
Vol 2 Chapter 2517: Transcendence

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Today, Gu Qingfeng is no longer Gu Qingfeng of that year. After experiencing so many things, he knows very well that the old monk will not accidentally live in it, and he will not accidentally merge with the dead space. All this may be It is also a well-designed causal bureau.

Of course.

Ancient Qingfeng does not hate old monks because of this.

Just as he doesn't hate the clouds, clothes, winds, moons and tangs that also cause and effect on himself.

For Gu Qingfeng, at best, they can only be regarded as passers-by in their lives, and nothing more.

What's more, along the way, every time Gu Qingfeng was caught in confusion, he would ask the old monk to confuse him, even though every time the old monk said anything, it was misty and unpredictable, and he couldn't point the way for the ancient Qingfeng. But at least, let Gu Qingfeng get a lot of inspiration.

Although these so-called inspirations may be the intentions planted by the old monk, the purpose is only to obtain some kind of fruit in the ancient Qingfeng.

As for what fruit.

Gu Qingfeng didn't know and had no interest.

Because he didn't care what the old monk planted in himself and what he wanted.

As long as he didn't touch his bottom line, Gu Qingfeng generally didn't bother to bother.

After a while, the dull and long voice of the old monk resounded after many years.

"Guju, long time no see."

"A long time?" Gu Qingfeng laughed. "I don't think so."

Since entering the ancient black hole, Gu Qingfeng has completely forgotten the concept of time. He does not know how long it has elapsed. Even if there is no time in this ancient black hole, it is still an unknown number. Perhaps ten years, centuries, and millennia have passed in the desert It is possible for tens of thousands of years, or the great famine has only passed for a moment, or even after the great famine, the time goes backwards, and it is not impossible to just start the ancient times.

Looking at the chaos-like dead space, Gu Qingfeng asked with curiosity: "Old monk, I have some doubts about why, when I came here before, I can still see the outline here and feel the silence The extinction of the mountain, and even the temple on the mountain, why nothing is felt this time, and the extinction space is like a chaos. "

"Amitabha." The old monk chanted the Buddha and said, "Congratulations, and congratulations."


Gu Qingfeng was puzzled, and asked, "Congratulations to me? Congratulations to me? Where does the joy come from? How do I not know?"

"Congratulations to the ancient dwellers, who have transcended themselves, and congratulated them on finding themselves."

Hear the words.

Gu Qingfeng was even more confused, and said, "This thing is also related to the state of mind? What is the detached self? What is the found self? How do I know that I am detached from the self and found the self?"

"Amitabha, the triple state of mind."

"Ichinoseki, seeing mountains is mountains, watching water is water."

"The Erzhong Pass, seeing mountains is not mountains, and looking at water is not water."

"Mieguanguan, look at mountains and mountains, see water or water."

"This dead space is a chaos. When the ancient dweller was young, his mood was pure. When he first saw it, it was a chaos. As the ancient dweller experienced suffering, his mood was no longer pure, but complicated, and it was no longer seen There was chaos, and what I thought, I wanted to see. "

"Now the ancient dweller's state of mind has transcended himself, returned to the beginning, found himself, and naturally saw the original state of this dead space."

"What do you mean ... is this change in my state of mind a kind of detachment? And it is also a detachment of self, finding the ego?"


Gu Qingfeng was surprised and couldn't help falling into meditation.

This change of mood was accidental. It was completely unexpected. He always felt that all kinds of speculations had inspired his deepest bottom line. Therefore, the lost fighting spirit, faith, including heart qi will return, never thought it would be one. This state of detachment, and the detachment is still the ego, and found the identity.

What is it for me?

If Gu Qingfeng understands, it is the original self, the original self, the original self, and a pure self.

This purity is not purity or spiritual purity, but a purity of mind or nature.

This purity is also different from the purity that was inherently young.

Innate purity is impeccable purity without the world, rather than purity.

Now the purity is more like a purity after suffering.

"It turned out to be the so-called self."

The ancient Qingfeng murmured to himself, it seemed like he understood a lot of things at once, and many doubts in his heart bloomed like flowers.

I also have a deeper understanding of the so-called avenue and the so-called original sin.

I don't know how long.

Gu Qingfeng woke up from the epiphany and admittedly said: "Thank you for your guidance."

"Old man never pointed to the ancient layman, never did."

"Ha! If you say no, there will be no."

Gu Qingfeng was very happy and couldn't help laughing.


The return of the fighting spirit, the physical recovery, and the awakening of the original sin have surprised him. He never thought that he had even surpassed himself and found himself, which made Gu Qingfeng overjoyed.

If the return of the previous fighting spirit had given him the confidence to suppress the consciousness of the three sons of the original sin, such as Abi Wujian Evil Shura, then at this moment, he was detached from himself, and found him who was after him, his confidence was stronger.

Do not!

It's not so easy to suppress.

He even had the confidence to dominate the consciousness of the three sons of the original sin of Abi Inferno.


He is neither vain nor frightened of Capricorns outside the Upper Laozizi Avenue, and now he has the confidence to suppress Capricorns outside the Avenue.

Mo said that Capricorn outside the avenue, even now the ancient nameless come to devour his consciousness, he is not afraid.

This is not arrogance, nor pride, nor is it arrogance.

It's a kind of confidence.

A kind of self-confidence.

A firm belief like a rock.

"Laozi's life is one step at a time, one step at a time ~ ~ Everywhere you go is a cause-effect situation, and your life is full of imagination. You may have to carry a lifelong scapegoat for others, or you may live I have lived for others all my life. I never imagined that his mother's transcendence and ego could find her. "

"Hahaha! How did the old saying come about, the second time? It's the second spring when you are old? Hahaha!"

Gu Qingfeng is so happy.


Although he talked and laughed, his spirit was extremely empty, and he felt alive and boring. He felt tired and exhausted. It was a kind of tiredness that could not be clearly explained. Because of this, he wanted to end it all as soon as possible.

And now the feeling of inexplicable and inexplicable feelings somehow disappeared, and the emptiness of spirit became extremely full, as if living was full of challenges.

A word.


Two words.


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