
Vol 2 Chapter 2584: Did you confess your fate?

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Above the lonely peak.

The Daxing epic is also a mysterious mysterious ancestor looking at the face of the original sin in the void, and he did not expect that the ancestor of the mysterious Xuanming will actively provoke the ancient Qingfeng in this section, and found the original sin in the entire space of the palace The ancestors all looked here, and the Daxing epilepsy thought like electricity, thinking about the intention of Xuanming's ancestors.

"I don't know Youdi, can you still remember my husband?"

The mythical ancestor who turned into the face of the original sin twisted and changed in the void, sometimes like a ghost, sometimes cruel like a demon.

Gu Qingfeng has been standing on the lone peak.

A white coat is better than snow, and three thousand black hair is like ink.

The figure is like a sword and is like a peak.

He held his left arm in his right hand, rubbed his chin in his left hand, slightly raised his head, looked at the mysterious ancestor who turned into the face of original sin, and smiled lightly: "Of course, remember that in the ancient black hole, you and I had It ’s a side and I ’m quite impressed. "

"Hahaha! Good! Very good! Very good!"

Xuanming's ancestor laughed and said, "I wonder if Youdi know why everyone is here?"

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said, "I know more or less."

"This change in the palace will affect the original sin and catastrophe. Whether it is the plot of the original sin God or the guardian of the heaven and earth, the ancestors believe that most of them think that you are the so-called palace change."

"so what?"

"What? Hahaha! The ancestors do n’t know if you really do n’t know or are deliberately confused. If you really do n’t know, the ancestors do n’t mind telling you that everyone is waiting now, waiting for the birth of Miyamoto, and once it is born, The spirit of the original sin, if it is closely related to you, they will wipe you out without hesitation, hahaha! It is the same whether it is the original ancestor on the field or the avenue ancestors hiding in all kinds of magical magic. ! "

Gu Qingfeng asked lightly: "So what?"

"So, the ancestors cast their ground on the five bodies you admire, knowing that they are all waiting to obliterate you, but you are indifferent, but otherwise, it seems to be drinking fine wine leisurely."

"Otherwise? What else can be done."

Gu Qingfeng's words fell, and Xuanming's ancestor said, "I heard that before that, the Emperor had told more than once that he had no interest in the original sin, God, and would not ask for it, let alone fight for it. You're not interested either, you don't care about life and death, you just want to end it all as soon as possible, right? "

Gu Qingfeng nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, that's what happened."


Xuanming's ancestor laughed and said, "I have heard that the emperor has already given his fate, and the ancestors didn't believe it. Now it seems that when the Emperor Jiuyou was smiling and proud, the Emperor's Jiuyou Emperor really bowed his head to fate. , Have to say, fate is really terrible! "

The endless ancestors of the original sins in the palace space are holding their breaths and listening carefully. In the meantime, no one interrupted Xuanming's ancestors, because what Xuanming's ancestors said was exactly what they thought.

This is indeed the case.

It is a well-known thing that Gu Qingfeng repeatedly declared that he had no interest in God, the original sin.

Several avenue overlords, such as the Heishan old demon, even knew that the ancient Qingfeng's integration into the true blood of the original sin was not an active struggle, but was forced to do nothing.

Later, the original sin karma fire was ignited in Wudao Mountain, which was also unwilling. Even the wild black hole that was entered was abducted by the monk.

If everyone had doubts about Gu Qingfeng's words before, a series of actions after Gu Qingfeng's entry into the ancient black hole in the desert could be enough to dispel everyone's inner doubt.

Because after entering the ancient black hole, Gu Qingfeng has never snatched any opportunities for original sin, even once. No matter whether the ancestor of the avenue or the temptation of the ancestor of the original sin, Gu Qingfeng ignored it. Besieged, Gu Qingfeng is also an indifferent attitude.

Just ask.

If Gu Qingfeng was interested in the original sin, God, how could he refuse to integrate into the true blood of the original sin?

How could he be abducted into the ancient black hole by a monk, and how could he ignite the desire of the original sin in Wudao Mountain to end with the original sin?

Just ask.

If Gu Qingfeng is interested in the original sin, God, facing various signs and various opportunities for original sin, how can Gu Qingfeng escape?

Faced with the temptations of the ancestors of the original sin, how could they ignore it?

the most important is.

If Gu Qingfeng is interested in God, the original sin, facing the source of the imperial palace that will be born at this moment, knowing that everyone is waiting for an opportunity to obliterate him, how can he always stand on the lonely peak?

There is only one answer.

That is Gu Qingfeng's fate.

As Gu Qingfeng previously said in front of the original sin ancestor of Dadao in the void of Ligong Palace, he has no interest in God, the original sin, even a little bit. He does not yearn for the apocalyptic era, and he is not attached to the Dadao world today He was tired and didn't want to toss anymore. He didn't want life or death, but just ended it all as soon as possible.

That's what he said, and he seems to do the same.

It has always been.

Since his appearance, he has been standing on that lonely peak, drinking fine wine, and like everyone else, waiting for the birth of the source of the palace.

Everyone is waiting for the birth of Ligong Yuanyuan to confirm whether the ancient Qingfeng is the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny.

Ancient Qingfeng seems to be waiting for the birth of Ligong Yuanyuan.

The only difference is.

Once it is confirmed that Gu Qingfeng is the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny, everyone will hesitate to obliterate it at all costs.

And Gu Qingfeng feels like he is waiting to die, waiting to confirm that he is the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny, waiting for everyone to kill him.

That's true.

Gu Qingfeng feels like this.

As for why Gu Qingfeng willingly waited to die ~ ~ the ancestors present could more or less guess one or two.

Some people say that the ancestors of the Avenue have already deduced that Gu Qingfeng is the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny. Therefore, since the appearance of Gu Qingfeng, it has been suppressed, various encircles, various obliterations, various trials, ancient times. At the end of the event, Gu Qingfeng had taken everything away, making him lose his fighting spirit and become weak.

It is also said that many ancestors of the avenues have long been laid out on the ancient Qingfeng, and the cloth is still caused by various causes and effects, such as the saint maiden Su Su, the mother maiden of clouds and the like.

If the road trial is a physical blow to Gu Qingfeng, then the various causal situations that Yun Nishang, Su Shi and others put on Gu Qingfeng are spiritual blows.

Gu Qingfeng may have endured too many physical and mental blows, physically and mentally exhausted. As he said, tired just want to end it all.

It is also said that perhaps Gu Qingfeng, like Qi Qi, realized that the so-called original sin variable was just a **** in the hands of others, and would rather die than want to be used.

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