
Vol 2 Chapter 2562: The ancestor of the green robe

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At this time, the ancestors of the green robe also jumped out and laughed in a yin and yang curiously: "These three masters have been all the way from the ancient times to the ancient times and the ancient times now. Compared to them, the master mouse, the **** operator, the two of you That year, stealing counted a drop of the true blood of the original sin.

Although the master mouse and the **** operator do not want to, but have to admit that the ancestor of the green robe said the truth.

If you think about it, they worked hard to calculate a drop of the true blood of the original sin, and deduced from the ancient times to the present with the three main road lords of Montenegro, and it can only be regarded as a petty fuss, both in terms of deduction and layout. None of them can be compared with the three avenue overlords.

Since the appearance of the three avenue masters in Montenegro, the original sin ancestors on the court have become extremely honest, whether it is a rat master or a **** operator, or a wind monster, a purple flame demon, or a tiger force immortal, or Aoki old immortal. No exception, they may still be called ancestors of the original sin in front of the original sin law body, but in front of the three avenue hegemons such as the old demon of Montenegro, no one dares to overdo it.

I can't say that they are the same as the eight-armed Yan Luo who has been called the son of the original sin.

The identity of his son of original sin is in front of countless original sins, in front of more than one thousand original sins, in front of more than one hundred original sins, and even in the presence of more than a dozen original sins, it is enough to be proud of the heroes.


In front of the three avenue hegemons of the old demon in Montenegro, it seems a lot bleak.

After all, it is his own true body that is integrated into the true blood of the original sin, but the three main road lords of Montenegro, who are integrated into the true blood of the original sin, are nothing but avatars. No one knows how terrible their true body is. Decided.

There are countless ancestors of the original sin in the field. One is counted as one.

One person seemed to be an exception.

Not others.

It is the ancestor of the green robe.

He was wrapped in a green robe, and all his body was glowing with strange green light. If the flames were burning, the smoke was permeating. A pair of evil eyes were like a viper and an abyss in Montenegro. Boss swept around the three avenue overlords.

"Well! It's really hard to see the three masters at once. If the ancestors remembered it correctly, the last time I saw the three masters was at the moment when the era of the insane was opened in the ancient times. I ca n’t think of it for so many years ... Oh! ”

If everyone had doubts about whether the three avenue hegemons of the old monsters in Montenegro had been laid out from the ancient times, then when the ancestors of the green robes said these words, the only suspicion that disappeared also disappeared.

I don't know if the ancestor of the green robe intentionally or unintentionally, his words suddenly made the three old demon of Heishan sit down since the ancient times.


This further shows that the existence of the green robe ancestors is not simple. It can even be said that the green robe ancestors may be the same as the Heishan old demon. They have been all the way from the ancient times to the present, but they have different cloths. The black mountain old demon. They laid the destiny of the avenue, and the ancestor of the green robe did not seem to.

Perhaps the ancestor of the Green Robe also distributed the destiny of the avenue, but his true deity is relatively deep, and no one knows it.

Although the ancestor of the Green Robe only came out in ancient times, many people doubt that he may have been entered into the Huixu that year, but no one knows whether the ancestor of the Green Robe was entered into the Huixu. There is no world, no sun, no moon, and no time or space. Those who are driven into the Hui market know everything but themselves, and it is impossible for them to know the others.

The blue-light ghost emperor, who looked like a weak white-faced scholar, looked at the ancestor of the green robe and said blankly, "How do I remember seeing you in the ancient times?"

"Oh, green lantern! You remember wrong, the old man didn't remember seeing you in the ancient times."

"Really? Could it be a dog trying to stop me from asking for the Destiny of the Avenue in the beginning of Swire?"

After hearing this from the Lantern Ghost Emperor, the **** and stranger next to him asked, "Blue Lantern, he also stopped you from asking for the fate of the Dingdao Avenue at the beginning of the ancient times?"

"Indeed, could he ever stop you?"

Guerlao nodded strangely, and then the two looked at the black mountain old demon like a gentleman. The black mountain old devil looked at the green robe ancestor with a smile and nodded.


In the ancient times, the ancestor of the green robe not only prevented the Qing Deng ghost emperor from claiming the destiny of the avenue, but also blocked the stubborn old man, and even the Montenegro old demon.

Right now.

The ancestors gathered in the vortex of the imperial palace had different expressions, and they even set off a stormy sea.

They were still wondering whether the ancestors of the green robes had been beaten into the ruins. It is not difficult to hear from the conversation of the three lords of the avenue. Instead, it has been hiding in the wilderness, but not only that, when the destiny of the Archaeological Times came, the ancestor of the green robe also organized the three lords of the avenue of Montenegro to ask for the destiny of the avenue.

What does this mean?

This shows that the ancestors of the green robes may be better than the three avenue masters of the old monk of Montenegro, knowing the destiny of the old monk of Montenegro, and then they will block.

If this is the case, then the true ancestor of the ancestor of the green robe is sure to have won the fate of the avenue in the ancient times.

Think of it here.

When many ancestors of the original sin on the field looked at the green ancestors again ~ ~, their eyes were already deeply shocked and shocked.

Knowing the existence of the ancestor of the Green Robe is unfathomable, but I did not expect such a terrible depth.


After being exposed by the three avenue masters of the old demon in Montenegro, the green robe ancestors did not feel embarrassed and did not hide anything, but laughed. "Sorry, it seems that the old man is really old, old Memories are confused. "

He glared at him strangely and said, "You're not old, but you've done too much evil, you're too broad, you're too ambitious!"

The Qing Lantern Emperor said, "Hey, you're wrong. The green robe is not doing too much evil, nor is it too broad. The ambition is too big. In the final analysis, he is too much shit."

"Hah!" The old man looked at the ancestor of the green robe and laughed: "No wonder everyone said that you are the first to stir up the **** stick in the ancient times. You are really worthy, and the ability to stir up **** is getting stronger and stronger. From The ancient wasteland has been stirred up to this ancient day, stirred up the Dao Road, stirred up the heavens, stirred up the blessed land, stirred up the original sin, stirred up the fate of the heavens, stirred up the black hole, stirred up the nine palaces, stirred up the variables, and stirred up the cause and effect. There is no place for you not to stir. "

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