in the state of mind, and in a sense it is also a resolute state of mind that will not be affected by external factors.

It is difficult to maintain a pure state of mind in this chaotic and complicated world, at least, Gu Qingfeng thinks so.

The old saying goes, human nature is good.

Every life is very simple and pure, and it is also kind and pure, but as it grows, it has experienced various conspiracies and tricks, all kinds of life and death, and various intrigues, and the state of mind will gradually change. This is inevitable.

and so.

Gu Qingfeng admired Gu Changfeng for being such a person who inherits the fate of heaven, even if it inherits the sky, the state of mind is still pure and simple.


After hearing Gu Changfeng's feelings, Gu Qingfeng also realized that Gu Changfeng's state of mind was still changed by the so-called fate.


Gu Changfeng sighed deeply and smiled helplessly: "Don't say you didn't think about it, even Gu Mou didn't think he would be so confused and so embarrassed one day."

"So you don't intend to guard this world, this avenue?"

Gu Changfeng shook his head and responded, "Gu did not say that he would not guard, but ... I don't know, nothing more."

The two were chatting without words, for how long, no one knew, they didn't care about them, but they didn't chat, and didn't talk too much, because they all knew that they were not chatting now. time.

When they both resigned and were about to go their separate ways, Gu Changfeng suddenly stopped Gu Qingfeng.

Gu Qingfeng was puzzled and turned to look at him.

Gu Changfeng laughed: "Brother Gu, we are opponents and friends. My Gu Changfeng will not show mercy to your men on the battlefield because of the word" friend "or because you are an opponent on the battlefield. Trust you as a friend, and Gu hopes you do the same. "

Gu Qingfeng didn't answer this question, just shrugged and smiled.

"If this era of injustice is destined to start, if the Three Thousand Avenue is destined to be slaughtered, and if God, the original sin, is destined to have someone to come to, I hope that person is you.

Hear the words.

Gu Qingfeng frowned slightly and asked rather puzzled, "Why do you want me?"

"Because from Gu's point of view, only your ancient breeze can hold the two words of original sin, and only you ancient breeze can afford the word insincerity."


Gu Qingfeng laughed loudly, but didn't say anything, just walked away and left.

Looking at the direction where Gu Qingfeng departed, Gu Changfeng looked at it this way. The expression on his formidable and handsome face seemed to be a little worried, and there was a kind of scowl in his eyes.

"Did you say everything?"

At this time.

King Chiba came over, and when Gu Qingfeng and Gu Changfeng were chatting, she did not attend the scene, but chose to leave.

For a while, she knew that for the special relationship between Gu Changfeng and Gu Qingfeng, who was also an enemy and a friend, her existence was equivalent to an outsider, even if she and Gu Changfeng were immortals. .

In the second place, she knew that Gu Changfeng and Gu Qingfeng had a lot to say at the meeting, so she gave them a private space with great interest.

In the third, she personally was very opposed to Gu Changfeng coming to see Gu Qingfeng, and she left intentionally, more or less guilty.

Until now, until now.

The Chiba fairy king regretted it.

Previously, she and Gu Changfeng stayed at the Gen Palace, but it is not that there is anything special about the Gen Palace, but that the Gen Palace is not so right or wrong, nor is it much confusing, compared to the other ancient Gu Jiu Palaces.

The King of Chiba had avatars in the Arako Nine Palaces, and they all knew the situation of the Nine Palaces. Before that, the Arako Nine Palaces were more chaotic.

Needless to say, because the ancient breeze is away from the palace, all kinds of cattle, ghosts, snakes and gods are gathered here, whether it is the avenue or the original sin. Although the other nine palaces are not as chaotic as the detachment, they are not much better. After all, those avenue overlords have possession External incarnations, all kinds of temptations, all kinds of conspiracy, all kinds of bureaus, all kinds of endless.

Originally, Chiba Fairy King and Gu Changfeng intended to stay in the Gen Palace all the time, because the change of her divination and deduction to leave the palace would affect the original sin catastrophe, and then Gu Changfeng couldn't wait.

Because Gu Changfeng also knows that Gu Qingfeng is in the palace, if the changes in the palace will affect the original sin catastrophe, then this change is likely to refer to the life and death of Gu Qingfeng.

Especially when Gu Changfeng learned that the existence of God who planned the original sin in ancient times has entered the palace, he immediately concluded that these existences must be directed at the ancient breeze.

Because the ancient Qingfeng is the biggest variable, it is also the most likely to ask the original sin God. Those who plan to exist the original sin God will surely seize the origin of the other nine palaces while entering the palace to stop the ancient Qingfeng.

If only the existence of God who had planned the original sin came to block Gu Qingfeng, Gu Changfeng would not break into the palace desperately.

In fact, in addition to the existence of God, the original sin, all the avenues have entered the palace.

While in Gen Palace, he met Elder Yuyu of Xuantianxiandao ~ ~ To be precise, it was not the elder Yuyu, but the elder Yuyu came to see him specifically.

The purpose of finding him was simple, to ask Gu Changfeng to enter the palace to obliterate the ancient emperor Qingfeng.

It is learned from Elder Yuji that the Holy Path, the Immortal Path, and the Heaven Path have all decided that they must seize the last chance to obliterate the Emperor at all costs.

At that time, the nine holy sons of the Holy Land, the nine heavenly sons of heaven, will appear, as well as the emperor who has never appeared, and the mysterious undeclared number, the Emperor Fusheng and the Peacock also agreed to enter the palace. Elder Jade Yu also said that the Holy Land had informed Xuanyuan Wuji and also the lonely relatives of the heavenly gods. At that time, both of their overlords, known as the Optimum Pillar, would be shot.

Gu Changfeng knew that since the change of the imperial palace by the Chiba fairy king would affect the original sin catastrophe.

Then on the avenue, no matter whether it is a holy place or Xuantian, it can be promoted.

It is for this reason that they will be so active, they will not hesitate to lower their postures, and will personally come forward to inform the avenue hegemons and robbers scattered in the deserted ancient palace.

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