
Vol 2 Chapter 2546: irony

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The heaven is here, the avenue is here, and if the avenue dies, the heaven will never exist alone.

What a sad word it is.

Although in ancient times, Tiandao overwhelmed the heroes and claimed the top of the avenue, dominating the world, making Sanqian Avenue very dissatisfied.

But none of them can deny the contribution of Tiandao to Dadao, and no one can deny that the 800 days will be the fearless spirit of guarding Tiandao Dadao in the bloodless battle.


Eventually, the heavenly path fell, and 800 days later, the bones of Wudaozun will also be killed.

Tiandao is the last line of defense of the avenue. Tiandao fell, and the so-called avenue fell.

It is exactly the phrase that the 800th day will face when shouting from the Supreme Master: "The heaven is here, the road is here. If the road is dead, the heaven will never exist alone."

Tiandao said so, and so did it.

People have to admire.

Everyone always thought that the 800 days of bloodless battles would be accompanied by the fall of the avenue and would be wiped out. Until the end of the ancient times and Swire opened, everyone knew that the 800 days would not have been wiped out. At least, the battle of the lonely relatives survived.

It is still a mystery as to how the solitary war has survived.

No one knows.

It was thought that only 800 days of war would have survived alone and lonely relatives. Until today, those ancestors of the original sin only knew that it was not only the independent lonely relatives that survived, but also Akabane.

It is just unintelligible that Akabane, one of the eight hundred heavenly generals who guarded the avenue, died of **** battles and infected the original sin.

is this real?

do not know.

Nor did I see Akabane, but after someone saw the old ancestor of the fairy tale Jinlun infecting the original sin, he said that Akabane was also infecting the original sin. No one knows who said it.

There is a way to say nothing, although I have never seen Chiyu Tianjiang, but since some people say so, then there must be some basis, or it is not impossible to meet Chiyu Tianjiang in the ancient times after the collapse of the market.

If this is true, why would the prestigious Akabane sky infect the original sin?

If you want to come, people in other avenues can infect the original sin, more or less understandable.

In the ancient times, most of the original sins were intended to get rid of the constraints of cause and effect, and to control their own destiny. No one would want to seek God the original sin.

The reason is very simple. At that time, the existence of the Supreme Master was too powerful, and they all believed that only the Supreme Master could kill the Three Thousand Avenues and start the Age of the Guardian. Therefore, no one wants to replace it. The era of injustice, so that they are free from the shackles of cause and effect and dominate their own destiny.

There is another reason.

Many people on the Avenue were like the 36-hole Heaven-72 Blessed Land now, while guarding the Avenue, while secretly infecting the original sin, they may not be cause and effect or dominate their own destiny. More It is to prevent it before it happens, and worry that the avenue will really fall and the inheritance will be interrupted.

The avenue is everyone's avenue.

The inheritance is its own heritage.

The avenue fell, and for those ancestors, nothing more than a loss of Taoism.

But if the inheritance is interrupted, then it is not the Taoism that is lost, and it is impossible to survive.

For those ancestors, inheritance is the most important at any time.

This was the case in the ancient times.

Ancient times are no exception.


To say that Akabane will infect the original sin also in the ancient times, which makes people a bit incomprehensible, no! Not incomprehensible, but unacceptable.


Can not accept.

After all, Tiandao is the head of the avenue that dominates everything in the world. Although the old Tiandao swept the three thousand avenues and asked for the avenue, some old guys were very unconvinced, but they were just some old guys. Most of them were still very convinced. Dominating heaven and earth, especially the 800 days of Tiandao that year, honored the **** battle without Tao, and it was even more admirable, and felt that Tiandao was worthy of the name of the head of the avenue.

Now that I know that a general has infected the original sin, just like a **** general who rebelled against his country, is disappointed and angry.

It is no wonder that the ancestors of the original sin came out and saw the ancestors of the immortal giant Jin Lun infecting the original sin. Immediately, they also infected the original sin.

They said this, no doubt to those who hid in the avenue of good magic.

The people who satirize the avenue are nothing more than hypocritical villains.

No wonder.

After the old sins infested the original sin, they have been carrying the insult of betrayal avenues. Now they are watching the immortal giant Jin Lun ancestor and the famous Akabane sky general have also infected the original sin. Naturally I want to take this opportunity He laughed fiercely at the so-called avenue ancestors.

On the court.

The vortex continues to spin.

The sky's breath of original sin became more intense and pure.

At the same time, the ancient ruins in the entire palace space are miraculously recovering, the vitality is getting smaller and smaller, and the vitality is getting stronger and stronger. It is no longer a stationary landscape painting, it is more like the ancient times Reproduced in general, spectacular as miracle, incredible, and incredible.


At this moment, no one has the mood to enjoy the beauty of the ancient times, because with the rotation of the vortex of the palace, the spirit of endless and terrible horror is becoming stronger.

This spirit directly frightens the soul, makes people fear, cannot resist, cannot resist, and even struggles.

Can only bear it.

It can only be left over.

Can only accept **** by fear.

The innumerable original sin body is still retreating, try to stay away from the vortex of the palace. In addition to retreating, the only thing they can do now is to retreat.

If the original sins of the original sins had hope in the original sin, God ~ ~, then the only hope left is gradually dissipating with the retreat.

In particular, watching the ancestors of the original sin appear one after another makes them extremely desperate.

These original sin ancestors are either the original sin itself or the original sin itself, both of which are powerful beings. The number is far beyond imagination. Looking at it, the original sin itself is at least a thousand, and the original sin itself is more than a hundred. There may be the true body of the original sin.

Now that they are unable to withstand the spirit of the vortex of the original sins, how can they compete with these original sin ancestors for the origin of the palace?

The most important thing is that it is only the ancestors of the original sin.

In addition to the original sin ancestors, there are the original sin sons, and the original sin variables.

Once the sons of the original sin and the variables of the original sin emerge, they will have no more opportunities for these original sin laws.

I was thinking of trying my luck. Now it seems that my luck is not easy to touch. Even if I am unwilling, I will have to give up. I can only take the second step. I hope to seize the opportunity of the original sin. field.

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